March 16, 2025 11:00 AM PDT
1. Username: Aztros, Jhon
2. Age: 16
3. Gender: Male
4. Country: Ecuador/Colombia
5. Timezone: UTC+5
6. Clan history: |[LETALES]|, Prof.Dr. ,
7. Whats is your most hated clan and why? I don´t hate any clan
8. Whats is your most hated player and why? Nobody because hating is a different thing than roleplay
9. Are you an *****? No, im not
10. Are you ***? No, im hetero
11. Will you remain loyal to our leader and clan till rotten? Yes of course
12. Will you promise not to make fun yourself such as claim you as best player? Yes i promise
13. Will you promise not to be loyal visitor and spamer to the Max´s personal account? Yes, i promise that
14. Will you promise not to be clown on everyone? Yes, but depends if its a friend
15. Will you obey the the order from leader? Yes totally
16. Will you promise not be a a an asshole by force-feeding everyone with your YouTube Video? Yes i promise
17. Will you promise not to be lonely raging-****** on other people clan ad´s? Yes i promise
This post was edited by Jhon at March 16, 2025 11:25 AM PDT