Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

Useful suggestions for future updates

    • 121 posts
    November 26, 2020 3:33 PM PST

    Headshots should give high damage (50+ or higher) no matter what gun are you using. 

    While rpg takes half hp even you got an rpg bullet to your face it only takes your half hp but knife gives 101 damage even you take hit to limbs.

    Please consider it and make weapons balanced. Increase the damage of weapons at least for headshots. Also we can explode mines by shooting them we should also have ability to explode them when throwing nades. 

    Gravitygun & Shield

    Gravitygun takes your energy when you attempt to use it. Do samething for shield. The power for shield should come out of our energy.


    In current system you have to go armory menu for healing. My suggestion is if player's hp equal to 100 and when they buy hp kit a bag should appear on their back. The bag can be dropped and may opposite team can use it. 

    New additional weapon [Detector or some creative name]

    When someone uses it this weapon detects mines and enemies near of player and shows them on actual radar for certain time. 

    Lastly an option for clans where owners/officers can see approval/kicks can be amazing.

    Also see:

    Bugs should need to be fixed: 

    Picked weapons from floor causes ammo glitch when you switch them again.

    Flamethrower gives damage through walls.

    When plasma grenade is used and hits the player's body if shield is used after hit plasma grenade doesn't give any damage.

    Ange should change or visible parts must be filled with dark theme when you try to abuse walls in third person view. (This is almost wallhack. People have ability to see whole map at tunnels in secretlab)


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    November 26, 2020 4:55 PM PST

    Interesting suggestions, will consider them for the next update.