Game needs important updates & advertisement because player gap decreasing everyday. Honestly, I also got bored. My routine is checking game announcements if there any i'm happy otherwise i don't even bother to play Warmerise anymore because my reason is very clear, game has no balance people still abusing bugs/additionals and most important one is weapon damages are really bad especially auto type.
Consider buffing autos because litereally Warmerise based on Sniper category, using snipers in this game very easy.
Consider giving value to auto weapons, adding different weapon mechanics (burst fire etc) would be awesome.
Consider giving value to clans because having, managing clan in Warmerise beyond the nonsense. We managed KAA~40 clan with our own efforts, we made our own special softwares for registery (member join/leaves kick, blacklist cases) because there is no official support from Warmerise. As you know site does not provide audit-logs or permission setups.
In Nplay game they gave a lot value to clans in that game making clan wasn't easy they had strict rules & criterias i guess you already know this one because you were moderator there.
Making clan wars was really fun there, there were special servers just for clans and the clan that does the most kills in those special servers became the owner of that server. Others clans has to do more kills than current owner of that server to capture leadership. It would be awesome if you can implement something like this for your future updates.
I still don't understand why you did not nerf knives and M67s yet. As for person view abusing third person view still too easy.
I'm using shield but i can't predict or respond to the player's actions because their movements are not sync on my screen. They jumping and shooting, they look like they in front of me from my view of perspective but i am still getting killed by them.
Game needs new things please consider things i wrote above here. I should not use sniper category to counter another sniper/plasma user. If you use auto its difficult to counter sniper user no matter you are in close or long range they always have advantage since using sniper category very easy in Warmerise.
Other important problem here is Paypal. You have to realize that a lot people can not access paypal in their country besides of that i can not access paypal even if i try to use VPN therefore i can not make any purchase. There are a lot alternative payment services and they are secure just like paypal. You need to add alternative services. I can recommend some payment services that i used in my business life if you want.
Wtf, majesty and spacetrooper blowing up my messages, yall 2 stfu and stop aruguwin over nonsense, please! just, ignore each other. I was like spacetrooper too i understand ur pain but just stop talking back to him and just ignore him. Same for u spacetrooper ignore majesty. idk if majesty is a girl. I think so.