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|[Legion]| Official Recruitment Thread

    • 289 posts
    February 13, 2017 5:45 AM PST

    JpArmia245 said:

    Coldzer00 if you remember me i was on your clan before the update and my profile picture is the proof so if you want to add me again you can,thanks for reading

    yea Bro :D

    I remember ya

  • February 13, 2017 10:24 AM PST

    pipipi said:

    JpArmia245 said:

    Coldzer00 if you remember me i was on your clan before the update and my profile picture is the proof so if you want to add me again you can,thanks for reading

    yea Bro :D

    I remember ya


    • 1 posts
    February 13, 2017 4:09 PM PST

    -User: DarkCris

    - Years:
    - Country: Venezuela
    - Gender: Male

    - History of the clan and why they left their previous clans: I left my previous clans because I always wanted to enter the Legion before it closed Warmerise

    - Who / where did you hear about us? : I was seeing in the section of clans and left Legion and also because I saw agutin10 in a server using the clan

    * - Why do you want to join [Legion] | ?: Because it is a clan that the players are respected and are loyal to the clan and because I always wanted to enter Legion
    * - What does loyalty mean to you ?: loyalty to me is a family that will never betray you
    * - What does [Legion] | Clan means to you: For me the Legion clan is the best clan and it would be an honor to be a member of the Legion clan
    * - What is your goal with | [Legion] | ?: Reach the maximum of my potential to be able to lead the clan to make Clan number 1 of Warmerise
    * - What makes you different from the other players ?: Nothing we are all equal but some strive to be top
    * - What is your weekly game schedule ?: each day I play 3 or 4 hours depending on the classes
    * - Have you ever played with a member of | [Legion] |?: If I have played with a clan member before the game was closed and I have also played with a clan member
    * - Did you read our rules correctly and understood them ?: Yes, and I am willing to meet all

  • February 14, 2017 8:49 AM PST

    pipipi said:

    JpArmia245 said:

    Coldzer00 if you remember me i was on your clan before the update and my profile picture is the proof so if you want to add me again you can,thanks for reading

    yea Bro :D

    I remember ya


    Wait a moment.... You are Rihardulis ? Damn miss you a lot bro !

    • 3 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:10 AM PST


    -Username: xSofiia

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Argentine
     - Gender :15

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is |[L]|

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  Love the clan <3

    * - Why should a person be loyal ?Yes :D

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? The Best Clan!

    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? Play !!

    * - What makes you different from others players ? Nothing.

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes profeta and Coldzer00

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them Yup !!!


    Good Luck =) !!!


    • 281 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:13 AM PST
    xSofiia said:


    -Username: xSofiia

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Argentine
     - Gender :15

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is |[L]|

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  Love the clan <3

    * - Why should a person be loyal ?Yes :D

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? The Best Clan!

    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? Play !!

    * - What makes you different from others players ? Nothing.

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes profeta and Coldzer00

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them Yup !!!


    Good Luck =) !!!


    Pasame pack y accepted
    • 107 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:15 AM PST

    EpicTroll2 said:
    xSofiia said:


    -Username: xSofiia

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Argentine
     - Gender :15

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is |[L]|

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  Love the clan <3

    * - Why should a person be loyal ?Yes :D

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? The Best Clan!

    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? Play !!

    * - What makes you different from others players ? Nothing.

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes profeta and Coldzer00

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them Yup !!!


    Good Luck =) !!!


    Pasame pack y accepted

    Nah shes rejected! Incorrectly answered questions.

    Result : Rejected

    • 3 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:17 AM PST

    EpicTroll2 said:
    xSofiia said:


    -Username: xSofiia

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Argentine
     - Gender :15

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is |[L]|

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    Sabes que te pasare? EL BANNED.


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  Love the clan <3

    * - Why should a person be loyal ?Yes :D

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? The Best Clan!

    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? Play !!

    * - What makes you different from others players ? Nothing.

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes profeta and Coldzer00

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them Yup !!!


    Good Luck =) !!!


    Pasame pack y accepted

    • 3 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:18 AM PST

    EpicTrool Sabes que te pasare? EL BANNED..

    • 6 posts
    February 14, 2017 9:21 AM PST

    xSofiia said:


    -Username: xSofiia

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Argentine
     - Gender :15

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is |[L]|

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  Love the clan <3

    * - Why should a person be loyal ?Yes :D

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? The Best Clan!

    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? Play !!

    * - What makes you different from others players ? Nothing.

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes profeta and Coldzer00

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them Yup !!!


    Good Luck =) !!!

    Nah shes rejected! Incorrectly answered questions.

    Result : Rejected Sorry


    • 67 posts
    February 14, 2017 10:01 AM PST
    Automatic Added.
    This post was edited by KingOfMan at February 16, 2017 2:44 PM PST
    • 6 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:28 PM PST

    DarkCris said:

    -User: DarkCris

      - Years:
      - Country: Venezuela
      - Gender: Male

    - History of the clan and why they left their previous clans: I left my previous clans because I always wanted to enter the Legion before it closed Warmerise

    - Who / where did you hear about us? : I was seeing in the section of clans and left Legion and also because I saw agutin10 in a server using the clan

    * - Why do you want to join [Legion] | ?: Because it is a clan that the players are respected and are loyal to the clan and because I always wanted to enter Legion
    * - What does loyalty mean to you ?: loyalty to me is a family that will never betray you
    * - What does [Legion] | Clan means to you: For me the Legion clan is the best clan and it would be an honor to be a member of the Legion clan
    * - What is your goal with | [Legion] | ?: Reach the maximum of my potential to be able to lead the clan to make Clan number 1 of Warmerise
    * - What makes you different from the other players ?: Nothing we are all equal but some strive to be top
    * - What is your weekly game schedule ?: each day I play 3 or 4 hours depending on the classes
    * - Have you ever played with a member of | [Legion] |?: If I have played with a clan member before the game was closed and I have also played with a clan member
    * - Did you read our rules correctly and understood them ?: Yes, and I am willing to meet all

    Accepted Speak With Coldzer00

    • 67 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:44 PM PST
    Agutin10 said:

    DarkCris said:

    -User: DarkCris

      - Years:
      - Country: Venezuela
      - Gender: Male

    - History of the clan and why they left their previous clans: I left my previous clans because I always wanted to enter the Legion before it closed Warmerise

    - Who / where did you hear about us? : I was seeing in the section of clans and left Legion and also because I saw agutin10 in a server using the clan

    * - Why do you want to join [Legion] | ?: Because it is a clan that the players are respected and are loyal to the clan and because I always wanted to enter Legion
    * - What does loyalty mean to you ?: loyalty to me is a family that will never betray you
    * - What does [Legion] | Clan means to you: For me the Legion clan is the best clan and it would be an honor to be a member of the Legion clan
    * - What is your goal with | [Legion] | ?: Reach the maximum of my potential to be able to lead the clan to make Clan number 1 of Warmerise
    * - What makes you different from the other players ?: Nothing we are all equal but some strive to be top
    * - What is your weekly game schedule ?: each day I play 3 or 4 hours depending on the classes
    * - Have you ever played with a member of | [Legion] |?: If I have played with a clan member before the game was closed and I have also played with a clan member
    * - Did you read our rules correctly and understood them ?: Yes, and I am willing to meet all

    Accepted Speak With Coldzer00

    I think no
    • 8 posts
    February 17, 2017 3:12 AM PST

    -Username: ItzPyro

    -Country: Singapore

    -Age: 11

    -Gender: Male


    -Clan History, |[Prox]| because it was inactive

    -Loyalty means respecting the clan and playing respectfully.

    -The Legion Clan is honestly a very respectful and respective clan.

    -I want to achieve at least the Top 50.

    -I play Growtopia, 8 Ball Pool and Warmerise.

    -I've played with Clasher123.


    This post was edited by ItzPyro at February 17, 2017 3:15 AM PST
    • 185 posts
    February 17, 2017 7:46 AM PST

    ItzPyro said:

    -Username: ItzPyro

    -Country: Singapore

    -Age: 11

    -Gender: Male


    -Clan History, |[Prox]| because it was inactive

    -Loyalty means respecting the clan and playing respectfully.

    -The Legion Clan is honestly a very respectful and respective clan.

    -I want to achieve at least the Top 50.

    -I play Growtopia, 8 Ball Pool and Warmerise.

    -I've played with Clasher123.


    Okay Application seem okay but you have to write em properly like this not your own way. Write This Way:                          -Username: 

     - Age :
     - Country :
     - Gender :

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:
    - From who/where did you hear about us? :

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? 
    * - What does loyalty means to you?
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? 
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? 
    * - What makes you different from others players ?  
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|?
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them?

    This post was edited by Clasher123 at February 17, 2017 7:46 AM PST
    • 185 posts
    February 17, 2017 7:49 AM PST

    Important Things You All Members Need To Know While Requesting In The Clan, And Writing A Form. Thank you!

    This post was edited by Clasher123 at February 17, 2017 7:50 AM PST
    • 8 posts
    February 17, 2017 5:08 PM PST

    Username: ItzPyro
    - Age :11
    - Country : Singapore
    - Gender : Male

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:|[Prox]|, because I wanted to join Legion.
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : I've played with people from the Legion clan and I was interested.

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? Because I've always wanted to join |[Legion]| since I found out about it.
    * - What does loyalty means to you? Loyalty means respecting one another in matches.
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? It means a lot to me as this clan is a very respectful clan. 
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? To reach at least the Top 50.
    * - What makes you different from others players ? I always use a Shotgun.
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? I mostly play Warmerise, Growtopia and 8 Ball Pool.
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes.

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them? Yes.

    • 611 posts
    February 18, 2017 6:30 AM PST

    Unfortunately i don't meet some of the criteria, so i am unsure whether to send request or not.


    I am in 15+ clans

    I have 2 accounts

    And i don't think i have the time for it- especially the 2 hours part

    • 611 posts
    February 18, 2017 6:44 AM PST

    -Username: StarWarsCrazy

    - Age :47
    - Country :United States
    - Gender :Female

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:I am in many clans, but never left any
    - From who/where did you hear about us? :I played with a player from the clan once

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? Because i like clans and the name is catchy
    * - What does loyalty means to you?Loyalty is everything to me
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? Legion... it means a lot to me too
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? My goal is to make friends in the clan
    * - What makes you different from others players ? I am different from other players because i can be short tempered sometimes
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? my usual schedule: m-f: 600am- 6:45am/300pm-700pm sat-sun: usually all day
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|?once
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them?yes


    • 24 posts
    February 18, 2017 10:58 AM PST

     -Username: Cerberus63

     - Age :16
     - Country :turkey
     - Gender :male

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:
    I do not think I'm going to be right now

    - From who/where did you hear about us? :no

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? because good clan
    * - What does loyalty means to you? everything

    * - What makes you different from others players ?   

    Best of all I can enter my teste I can ws with my partner

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? alled day
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? yes ustafanveed an 5 6 people
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them?yes

    • 107 posts
    February 18, 2017 11:09 AM PST

    Cerberus63 said:

     -Username: Cerberus63

     - Age :16
     - Country :turkey
     - Gender :male

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:
    I do not think I'm going to be right now

    - From who/where did you hear about us? :no

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? because good clan
    * - What does loyalty means to you? everything

    * - What makes you different from others players ?   

    Best of all I can enter my teste I can ws with my partner

    * - What is your weekly play schedule? alled day
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? yes ustafanveed an 5 6 people
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them?yes

    Application Accepted.!

    A poll will be made for you!. have patience!

  • February 19, 2017 6:51 AM PST
    It's very nice to see Legion still alive :D
    Best of luck for you Usta! :)
    • 107 posts
    February 19, 2017 6:53 AM PST

    XEverglow said: It's very nice to see Legion still alive :D Best of luck for you Usta! :)

    Thx alot !!

    • 289 posts
    February 20, 2017 12:13 AM PST

    ItzPyro said:

    Username: ItzPyro
    - Age :11
    - Country : Singapore
    - Gender : Male

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:|[Prox]|, because I wanted to join Legion.
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : I've played with people from the Legion clan and I was interested.

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? Because I've always wanted to join |[Legion]| since I found out about it.
    * - What does loyalty means to you? Loyalty means respecting one another in matches.
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? It means a lot to me as this clan is a very respectful clan. 
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? To reach at least the Top 50.
    * - What makes you different from others players ? I always use a Shotgun.
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? I mostly play Warmerise, Growtopia and 8 Ball Pool.
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes.

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them? Yes.

    accepted brp :D

    add me as frend we gonna do a little Test ;)

    • 107 posts
    February 20, 2017 2:00 AM PST
    @itzpyro. The poll have been made for you!
    Have patience. You will get result when poll ends!