A clan founded by IDeccaL in 2016,
In 2016 we have achieved a lot of success.
I hope we will continue with success in the present
We will portray warmerise as a TR.WAR clan

Our mission at TRWAR clan is to sustain and promote good gaming, sportsmanship, loyalty and honesty in the lives of gamers all over the world. We plan to achieve this mission, primarily, by allowing members to play games in a competitive yet friendly environment.
Through these interactions, we hope to give our members a sense of belonging, while also promoting teamwork. We believe that in doing so, we are helping these members to achieve their highest potential in game and in life. Our officers and leaders are committed volunteers that provide support to our members anytime it is needed.
We Don't Want İnsults
our aim The friendship and friendship environments are the clan documents for the future and the good players are on our way to proceed with confident steps. It is to consolidate experience and experience for the unified clan system in the near future. Also, do not hesitate to contact us, including our community.

1) Unannounced Clan War is Forbidden.
2) Abuse And Insulting Is Forbidden.
3) The word of the competent persons will be listened.
4) Bad Habits Will Not Be Definitely.

►No Trolling - Do not troll anyone, as it violents the code of TRWAR Trolling anybody will get you a consequence, leading to demotions, or if the trolling is serious, removal of clan.
►No Multi-Clanning - Do not be in any clans in TRWAR. However, fun clans are allowed. If we see you multi-clanning, we'll automatically remove you from the clan. If you're applying to TRWAR, while being in another clan, you'll automatically get rejected.
►No Sharing Information - Do not share any private Have information. What's meant to be kept in Mercy, remains there. It violents our Code of TRWAR, being truthful, and not lieing. You'll be removed from the clan without any warning.
►No Insulting - Do not insult anyone. It violents our code of Best, being "respectful". However, defending is different if needed and we're family, it happens. If we see you excessively insulting someone, you'll be warned.
►No MultiClan or share sites. It violents our code of TRWAR "truthful". If we see you , you'll automatically be kicked from the clan, and be reported to a moderator of.
►No Spamming - Please do not spam the clan thread, as it may confuse council who is applying, and confuse applicants by clan news, and recruitment freezes. Also, do not spam the clan wall. Best the clan wall to post new updates, and see newly joined members.