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Discussion about Adding new Update?

    • 13 posts
    January 26, 2024 1:46 AM PST

    OKE lemme get dis Straight. So me don knoh if New Owner can add Something, or NEW Update. i think Hackers can farm more then enuf players. so I Know people that hacks would sometimes harms or bully us with words. so i added sum suggestion (again for new updates , its just my opinion) SOH Sum people needed New Weapons . Since Plasma pistol or whatever idk what it named, it was added from 2023. and i dont really seem to see people using 'em these days. So i think the frist Suggestion would be New Weapon.

    NEXT! Should we add an Anti Hack? Like those hackers usually farms us easily. we dont want to be killed by the same person over, over, and over again right? Anti Hack can tell us that the HACKERS are ACTUALLY hacking. Hackers are ALMOST cannot be Kicked out instantly bcuz the Hackers, those people may would probably smart (Not smart as their brain but smart to be NOTCAUGHT . and they can get free Headshots, or smth else.) Anti Hack can also Protect us by NOT LETTING THE HACKERS TARGET THE BIG BRAIN OF THOSE INNOCENT PPL (aka Not letting them getting free headshots) And also not letting them get Torso Damage. they can only aim for Limbs. they also cannot get free instant kill just by KiLLiN sUm LiMbS. So the Second suggestion is Anti Hack.

    After that. I guess we Need sum New Modes (i have added New Modes suggestion on poll few days or  weeks ago go search it urself -_-)

    Except.. if the New Owner(s) aint workin.. this game could be a Full Hackers game (Many Hackers, Innocent ppl 3-5+ left..) I Have no more hope. the only choice i can do is quiting.. Other ppl(innocents) could possibly leave too.. bc they are tired that they are being killed over and over and having most deaths or more deaths then the kill they make. but i am pretty happy if sum of 'em aint giving up tho :D. (maybe they wanna suffer here - JUS KIDDING )  


    Third Suggestion is New Update And that is by adding MOREEEEEEEE on le TABS Not just UI GLOBAL BLAH BLAH BLAH. ADD MOREH (only if they want to :/


    Fourth Suggestion is New Player skin/Custom skins for player not just Colon trooper (i still dunno how to type or smth DX) 

    Fifith Suggestion is We dont just need Killstreak or Multkill to show our skills and Decorate our Stats so that everybody see our SKILLS THAT WE ARE BEST. NO. We could use them for more useful things actually. tbh we could add sum SuperPower for those killstreaks or Multkill we kill or have.. (I Stole this idea from other game actually... Hehe dont tell anybody )




    And i think that is all my suggestion.. What do u say ? And what suggestion would you prefer?

    I Dont think the owner would make it But we needa Voice Vote so we can tell the Owner or else we put a Big Fight in this Warmerise.. I am 

    Serious ._. If the owner is too lazy there is a possibilties that we put a big fight in this Warmerise, or quit, or something that is more worse..


    Thats all. thank you :D




    • 13 posts
    January 26, 2024 1:47 AM PST

    Do you have more Opinion? 

    • 149 posts
    January 26, 2024 4:11 AM PST

    This is great, but...


    When an big advertisment company owns a game, typically they don't care about the game, as long as it brings in enough revenue to justify operation costs. Any updates we see will either be updating the ads displayed on this site, or critical security updates so the ad comapny doesn't get their own data leaked. We probably won't see any game updates for a long time, if ever (unless someone who cares about warmerise buys the game back and restarts development). 


    Also, about anti-hacks. Again, we need to assume greedy corporate ad companies, so that will probably only get implemented if it directly hurts their revenue, like some form of abusive adblock, idk. 



    IMO, honestly if you want new updates, you're better off making your own warmerise game :)

    • 13 posts
    January 26, 2024 8:32 PM PST

    Stoplookin9 said:

    This is great, but...


    When an big advertisment company owns a game, typically they don't care about the game, as long as it brings in enough revenue to justify operation costs. Any updates we see will either be updating the ads displayed on this site, or critical security updates so the ad comapny doesn't get their own data leaked. We probably won't see any game updates for a long time, if ever (unless someone who cares about warmerise buys the game back and restarts development). 


    Also, about anti-hacks. Again, we need to assume greedy corporate ad companies, so that will probably only get implemented if it directly hurts their revenue, like some form of abusive adblock, idk. 



    IMO, honestly if you want new updates, you're better off making your own warmerise game :)


    I See... i suppose the Owner did not care about the games. If only Max didint sell this game i would exactly get more ideas than these.. but the reality and fact will never go away. and about making my own warmerise game, idont even know how to make games ._.

    And Anti-Hack. i understand the things you said about it. thank you for the opinion, or something you have thought for. Ah yes i also agree if there is someone that cares about warmerise buys the game back and restart the development. but that only happen if there is a possibilities about it.

    This post was edited by foxland2022 at January 30, 2024 12:53 AM PST
  • Ill
    • 31 posts
    January 26, 2024 9:38 PM PST

    Kamu adalah anakku -__-

    • 13 posts
    January 26, 2024 9:51 PM PST

    Ill said:

    Kamu adalah anakku -__-

    Bruh not at a forum you ladyboi ._. everybody can translate it 

    • 2126 posts
    January 29, 2024 8:13 AM PST

    The game was bought-out. There will likely be no new updates as the current owners are probably just using the site to farm ad impressions.

    • 127 posts
    January 29, 2024 9:05 AM PST
    aku ayahmu
    • 13 posts
    January 30, 2024 12:50 AM PST

    Avalon said:

    The game was bought-out. There will likely be no new updates as the current owners are probably just using the site to farm ad impressions.

    Hm.. i think the New owner is Greedy to our game, they seem to not care about our problems..  if the new Owner used the site to farm ad impression, then wouldn't that be such an arrogant to not care about our problems,condition, or even IF the Nowadays's critical condition. Max should not have sell the Warmerise Before looking at the New Owner's behaviour. but for real, i am starting to have an unfair feeling to the new owner. but if there is a Possibilities that the new owner IS actually doing something and they are just slow, i would be waiting. but we havent know that the new owner is actually doing something or actually using this site to farm ad impressions right? but yes, i agree that if the new owner want to make something they should have telling us first that there will be an update. but idk about the new owner is doing smth these days.. i mean, we cant see whad they see right? 

    This post was edited by foxland2022 at January 30, 2024 12:51 AM PST
    • 13 posts
    January 30, 2024 12:54 AM PST

    pokemonster said:

    aku ayahmu


    • 97 posts
    January 30, 2024 2:53 AM PST

    I mean... there can only be two possibilities really:

    1. The new owner indeed doesn't want to improve the game and just wants to farm money - either through ad revenue or in-game money purchases

    2. The new owner actually does work behind the scenes on ways to improve the game - we just don't know about it.


    What irritates me is the way how this whole selling went. Max didn't care to inform us here. For us, he went radio silence sometime in June 2023 and he never came back. It was only a few months later (in November) when he mentioned on his X/twitter account that Warmerise had been acquired by someone else. So far, the new owner (Tactics Network LLC/Bioniclogic Inc)... didn't care to inform us here or anywhere else. Remember: The game was sold in or around November 2023. It's nearly February 2024 now.

    • 442 posts
    January 30, 2024 9:32 AM PST

    DeadArt said:

    I mean... there can only be two possibilities really:

    1. The new owner indeed doesn't want to improve the game and just wants to farm money - either through ad revenue or in-game money purchases

    2. The new owner actually does work behind the scenes on ways to improve the game - we just don't know about it.


    What irritates me is the way how this whole selling went. Max didn't care to inform us here. For us, he went radio silence sometime in June 2023 and he never came back. It was only a few months later (in November) when he mentioned on his X/twitter account that Warmerise had been acquired by someone else. So far, the new owner (Tactics Network LLC/Bioniclogic Inc)... didn't care to inform us here or anywhere else. Remember: The game was sold in or around November 2023. It's nearly February 2024 now.

    XDDDDD (option 2.)

    • 13 posts
    January 31, 2024 12:22 AM PST

    DeadArt said:

    I mean... there can only be two possibilities really:

    1. The new owner indeed doesn't want to improve the game and just wants to farm money - either through ad revenue or in-game money purchases

    2. The new owner actually does work behind the scenes on ways to improve the game - we just don't know about it.


    What irritates me is the way how this whole selling went. Max didn't care to inform us here. For us, he went radio silence sometime in June 2023 and he never came back. It was only a few months later (in November) when he mentioned on his X/twitter account that Warmerise had been acquired by someone else. So far, the new owner (Tactics Network LLC/Bioniclogic Inc)... didn't care to inform us here or anywhere else. Remember: The game was sold in or around November 2023. It's nearly February 2024 now.

    Hm hm Yes yes.. Its only 2 possibilities.. but what if..? there is another mysterious possibilities? MEH WE DOWNT KNOWH YET. what if we just wait for next month ? (February or end of March) . if the Owner has not done anything untill end of march, the Very First possibilities that you have mentioned can be true.. But we never know what will happen. what if we wait? the second Possibilieties may also be true. We shall have patience in this situation