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Implementation of an ELO rating system in Warmerise

    • 257 posts
    November 30, 2020 4:11 PM PST

    This has probably already been suggested in other way, shape or form before, but I will like to add my touch to it.

    I played some games after a really long time and I came across some top 100 players who as it has been since I started playing in 2013, just being in the top 100 doesn't mean you're good.

    I think this idea could be possible since Max has tried something like this in the past for clans, where there was kind of a Skill rating system for clans.

    So how about instead of promoting splitting skilled players around servers, since in order to climb the current top 100 the worse the players you face the more kills you will get, and therefore the easier the climb is. We instead promote skilled players facing each other.

    This for example could be done by having some sort of ELO system just like Chess or many competitive videogames do now like League of Legends or CS:GO. Where we all start at a certain number like let's say 1500 elo points. If a player loses his ELO rating decreases and if he wins it increases, and the bigger the ELO difference is between player the bigger the loss in case you lose the game and viceversa.
    Example: We have team A who are worth 17000 ELO points facing team B who have 19000 ELO points. If team B loses to team A they would lose a bigger amount of ELO points than if team A lost to team B since that would be more likely to happen and the bigger the gap between them the higher the gain and lower the loss for the team with the lesser ELO.

    Since I already know someone is going to point it out, I am aware unregistered players wouldn't have any ELO since they don't own an account. And they shouldn't count since most of the unregistered are free kills for most registered players and they don't even have proper weapons to defend themselves.

    I am just giving a suggestion, which I think could improve the game in a competitive stand point of view. Even tho I know this idea might be complicated to implement. It could be worth taking a shot.


    Yours truly Warmerise's 2004 World champ :*

    P.S- This post might contain some mistake since I wrote it in a hurry.

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