can we make it so that we can create our own player model for something on all device chrome book windows mac
and we could add new guns ya know
make special events on fridays like a battle royale becomes availible
Why are the prices so high like The prices are made for people that constantly play this game like there are a lot of things people would like to add to the game and we cant do like make a map if we are on google chrome books
chronospectrum said: I'm not adding commentary here, just converting this post into a reasonable list: -allow us to create our own player models. -add new guns. -weekly special events, every Friday for example. -add a battle Royale gamemode -reduce weapon prices, they're out of reach for people who can't constantly play. -you can't make maps in chromebooks (commentary: this is why you don't buy chromebooks) Edit: holy crap, you can post in the news and announcements subforum now??
I like battle royale