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Shield abuse and additionals spam.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 15, 2023 2:04 AM PDT

    @Max, this game is very over run by things like endlessly holding up a shield, camping in a corner with a shield or pulling it up every 2 seconds. And on the additional side of things, can't you do SOMETHING? Make it a 2 sec cooldown per grenade/m67/toma throw or 2 sec cooldown between placing mines? Because seriously it's so absurd that just spamming the v key is becoming everything in this game and it's honestly pathetic... I've suggested for it to be nerfed or removed for so long and you don't listen, and how about the issue of placing a mine on someone's head and running? I've suggested that so long ago to which you said you'll think about it, so??? Where's the answer??? (And there's absolutely no point in pulling up the shield when you still take full damage despite having it pulled up, another issue that you have been neglecting for far too long)... I know half of the community is against removing additionals but it's for 1 simple reason and that is that they only have one thing in their head "farm for czsh, farm for czsh, farm for czsh" additionals give farmers cheap a** kills, so they are heavily in favour of that. Anyway the point I'm trying to make is can't you just disable additionals in elimination or something (if you make it a choice, 99% of the players won't check it because then they don't get cheap kills). Also can you please rework energy usage? it's kinda stupid how you run out of energy from even trying to go to where the fight is then having to fight while being unable to jump or anything else. So can you please at least make energy go down slower? Or bring back grav ammo?

    • 2 posts
    April 15, 2023 2:37 AM PDT

    For real, this Superhuman in sky distracts us with nade spamming and shielding so its impossible to kill, while others kill us from behind.


    • 98 posts
    April 15, 2023 4:20 AM PDT
    • 1178 posts
    April 15, 2023 5:39 AM PDT

    rekted funross lately then started using shield for 4 minutes straight, yet max thinks about "buffing" it 

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 15, 2023 5:47 AM PDT
    There will be a limit added to the Shield in the next update.
    This post was edited by Admin at April 15, 2023 5:48 AM PDT
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 15, 2023 6:36 AM PDT

    How will the limit fix the issue? Btw Max, you made spawn killing possible again, pls fix?

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 15, 2023 9:02 AM PDT
    The spawn shield is deactivated as soon as the player does anything except walk, there is a message at the bottom right corner, above HP, that says when the spawn shield is deactivated.
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 15, 2023 9:07 AM PDT

    Max said: The spawn shield is deactivated as soon as the player does anything except walk, there is a message at the bottom right corner, above HP, that says when the spawn shield is deactivated.

    Sir, sometimes people spawn WITHOUT the shield, so before we can even do anything to disable the "shield" we can get spawnkilled... 

    This post was edited by Eve at April 15, 2023 9:08 AM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 15, 2023 10:29 AM PDT
    You're right, there is a bug with a Spawn Shield in Elimination, will investigate it soon.
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 15, 2023 11:37 AM PDT

    Also can I ask how will the limit fix the issue? And what will you do about the additionals spamming?

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 15, 2023 12:00 PM PDT
    The Shield will use energy while drawn, and will automatically revert to primary when the energy is low (something like 4, it can't be 0, because the energy refills to 1 pretty fast, so players will just instantly switch to the Shield), it will also give BlastGrenade an additional use - temporarily blocking players from using the Shield.
    Regarding the additionals, I might consider making so the players start with just one additional in Elimination, making them less "spamable" and adding an option in ArmorySpot to refill the additionals (of course it will be exploit-proof, for example players will not be able to refill TrapMine if they have one placed at that moment).
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 15, 2023 12:14 PM PDT

    Honestly, just put a cooldown on the shield(so if you put it down once you need to wait 5 sec before you can pull it back up), reduce movement speed more while shield is pulled up and make it use energy. As for additionals, honestly reducing it to 1 is ok, without the option to restock.

    • 114 posts
    April 15, 2023 12:56 PM PDT

    Also can you make shield not block explosive damages. It should reduce explosive damages by -70% or something like that. I have to say shield is really too op mines are useless because of shield.

    • 509 posts
    April 15, 2023 1:04 PM PDT

    Kalamar said:

    Also can you make shield not block explosive damages. It should reduce explosive damages by -70% or something like that. I have to say shield is really too op mines are useless because of shield.

    If that happens so then mines should be nerfed aswell

    • 24 posts
    April 15, 2023 1:38 PM PDT

    Max said: The Shield will use energy while drawn, and will automatically revert to primary when the energy is low (something like 4, it can't be 0, because the energy refills to 1 pretty fast, so players will just instantly switch to the Shield), it will also give BlastGrenade an additional use - temporarily blocking players from using the Shield. Regarding the additionals, I might consider making so the players start with just one additional in Elimination, making them less "spamable" and adding an option in ArmorySpot to refill the additionals (of course it will be exploit-proof, for example players will not be able to refill TrapMine if they have one placed at that moment).


    I dont see the point of reducing additionals. if someone is "spamming" nades, just smap them back no? happnes a lot in doors but its still fun.

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    April 15, 2023 2:16 PM PDT

    kronoschmp said:

    Max said: The Shield will use energy while drawn, and will automatically revert to primary when the energy is low (something like 4, it can't be 0, because the energy refills to 1 pretty fast, so players will just instantly switch to the Shield), it will also give BlastGrenade an additional use - temporarily blocking players from using the Shield. Regarding the additionals, I might consider making so the players start with just one additional in Elimination, making them less "spamable" and adding an option in ArmorySpot to refill the additionals (of course it will be exploit-proof, for example players will not be able to refill TrapMine if they have one placed at that moment).


    I dont see the point of reducing additionals. if someone is "spamming" nades, just smap them back no? happnes a lot in doors but its still fun.

    The additionals change is for the Elimination game mode, not TDM.

    This post was edited by Admin at April 15, 2023 2:17 PM PDT
    • 955 posts
    April 15, 2023 6:53 PM PDT
    Max can you add some buff to the shield? Now the shield will be very weak due to the normal hit delay and now it will use energy? Make a buff to it please. Also for blast grenade, can you make the players go slower? It feels too weak. Also for a buff, can you make buyable ones? Like what I have suggested in the past: plasma buff and blast buff. The shield will be too weak if it will drain energy. And please make the stamina go down slower. With the shield using up energy, you could probably only use it for 10 seconds. Maybe you can add some “cracking state” where the shield takes too much damage (but the bullets should deflect and/or get absorbed into the shield and blast a wave that deals damage depending on how close the enemy is) and then it is automatically put away, “recharges”, then you can use it again after 10 seconds.
    • 955 posts
    April 15, 2023 6:58 PM PDT
    This may be off topic, but can you also add an option for “damage stack”? It’s annoying when you are trying to blow up a car and you see “7 damage to Humvee” spam in the HP corner. I want a option where it just stacks the damage and tells you directly what damage you have dealt.
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 16, 2023 3:54 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Max can you add some buff to the shield? Now the shield will be very weak due to the normal hit delay and now it will use energy? Make a buff to it please. Also for blast grenade, can you make the players go slower? It feels too weak. Also for a buff, can you make buyable ones? Like what I have suggested in the past: plasma buff and blast buff. The shield will be too weak if it will drain energy. And please make the stamina go down slower. With the shield using up energy, you could probably only use it for 10 seconds. Maybe you can add some “cracking state” where the shield takes too much damage (but the bullets should deflect and/or get absorbed into the shield and blast a wave that deals damage depending on how close the enemy is) and then it is automatically put away, “recharges”, then you can use it again after 10 seconds.

    The shield is way too overpowered as is, why does it need a buff?? So it can be spammed more?? Blast grenade disables running, forcing them to walk , if that's not enough for you then might as well make it disable movement and make it OP... 

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 16, 2023 3:55 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: This may be off topic, but can you also add an option for “damage stack”? It’s annoying when you are trying to blow up a car and you see “7 damage to Humvee” spam in the HP corner. I want a option where it just stacks the damage and tells you directly what damage you have dealt.

    Ok this is good.

    • 955 posts
    April 16, 2023 7:31 AM PDT
    Well my experience of the shield sucks. I pull it out and I die. I pull it out again before someone shoots and someone just jumps over me (doesn’t matter if it’s by gravity gun or not), I turn around, and die. There needs to at least be deflecting bullets feature, since that makes since for a shield I guess. Also when I throw the blast grenade the enemy still sprints and jumps (might be because it barely hits them, but still it seems useless). That’s just my take on those two
    • 287 posts
    April 16, 2023 7:44 AM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    Well my experience of the shield sucks. I pull it out and I die. I pull it out again before someone shoots and someone just jumps over me (doesn’t matter if it’s by gravity gun or not), I turn around, and die. There needs to at least be deflecting bullets feature, since that makes since for a shield I guess. Also when I throw the blast grenade the enemy still sprints and jumps (might be because it barely hits them, but still it seems useless). That’s just my take on those two

    What you have is the at this point very old delay issue its not the shild that is weak. But there are people that sit e.g. in close spaces, with trapmines on every entrance, on the wall with shild out. Wait till you come in shoot every bullet or get hit with mine to than close shild spamm their weapon and kill you. Bc of delay you can't really do much bc this person already hit you 3 times till on your end see the shild was closed.

    If those allways have shild out people get a buffed shild, they are unbearable and most annoying. *they are already pretty anyoing bc you can't do much to them*
  • April 16, 2023 8:14 AM PDT
    What about removing shield entirely and instead increase movement speed even more and reduce additionals damage to 50% (for nanocompressors)
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at April 16, 2023 8:54 AM PDT
    • 955 posts
    April 16, 2023 8:52 AM PDT
    Bruh, you are glad mines in this game don’t blow off your legs like real mines. I can deal with shield spammers and you guys can clearly not. No offense. But here is the thing, the problem is that everyone is sitting in a corner. Just drag him (or her) out of the corner and shoot or knife/melee. What I mean is use a grenade (or if you don’t have a grenade just run up to them and knife them in the head. If that doesn’t work just teabag them until they get annoyed and pull a knife out, then stab them). If they are in mid battle (not in a corner) you always get jumped over and shot or stabbed. If you could at least bump them back by hitting them with the shield. Since now it’s gonna be too weak due to stamina drain. There has to be some buff to it too, like deflecting bullets, and/or repelling melee hits (does 50% less damage than the weapon itself. Like for knife, it could do 25 damage since 50 damage is too strong for a repel)
    • 1178 posts
    April 16, 2023 9:04 AM PDT

    i rather play roblox than a game made by mister speistrooper