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    • 8 posts
    December 26, 2023 2:57 AM PST

    Just curious why theres so many toxic players in the game like bro cmon u cant even aim correctly and control recoil and u wanna have higher  ground while being excessively toxic because the other guy is better also what about unreg players these days why players have so many fantasies for playing as guest 

    This post was edited by Alwaysdid at December 26, 2023 3:07 AM PST
    • 8 posts
    December 26, 2023 7:05 PM PST

    TERMINATOR1000 said:

    Toxicity is a common problem in all games. The number of players in itself does not cause toxicity. The number of players is not the reason. The reasons for toxicity are psychological. Everything we do online depends on our mind. We have made society like our mind and it is reflected on the internet. You talk about the number of players as a reason of toxicity, but I do not see it as a reason. I claim that there is approximately the same amount of toxicity in all gaming communities regardless of how big or small the community is. The reasons for toxicity are deep in the human mind.

    (Edit) This was my reply to the person I discussed it with. The person deleted their own reply or the creator of the topic deleted the reply, if that is possible.

    real and correct Im aware of toxicity in all gaming communities and actually the browser gamers line is true as well for many times I have seen it now so I mute / block them at first rather then having a convo and play my own match atleast till Im not toxic towards them for my particular gamer ethics and No I didnt deleted "epictrolls" replies

    • 445 posts
    December 26, 2023 7:22 PM PST
    Alwaysdid said:

    TERMINATOR1000 said:

    Toxicity is a common problem in all games. The number of players in itself does not cause toxicity. The number of players is not the reason. The reasons for toxicity are psychological. Everything we do online depends on our mind. We have made society like our mind and it is reflected on the internet. You talk about the number of players as a reason of toxicity, but I do not see it as a reason. I claim that there is approximately the same amount of toxicity in all gaming communities regardless of how big or small the community is. The reasons for toxicity are deep in the human mind.

    (Edit) This was my reply to the person I discussed it with. The person deleted their own reply or the creator of the topic deleted the reply, if that is possible.

    real and correct Im aware of toxicity in all gaming communities and actually the browser gamers line is true as well for many times I have seen it now so I mute / block them at first rather then having a convo and play my own match atleast till Im not toxic towards them for my particular gamer ethics and No I didnt deleted "epictrolls" replies

    He just completely ignored my point while typing his own essay so i deleted them lol
    • 8 posts
    December 27, 2023 4:07 AM PST

    Cmon E-lafda(e-fight) Senor Terminator1k vs epictroll

    • 136 posts
    December 27, 2023 7:36 AM PST

    I was talking on Fortnite with a kid the other day about toxicity, he had kicked another member of the party cuz he was saying disrespectful things about both of us. Fortnite is a free game like this one so it has some of the same problems Terminator was briefly talking about. The kid said that at his school a kid almost got knifed because he was a white kid and was saying the n-word. He said that he was also a bully in school but stopped because he was punished. He said basically that if you are bullying then you eventually get what is coming to you and you should never bully someone no matter what.

    One of the first shooter games I ever really got into was Destiny, I played it on the Playstation 3 and loved it so much. But one of the really great things about that game was that totally random would request to join your party and they would hard carry you through a mission or two, giving you advice along the way. This only happened for me on Playstation when I tryed to play Destiny on Xbox actually no one ever joined my party. That Playstation community really made me start to enjoy shooter games and I remember those days with great joy.

    Toxicity is a problem with all games, BUT Fortnite recently added a mechanic that makes it so you can report the last few minutes of your team's conversation. I think this is a great step in the right direction for trying to end toxicity.

    So toxicity is not always a big problem with gaming communities but it is a clear and present danger and can even lead some people to suicide. If there is not really a clear solution to bullying but we should always try to do what we can about it and stand up to bullys and lift up others instead of trying to tear them down. 

  • December 27, 2023 9:51 AM PST
    Toxicity mainly comes from toxic people.
    • 8 posts
    December 27, 2023 10:27 AM PST
    And I don't want to start any conflict or fight between terminator1000 and epic troll that was just a popular meme