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Warmerise Mods?

    • 285 posts
    May 13, 2020 6:01 PM PDT

    I've already said almost everything, but one thing I would like to add that I didn't mention in the video, that members count being relatively less and the game generally performing not as good as it did with unity, is also a case for the forums to be performing poorly. But as I said in one my count, the members count right now isn't three times lesser than before. Warmerise closed with almost 150k members and we have over 100k members (not excluding bots in both). But the forums performing three times more poorly, do leave a question. 

    Thanks for putting everything together btw. I'm looking forward for what the community thinks.

    • 537 posts
    May 13, 2020 7:05 PM PDT

    So apparantly video embedding doesnt' work

    This post was edited by chronospectrum at May 13, 2020 7:05 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    May 14, 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Technically the site is already being moderated, and not by me.
    By who (or what) you may ask? The answer is algorithms.
    Algorithms are what keeping the spam at bay by regulating almost all aspects, from chatting/skin publishing to forum posting.
    In no way these algorithms are perfect (also I'm proud of in-game chat filtering algorithm) they are still able to monitor the site 24/7.
    There are some posts that are able to bypass it, but those are minority and usually take a couple of minutes to delete.
    So with that being said, I'm yet to see a convincing reason to add moderators.

    • 609 posts
    May 14, 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Max said:

    Algorithms are what keeping the spam at bay by regulating almost all aspects, from chatting/skin publishing to forum posting.

    Oh! so the bots have been making the Skins

    Max said:

    In no way these algorithms are perfect (also I'm proud of in-game chat filtering algorithm) they are still able to monitor the site 24/7.
    There are some posts that are able to bypass it, but those are minority and usually take a couple of minutes to delete.

    That logarithm has done 0! to prevent flamewars, posts getting out of topic, trash skins or even if you want to take it a little further, trash custom maps.
    How many times have you had to lock the Report hackers and cheater thread? or atleast how much chit chat has happened in places like that?

    Max said:

    So with that being said, I'm yet to see a convincing reason to add moderators.


    While its true that adding moderators to the servers doesn't equate to more posts it does equate to better ones, and perhaps the engagement the players have with someone that is actually replying to their messages might spiral into more content

    Prevention of trashtalk and keeping the thread within its temathic lines, I want to see a bot do that

    Regulation of Skins and custom maps, seriously, its getting ridiculous 

    A more constant contact with the community instead of once or twice a month

    Serving as a filter between what actually needs your attention and what doesn't (unless you like being bombarded with unrelated posts and messages) allowing you to actually focus on what really matter



    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at May 14, 2020 12:57 PM PDT
    • 256 posts
    May 14, 2020 1:11 PM PDT

    To be honest this site does not need moderators.

    First point is something that Farzblack, who is a very old member of this community just like me, said. Over the years there have been plenty of mods and only couple of them were worthy of their position can name chronospectrum, tanto18, tones, chakall and a few more. Putting those cases aside some used their power to invade clans privacy, delete anything slightly negative towards them or their clan and overall just power getting to their heads. Warmerise community is mostly children who are immature and there is a lack of serious people who are trustworthy.

    Second point is the most important one just like Max said. This site is doing fine you don't see that many fights anymore or troll posts which are very offensive, and whenever something like that happens Max deletes it soon after. Just take a look at this screenshot:

    I personally don't see any need for moderation since there is barely any activity in the forums.

    P.S I come to the forums randoms days and in 30 minutes you can catch up with everything that happened for a week almost.

    This post was edited by Erlaanz at May 14, 2020 1:12 PM PDT
    • 609 posts
    May 14, 2020 2:17 PM PDT

    Erlaanz said:

    First point is something that Farzblack, who is a very old member of this community just like me, said. Over the years there have been plenty of mods and only couple of them were worthy of their position can name chronospectrum, tanto18, tones, chakall and a few more. Putting those cases aside some used their power to invade clans privacy, delete anything slightly negative towards them or their clan and overall just power getting to their heads. Warmerise community is mostly children who are immature and there is a lack of serious people who are trustworthy.

    Your first point has more to do with the need to chose the right people rather than there is no need for a moderator.

    Does it need moderators? imo yes (and thats the point which is being debated), precisely cause theres a lot of kids, kids that lack know-how to fix ez stuff, kids that smts start beef with eachother. 

    • 285 posts
    May 14, 2020 4:35 PM PDT

    Max said:

    Technically the site is already being moderated, and not by me.
    By who (or what) you may ask? The answer is algorithms.
    Algorithms are what keeping the spam at bay by regulating almost all aspects, from chatting/skin publishing to forum posting.
    In no way these algorithms are perfect (also I'm proud of in-game chat filtering algorithm) they are still able to monitor the site 24/7.
    There are some posts that are able to bypass it, but those are minority and usually take a couple of minutes to delete.
    So with that being said, I'm yet to see a convincing reason to add moderators.

    I gave all the reasons in the video I made. If you didn't watch it or don't want to watch, then I will break down the main points for you here, just lemme know. But if those reasons still don't convince you, then try thinking this way: what's even the harm in appointing them anyways? I don't see any loss in this, but there can be certain benefits. The community have grown old and more mature than before, so i don't think the mistakes old moderators made would be repeated. If they do, you always have the option to demote them. 

    To be honest, I'm glad you didn't give a straight no though. So thanks for at least listening. 

    • 315 posts
    May 15, 2020 12:46 AM PDT
    I agree with Erlaanz. Appointing people like Chronospectrum to become mod will be pleasurable, as he have maturity and decency towards other players.


    If want to see more interesting, I would like to recommend people with good personality like Dante to rule the Warmerise. I don't think he will had trouble enforcing the law. ^^
    • 164 posts
    May 15, 2020 2:18 AM PDT

    Erlaanz presented it well and gave excellent reasoning. Many thanks!

    The few advantages offered by moderators would be quickly reduced to absurdity by the abuse.


    • 256 posts
    May 15, 2020 3:49 AM PDT

    STERBEN99 said:

    Erlaanz said:

    First point is something that Farzblack, who is a very old member of this community just like me, said. Over the years there have been plenty of mods and only couple of them were worthy of their position can name chronospectrum, tanto18, tones, chakall and a few more. Putting those cases aside some used their power to invade clans privacy, delete anything slightly negative towards them or their clan and overall just power getting to their heads. Warmerise community is mostly children who are immature and there is a lack of serious people who are trustworthy.

    Your first point has more to do with the need to chose the right people rather than there is no need for a moderator.

    Does it need moderators? imo yes (and thats the point which is being debated), precisely cause theres a lot of kids, kids that lack know-how to fix ez stuff, kids that smts start beef with eachother. 

    Yeah, my first point has to do with the need to chose the right people. I am sure Max in the past tried to choose the best possible options, but still only few mods such as chrono, tones, tanto18 never got anyone complaining about their job.

    About it needing moderating the 2nd point I made which is activity and I shared that screenshot, I will share today's feed:

    Yesterday there were 7 forum posts in a 17 hour time span, and today there were 7 forum posts in a 11 hour span. I think Max and that algorythm he said he uses are more than enough to moderate the site. I barely see any big fights like back in the day, and if there is any it's on people's profile which mods, unless they have the people who are fighting added won't ever know about.

    If I were to pick a mod which I wouldn't do in the first place it would have to be someone like Chrono. I've been for more than 8 years in communities like BeGone and Warmerise which have very similar communities. I've seen maaaaany future mods work hard before they are on that role trying to convince the dev that they are the best option, once they are a mod they either help less or once they aren't mods anymore they'll never help anyone again in the forums. There is very few cases of people who help the community in a genuine way such as chrono does, making videos, tournaments, and generally just helping out. Which imo is what a mod should be someone who helps and always helped the community in a genuine way not for their own interests of getting more power within the community.

    • 285 posts
    May 20, 2020 7:45 AM PDT 

    With that being said in the video, I think it's safe to move on from this topic now.