i use crosshair dot which it gives good aim for RPG spam
Also use SpeedHacks to have a good gameplay
Kiur's gameplay : https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/RcQcGQjcpXiCn_ufmEuYOg9zvjecYUHL4Vd2AzLH88c/https/i.imgflip.com/5i09sm.gif
Yes said:i use crosshair dot which it gives good aim for RPG spam
Also use SpeedHacks to have a good gameplay
Kiur's gameplay : https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/RcQcGQjcpXiCn_ufmEuYOg9zvjecYUHL4Vd2AzLH88c/https/i.imgflip.com/5i09sm.gif
Ok clown
Yes said:i use crosshair dot which it gives good aim for RPG spam
Also use SpeedHacks to have a good gameplay
Kiur's gameplay : https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/RcQcGQjcpXiCn_ufmEuYOg9zvjecYUHL4Vd2AzLH88c/https/i.imgflip.com/5i09sm.gif
btw I didn't ask you to come troll and say stpid things, trying to look funny
Ninjamurai313 said: As I am not a good player myself, I can’t offer you much advice. However, I advise you to not be toxic if you can help it. If the players feel comfortable around you, they’ll let you kill them— I mean, they’ll help you become better and give you tips and practice and such.