Greetings Warriors of Warmerise,
Clan Link:
Form Link:
Here I present you my new Clan |[RizingSun]|,
The Clan is New and in order to join, you have to fill a form, because we pick only the best ones to achieve the best Ambitions together
For the Start we're gonna need Officers, those who will test new players and give Advice to other members and the Leader!
Please Message me to become Officer.
We always look for new members who want to participate in Clan Wars!
Here is the Form that you need to fill in order to join:
- Shogun/ Leader: Is the Leader of the Clan, starts Clan Wars, can invite Members that are skilled in his opinion, keeps Order in the Clan.
- Shinobi/ Testers: Players that give Advice to the Leader on how to improve the Clan, they Test new Players on Servers, if the Player has high enough Score in the Game or wins the Game against a Tester, he will automatically become a Member of |[RizingSun]|. Has the Ability to participate in Clan Wars.
- Daimyo/ CW Participants: Members that can participate in ClanWars
-Samurai: Normal Members, that don't have any special privileges, but can rank up in the clan if they do special tasks.
How to rank up in the Clan?
To rank up in our Clan, you have to win a Game or lose with a close Score against one of our skilled Testers.
You can repeat the process if you lose, maybe you'll be luckier the next time.
- Rule 1: Respect other Members, support them and help eachother
- Rule 2: Don't be toxic to the members of our Clan, disrespecting this Rule results in lowered Ranks
- Rule 3: Fraud, in the registering Process will not be tolerated, disrespecting this Rule results in a Ban
- Rule 4: No Glitching, Hacking, disrespecting this Rule results in a Ban
- Rule 5: English will be our main communication Language, so a Member should know the Basics of the english Language
And this post is only a Sketch, it will be improved later on.
great now my eyes have stopped working with the font text
xObito said:why was i kicked from the clan?
For Commiting Fraud (disrespecting the Rule No.3) against |[RizingSun]| and its members,
you xObito, formerly known as the infamous xChaos, will be banned, and you will be unable to rejoin this Clan
This decision was made today,
Good Luck,
The |[RizingSun]| Members/Leader