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super insulting me then i kik his *** 10 times

    • 34 posts
    August 15, 2020 7:04 AM PDT

    super is insulting me and saying u nob and tresh to me when in sky i faked his *** like atleast 10 times

    • 34 posts
    August 15, 2020 7:05 AM PDT

    super ur *** is faked stop faking strying to beat me ur a nob everyone says it 

    This post was edited by xSwift at August 15, 2020 7:06 AM PDT
    • 226 posts
    August 15, 2020 7:19 AM PDT

    Don't make a topic about this. Keep your anger to yourself.

    • 289 posts
    August 15, 2020 7:32 AM PDT

    Shuu best!!

    • 315 posts
    August 15, 2020 7:41 AM PDT
    If you want to hosting a flamewar in forum, make sure to attach some pictures or memes related to your hosting to make it attractive. That's more fun that way. Btw, I love to see you guys hurt and destroy each other... Good luck
    • 289 posts
    August 15, 2020 8:02 AM PDT

    Yea msg me, i send you some pics about superhuman his mother, father his friends all, for 3k cash

    • 226 posts
    August 15, 2020 3:58 PM PDT