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What do you think about players vs PC?

    • 609 posts
    February 10, 2017 3:40 PM PST

    several rounds(ground,air, several dificulties) against like robots or aliens or smth, low xp for each would be fun to see i suppose, what do u think?

    • 539 posts
    February 10, 2017 9:25 PM PST

    PvE elements are often suggested here. Or at least they were on the old forums, but meh. Typically the response is something along the lines of:


    PvE would be really cool, but it has a couple of issues.

    ~Difficulty required to make an entirely new gamemode and balance it against the current mechanics.

    ~Difficulty of creating and maintaning AI behavior.

    ~(This one is my personal favorite) PvE doesn't really fit with the type of game warmerise is. It's like adding PvE into counter strike. You could do it, and it might even work, but it wouldn't really fit the game, imo.

    • 328 posts
    February 11, 2017 6:03 AM PST
    It's not hard to create a new game mode from what I've seen, you just need to design the AI and make sure it follows the player, add path builder so it doesn't bump into objects, weapons and difficult type.