(not in order)
Best that i've ever played against, they never get tilted nor choke in times of clutch
EvilX said:hes good? lmao he cant even accept remacht0 knife war cause he knows i train and im better nowcismarikikilashvili said:no, airwolf good me his subscriber and like his videos he best, me his big fan and dont ya dare talk about him like thatpraveersingh said:airwolf badAIRWOLF
Don't talk your so bad
you were trash talk and said 1v1 and here score :)
cismarikikilashvili said:praveersingh said:airwolf badAIRWOLF
EvilX said:ztfu man u just tryhard and hac, u fak that. also my power just gone thats not rq also come remacht kid i beat ur crisma friend 1-02 already and crying rn come 1v1 and ima show u
thats because random b0ts like you will just simply accuse a normal player of haccing just bcs u lost. go kys and get a life kid
Airwolf said:thats old video lol, come new 1v1 ima rekt ucismarikikilashvili said:praveersingh said:airwolf badAIRWOLF
cismarikikilashvili said:Airwolf said:thats old video lol, come new 1v1 ima rekt ucismarikikilashvili said:praveersingh said:airwolf badAIRWOLF
I already RQ this guy : https://warmerise.com/albums/photo/view/album_id/41066/photo_id/100551
2v1 . Airwolf and an other player vs me alone . If u say this screen is fake , ask at UwU he watch this match .
I am the firt player in warmerise who beat airwolf . But no the last , cismi , you can do it :)
why no 1v1? LOL also any of your prof dr members i could find, none of them accept 1v1, fix your clan.
also you and your members only use auto, if u use plasmagun you get clapped.
lietuvispro999 tbh