Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

New Bugs.

    • 10 posts
    September 13, 2017 12:25 PM PDT

    I cant shooting >.<

    • 10 posts
    September 13, 2017 12:26 PM PDT

    • 10 posts
    September 13, 2017 12:26 PM PDT


    • 10 posts
    September 13, 2017 12:27 PM PDT


    • 10 posts
    September 13, 2017 12:28 PM PDT

  • September 13, 2017 1:34 PM PDT

    fyi none of these are new.

    • 538 posts
    September 13, 2017 2:33 PM PDT

    Mercury said:

    fyi none of these are new.

    Still worth reporting.

  • September 13, 2017 3:53 PM PDT


    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2017 12:03 PM PDT

    İS İT OLD ?

    • 10 posts
    September 14, 2017 12:04 PM PDT

    chronospectrum said:

    Mercury said:

    fyi none of these are new.

    Still worth reporting.

    Chrono help :(

  • September 14, 2017 2:53 PM PDT

    0_0 damn... MAX!!!!

    • 136 posts
    October 19, 2017 5:59 AM PDT

    This guy was on the ground, the shoots hurt him, but he did not die, I do not know if he could kill us because he was off.

    This post was edited by Lukaser69 at October 26, 2017 2:54 PM PDT
  • Iss
    • 20 posts
    January 14, 2018 6:37 AM PST

    Can Someone Help Me Every Time I'm Going To Play Wamerise Does The Look Have It As A Lag Does It Come Back And Stick !?

    • 609 posts
    January 14, 2018 11:51 AM PST

    Keler2017 said:

    Can Someone Help Me Every Time I'm Going To Play Wamerise Does The Look Have It As A Lag Does It Come Back And Stick !?

    can you please explain better whats your problem?

    • 1 posts
    January 23, 2018 8:46 AM PST

    Every time i launch Warmerise it gets stuck at the server list about 10 seconds and when I try to join a server it completely freezes at the connecting stage... My network is not the problem, so what could it be?


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    January 23, 2018 8:47 PM PST

    caticid3 said:

    Every time i launch Warmerise it gets stuck at the server list about 10 seconds and when I try to join a server it completely freezes at the connecting stage... My network is not the problem, so what could it be?

    That's a known bug, will be fixed in the next update

    • 136 posts
    January 24, 2018 3:31 AM PST

    well,since this Monday I'm having problems to post my skins, or my image is not being sent, or sometimes I can not type the name of the skin or even when I can upload it does not result in anything and I can not even return to the menu main.What can it be? help!

    • 8 posts
    April 1, 2018 11:08 AM PDT

    Please Modérators help me, i can join a game, i can shitch weaponts BUT i can't move and suicide.
    I tried to disconnect, connection (go and return to the game but no it does not work) and I tried to change the map but no I remain frozen in the air or in the ground Please help me and I love to play this game please. thank you for reading this message.

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    April 1, 2018 4:28 PM PDT

    Destruktor said:

    Please Modérators help me, i can join a game, i can shitch weaponts BUT i can't move and suicide.
    I tried to disconnect, connection (go and return to the game but no it does not work) and I tried to change the map but no I remain frozen in the air or in the ground Please help me and I love to play this game please. thank you for reading this message.

    Can you try again? Let me know if you still experience this issue

    • 13 posts
    April 3, 2018 8:41 AM PDT  Bug of Chat

    This post was edited by BlueKing69 at April 3, 2018 8:42 AM PDT
    • 68 posts
    May 16, 2018 7:11 PM PDT

    When I am reloading, then I see an enemy trying to kill me I switch weapons, but it keeps reloading on the new weapon.  but doesn't actually do anything, and I can't shoot. It has killed me a lot of times. Plz, fix.