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--[TheMercenary]-- : The Retaliation From Old Republic

    • 315 posts
    February 9, 2017 12:41 PM PST

    RedBaron said:

    EvilSpirit I will pm you. I have left all the clans except for |[Legion]| which is also an oldschool clan.

    Thank you RedBaron for your interest with our clan. However, Legion leader (Usta @ ColdZer0)  and me have good gay relationship and I don`t want make it crack due your unloyal action against your current clan. Legion considered as main clan in Warmerise, so far I know. I am so sorry to tell you that you are rejected from our clan. Our clan policy does not tolerate with unloyal behavior among players in Warmerise or in our own clan. We need to keep our clan`s rule and law remain in order. Thank you again for your passion to join our clan. Good luck in the future.  

  • February 9, 2017 1:41 PM PST
    GL. I wouldn't say "Legion" as a main clan.
    • 315 posts
    February 9, 2017 6:11 PM PST

    xKietsu said: GL. I wouldn't say "Legion" as a main clan.

    Firstly, only me can decide which clan is main or funny clan in Warmerise. Even your own fate depend on my mood.

    Second, my clan already in good luck until you and your fellow filthy rats sneaking into our holy clan ads. So in other word, I don`t need luck from rat like you.

    Third, this going to be very painful and ready your tissue in case your tear drops on the floor. Deeply from my inner heart, through my holy anus I declare that I don`t like you and every motherfucker rats bastard of you especially one-so-called-legendary-but-actually-dirty-rat who using two-accounts just to secure real one so he can remain being cool fucker on-the-game-show, just look at him being retard on 1st day Warmerise opening day, is normal person will doing that? no, only rat can be retard like that. I believe that creature disappear already from Warmerise and I hope you and your fellow rats disappear as well.
             Straight to the point, we both are not going to be friend. My hatred to fellow rats like you and your friend will remain continue forever and ever ever. You and your fellow rats will never heard my apologize or forgiveness or making friend again because why? because my arrogance, my ego far more valuable than dignity of filthly rats. Even in my death, my ego and my arrogance will live forever. Best way is, you and your fellow rats of so-called-clan-but-actually-ratcage to disappear, run away from here and if could disappear from Warmerise forever. If you could do my favor, please go die and disappear as usable fertilizer for future environment. Thank you

  • February 11, 2017 1:49 PM PST

    Your welcome. 

    • 5 posts
    February 13, 2017 9:40 AM PST

    1. account Name: you could just look at the name of the guy who posted this but sure ill just say NoProb.
    2. Age: ageless cus we never go out of style >.> 16.
    3. Gender: Male.
    4. Country: The netherlands.
    5. Time Zone: UTC +1 Amsterdam.
    6. Clan History: in what clan havnt i been tbh.
    7. Dad's Gender: second world war.
    8. mom's gender: female i think havn't asked yet.
    9. Grandpa's Gender: christian
    10. Grandma's Gender: old
    11. Sexual desire: genrally female humans but i dunno havn't asked yet.

    oh btw i dont rly play much but i can help in the clan a bit and my english has improved but there's probs some mistakes in this text so pls fuck off grammar nazi's appriciate it ^^

    This post was edited by NoProb at February 13, 2017 10:37 AM PST
    • 315 posts
    February 14, 2017 2:00 AM PST

    NoProb said:

    1. account Name: you could just look at the name of the guy who posted this but sure ill just say NoProb.
    2. Age: ageless cus we never go out of style >.> 16.
    3. Gender: Male.
    4. Country: The netherlands.
    5. Time Zone: UTC +1 Amsterdam.
    6. Clan History: in what clan havnt i been tbh.
    7. Dad's Gender: second world war.
    8. mom's gender: female i think havn't asked yet.
    9. Grandpa's Gender: christian
    10. Grandma's Gender: old
    11. Sexual desire: genrally female humans but i dunno havn't asked yet.

    oh btw i dont rly play much but i can help in the clan a bit and my english has improved but there's probs some mistakes in this text so pls fuck off grammar nazi's appriciate it ^^

    • 67 posts
    February 14, 2017 10:04 AM PST

    Good Luck -- Good Clan

    • 315 posts
    February 14, 2017 10:40 AM PST

    KingOfMan said:

    Good Luck -- Good Clan

    Seriously you need to stop spamming on every topic here like ******. Even you so desperate looking for other male partner for your awful *** valentine's day, this is not the way to express your *** ******** through spamming like this.

    This post was edited by Farzblack at October 13, 2019 6:16 AM PDT
    • 5 posts
    February 14, 2017 10:44 AM PST

    Farzblack said:
    KingOfMan said:

    Good Luck -- Good Clan

    Seriously you need to stop spamming on every topic here like retard. Even you so desperate looking for other male partner for your awful gay valentine's day, this is not the way to express your gay erection through spamming like this.


    Hey KingOfMan if ur searching for a gay partner try looking into the ''Help & Tips'' topics on the forum. There might be one for you, if not start one and ask for some ^^ cus i dont think saying good luck to random ppl will get u laid with another male.

    • 1 posts
    February 15, 2017 3:21 PM PST

    Account Name: HideOnShadow

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male.

    Country: Mexico

    Time Zone: UTC Pacific Time 

    Clan History: It is not owned by any clan

    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 2:35 AM PST

    HideOnShadow said:

    Account Name: HideOnShadow

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male.

    Country: Mexico

    Time Zone: UTC Pacific Time 

    Clan History: It is not owned by any clan

    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 3:44 AM PST

    xKietsu said: GL. I wouldn't say "Legion" as a main clan.



    Apparently he doesn't like "rats", m8.

    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 7:29 AM PST

    Apster said:

    xKietsu said: GL. I wouldn't say "Legion" as a main clan.

     Apparently he doesn't like "rats", m8.

    Finally Apster, you come here using real account. Well about your comment, scientifically it depend on my mood whoever I want call. If I feel happy, I call him human. If I mad, I call him rat. I have a bad habit of controlling my emotion since my birth, especially when I in position of power. Well, you can conclude the fate of Warmerise players depend of my personal mood. Oh, I should stop here, too much glorious about myself that you so envy about, how bravery you are. So tell me, what`s make you so brave and tough to confront Lord Farzblack, living soul of Evilspirit? 

    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 7:47 AM PST

    Farzblack said:Finally Apster, you come here using real account. Well about your comment, scientifically it depend on my mood whoever I want call. If I feel happy, I call him human. If I mad, I call him rat. I have a bad habit of controlling my emotion since my birth, especially when I in position of power. Well, you can conclude the fate of Warmerise players depend of my personal mood. Oh, I should stop here, too much glorious about myself that you so envy about, how bravery you are. So tell me, what`s make you so brave and tough to confront Lord Farzblack, living soul of Evilspirit? 

    This hasn't a bit of sense. This is just a game with a discrete community. You bun, man.  lol

    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 7:57 AM PST

    @Apster, are you so sure with that?





    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 8:26 AM PST

    Farzblack said:

    @Apster, are you so sure with that?


    I don't see anything related to supremacy or omnipotence in my post enough to make me look like you!
    Actually I was being sincere, real and a bit sarcastic.
    Listen, I will explain you how to not take a game so much seriously: in every game there are goals and objectives to reach and long time ago when I started Warmerise I have set them. I started to play Warmerise in a competitive way and way before the close of Warmerise my goals and my objectives had been accomplished, so I have decided to retire from Warmerise without deprive Warmerise of my presence in the community (and no one can force me to do differently). Like you can read in the post I have offered myself as mentor for new players, this makes me a different person from you. There are tons of reason why I will always be one step above you, and the community knows that too. Also if you keep reading my post you can see that I have just warned everyone that I'm still the same Apster of the past so if I have to roast or flame anyone, in the Forum or over the battlefield, I will gladly do that. Last but not least you can see in the same post that I'm offering my help to everyone even to the "haters" of mine (like you), you should be grateful to me because of that.

    Now, unlike you, I don't call myself as a supreme Lord of this shit or God of wathever you want, you just make fun of yourself in this way because this is just a game; do you remember that? If you're trying to reach your goals like I did then I suggest you to change game because this one apparently isn't healthy for you and also it seems like you haven't yet accomplished anything here.
    Honestly, I have played Warmerise way too much seriously/competitively for a long period but then I figured out that it was just a silly behave from me and I had no more reasons to keep playing the game itself in that way.

    Then, man...the only title I can give myself is "Best Warmerise Player 2015/2016", without detracting any merit to the other players I faced cause there were really good ones back then.

    This post was edited by Apster at February 16, 2017 8:40 AM PST
    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:05 AM PST

    Apster... Apster.. Apster.. My dear lovely fan..

    1. If you forgot or lost memory, let me remind you again. Do you remember when we 1st time meet at game between June and July 2016? I comment this game so easy, and you suddenly triggered, insult me calling my clan shitty. You know why? because you sense the present of my fame, even I don`t call myself as a celebrity. Next day, you come to my clan ads with fake account as Xaos. I know it was you, saying "hello" in awful way. I though it will end just in-game but you drag it till create great flamewar with your fellow friend, insult me. At least I use real account till the end of Warmerise day on August 2016. So you offered to help players? you can`t even calm yourself when you see me in-game xD

    2. Yes, I love call myself by many types of glorious title like Supreme Commander but why you the one so offended with it?. I like that title :)

    3. Owh about goals in Warmerise? Actually I already reach it a long time ago, you just jump on top of me just to get the same goal like me... Such a disgusting method you use. Please don`t do that in the future, I don`t like it.

    4. Finally, there`s nothing more just a correction. I`m not your hater, you are my hater. Please do correction, edit it back.. :)

    5. Wait one more thing, "Best Warmerise Player 2015/2016"?? I just know you 1st time in-game on June 2016, after I kill you many times which drives you crazy and insult me. xD

    Satisfied now? xD


    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 9:38 AM PST

    Farzblack said:

    Apster... Apster.. Apster.. My dear lovely fan..

    1. If you forgot or lost memory, let me remind you again. Do you remember when we 1st time meet at game between June and July 2016? I comment this game so easy, and you suddenly triggered, insult me calling my clan shitty. You know why? because you sense the present of my fame, even I don`t call myself as a celebrity. Next day, you come to my clan ads with fake account as Xaos. I know it was you, saying "hello" in awful way. I though it will end just in-game but you drag it till create great flamewar with your fellow friend, insult me. At least I use real account till the end of Warmerise day on August 2016. So you offered to help players? you can`t even calm yourself when you see me in-game xD

    2. Yes, I love call myself by many types of glorious title like Supreme Commander but why you the one so offended with it?. I like that title :)

    3. Owh about goals in Warmerise? Actually I already reach it a long time ago, you just jump on top of me just to get the same goal like me... Such a disgusting method you use. Please don`t do that in the future, I don`t like it.

    4. Finally, there`s nothing more just a correction. I`m not your hater, you are my hater. Please do correction, edit it back.. :)

    5. Wait one more thing, "Best Warmerise Player 2015/2016"?? I just know you 1st time in-game on June 2016, after I kill you many times which drives you crazy and insult me. xD

    Satisfied now? xD

    None of your points has sense:

    1. You just made up that shit. I never admired Mercenary, I don't need to remark it with different identities. Your clan is mediocre, and so you're. I can tell you that right here.

    2. You can call yourself whatever you like to but then don't get triggered when I say you're highly addicted to Warmerise or you have manias of omnipotence and supremacy.

    3. Are you sure about that? Go down below there is the link of my story in Warmerise, there must be a lot of differences between mine and yours.

    4. I didn't hate players who were above me when I started Warmerise then why should I hate a mediocre and lower player of whom I didn't know the existence until a short time ago?

    5. Oh...I didn't insult you, I remember that situation. I was complaining about your lame ping which was and still is costantly between 200-300. You should remember that despite your "great" ping my score was far above your score and my KDr was still positive. I was enough calm, in that situation and aware of what I was doing, to find you in each server you were in the following days just to kick the shit out of you and teach you that bragging doesn't lead to good results. Remember that I asked for a duel with you (even if your ping was a factor of advantage for you) until the day you sadly deleted your own you? You never accepted my request and you never will.

    There is the video related to the point number 3. Just to remind you who Apster is:

    Now chill and go back to your own manias of omniopotence and supremacy with people of your level.

    I will patiently wait you to bring more shit up so you can keep arguing and expose your bullshit and look like a though Lord.

    This post was edited by Apster at February 16, 2017 9:46 AM PST
    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 10:19 AM PST

    You`re triggered, Apster. You really piss off with my respond and at the same time you care so much about it. That`s so sweet and awful moment I will remember in my history.

    Btw about youtube video that you show also just ordinary. It just kind of typical youtube video that people just walk-in, watch, skip and out to watch other interested youtube video within 5 seconds. If you want to attract more people to see your video, don`t forget to add this picture as well. 

    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:14 AM PST

    Farzblack said:

    You`re triggered, Apster. You really piss off with my respond and at the same time you care so much about it. That`s so sweet and awful moment I will remember in my history.

    Btw about youtube video that you show also just ordinary. It just kind of typical youtube video that people just walk-in, watch, skip and out to watch other interested youtube video within 5 seconds. If you want to attract more people to see your video, don`t forget to add this picture as well. 

    The first picture is totally fake for many reasons: I never rage-quit; That guy never beat me in a duel; I don't see the badge of "registered players" with my username.
    The second picture is real. That was a though match. Barbsie was the only player able to give me a challange and the only one who won me in a serious duel. I won him as well, exactly 3 times.

    I can count the defeats of my duels, in my career, on the fingers of one hand; so all I should do is just add a couple of screenshots in my slideshow, nothing more.

    I like how you bring up more stuffs just to decentralize the attentions of some uncomfortable facts about you.

    ...Remember that only the greatest players can lose because they have the courage to get involved.

    Now I'm kinda bored to make you believe that I really care about a person like you; I just came to keep myself entertained for this day and you were the best guy to do that. You are a fish which caught the hook. Au revoir! 

    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:26 AM PST

    No... No.. No.. Please chill, don`t be mad, Sir Apster. I just provide some good picture for your future video material, but if you don`t like it you can just ignore it. If you want to explain, take those pictures and brief it in your own video such as why you rage quit, why u lose etc... Explain those to your youtube-fan-look-alike visitor. Hold on, which parts of uncomfortable facts about me? because so far I know, I doing a lot of disgusting things in Warmerise.. So I don`t remember which one you refering to... xD

    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:29 AM PST

    Farzblack said:

    No... No.. No.. Please chill, don`t be mad, Sir Apster. I just provide some good picture for your future video material, but if you don`t like it you can just ignore it. If you want to explain, take those pictures and brief it in your own video such as why you rage quit, why u lose etc... Explain those to your youtube-fan-look-alike visitor. Hold on, which parts of uncomfortable facts about me? because so far I know, I doing a lot of disgusting things in Warmerise.. So I don`t remember which one you refering to... xD

    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:41 AM PST

    Alright gentleman, flamewar is over and winner by me. As a reminder, this is clan ads so please stop from posting and spamming. Apster, if you want to continue it, do it on your clan group not here.

    • 72 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:48 AM PST

    Farzblack said:

    Alright gentleman, flamewar is over and winner by me. As a reminder, this is clan ads so please stop from posting and spamming. Apster, if you want to continue it, do it on your clan group not here.

    Sounds dope, man. I hope one day you can tell your kids about this mainly victory so, they will be proud of you. Don't tell me what to do because no one can, I leave of my own will not because of you. :)

    This post was edited by Apster at February 16, 2017 11:48 AM PST
    • 315 posts
    February 16, 2017 11:54 AM PST

    Apster said:

    Farzblack said:

    Alright gentleman, flamewar is over and winner by me. As a reminder, this is clan ads so please stop from posting and spamming. Apster, if you want to continue it, do it on your clan group not here.

    Sounds dope, man. I hope one day you can tell your kids about this mainly victory so, they will be proud of you. Don't tell me what to do because no one can, I leave of my own will not because of you. :)

    yes, you will leave this clan ads because of me.. How? I`ll show you..