Is it a good buy? I always look for high DPS as I mostly don't miss my shots when I tap shoot or ADS.
Should i pick LSMG3?
How many bullets does that carry with the current mag included? compare that with Rail?
I only see myself using Snipers on maps like Base and Skygates and sniper only maps. So.. If i indeed save for a rail and picked it up..
I see no point in using rail when we quick peek.. as it and the regular bolt action sniper (lls12m?) would be the same in that case.
I need to know how many bullets each gun has and your experience with them. :D
Thanks in advance for the input!
No I do not prefer G36 and I think it is a inferior compared to carbine scientifically. (period) [Except for the scope]
My aim is of such a type that I can manage with carbine's IronSight. I'm looking towards something for my arsenal for long range.
How many bullets does LSMG3 have vs RailRifle.
Is there a bullet speed for any of them? or are they like plasma?
Thanks for your input!
Do provide me info on why i should get G36 if you think I am wrong.
It's all down to personal preferance, I like the Rail Rifle because
a) 1 shot to head, 2 shots to body, and 3 shots to limbs.
b) Has a high dps, compared to the L115A3.
c) Reliable in most situations.
Although, the Rail Rifle only has 5 bullets, so I recommend aiming for the head most of the time.
they both suck, LSMG is weaker than carbine& G36 , rail is same as l11 only that other ppl will see your shots so you will need to change spots after every kill.
just buy plasma