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the most toxic player than anyone else

    • 657 posts
    December 24, 2021 9:05 AM PST

    did u know what krampus do when players leave the server,always calls some abusive names and said going their homes and crying with their parents

    and he always changes the name sometimes

    • 2129 posts
    December 24, 2021 12:27 PM PST
    That’s walidou
    • 657 posts
    December 24, 2021 2:12 PM PST

    Fameful said: That’s walidou

    it's not him

    "walidou" is always registered

    he is not unreg

    krampus always never said 1v1 but said: "your moum?"

    "suic my duick if u cant stop talking"

    etc,walidou is just different,remember,unreg guy did not ask 1v1 but just says "easy" without "ez" or "iz",when player leaves he says "yes go cry ******* ****"

    This post was edited by agent743 at December 24, 2021 2:15 PM PST
    • 657 posts
    December 24, 2021 2:16 PM PST

    at least krampus is just most toxic player than walidou

    did u know what i saw: a unreg kid got bullied and threated by krampus and krampus said he will murder him if he does not stop typing random letters

    then idk what he will do,just go to his house,leave him or just hac his computer so he won't ever play any games again (including in-game robux in roblox)

    This post was edited by agent743 at December 24, 2021 2:18 PM PST
    • 657 posts
    December 24, 2021 2:21 PM PST

    if max has an option to report unreg guy to LEO he would've stopped him and if krampus wouldn't stop he would've called police to fine krampus' parents or just take krampus to special kidz jail