Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

bug or just game? and suggestions

  • December 24, 2021 5:33 PM PST

    I noticed the ragdoll is very... stiff, like when you get rammed by a car, you body doesent fly, it just T-poses for a spit second and then ragdolls. and the car... it gets so destroyed and it flies and gets pushed back when you ram someone with a car. its annoying. and the sprinting in first person does not match the sprinting in third person. I want both views matched up (Im saying third person sprinting should be changed), and I want cleaner ragdoll. I also want realistic fall damage. when you fall from a VERY high place, it only takes 20-30 damage. and I want the first person jumping to be matched up with the jumping in third person, (maybe the charater's arms can go up). and I want the charaters to sit down when they are in the car (not the turret position), and i want the charater to hold the steering wheel. I hope these are fixed/added.

  • December 24, 2021 5:38 PM PST

    and I want camera shake too (when you fall the camera goes up, and when you jump, your camera goes down then up) and I want the camera shake to be REALLY reduced when uour getting shot at, its annoying

    • 657 posts
    December 26, 2021 6:52 AM PST

    elitetrooper said:

    I noticed the ragdoll is very... stiff, like when you get rammed by a car, you body doesent fly, it just T-poses for a spit second and then ragdolls. and the car... it gets so destroyed and it flies and gets pushed back when you ram someone with a car. its annoying. and the sprinting in first person does not match the sprinting in third person. I want both views matched up (Im saying third person sprinting should be changed), and I want cleaner ragdoll. I also want realistic fall damage. when you fall from a VERY high place, it only takes 20-30 damage. and I want the first person jumping to be matched up with the jumping in third person, (maybe the charater's arms can go up). and I want the charaters to sit down when they are in the car (not the turret position), and i want the charater to hold the steering wheel. I hope these are fixed/added.

    "you get rammed by a car, you body doesent fly, it just T-poses" - yes i've seen the bodies when warmerise soldiers dies by a car, it does not fly it just goes like legs first then it's ragdoll

    "it gets so destroyed and it flies" - yes, people (and i) just pushed a car, rarely it can be seen destroyed flying *sneezes and tears comes out*-oh men

    "it gets so destroyed and it flies and gets pushed back when you ram someone with a car" - yes when i ran over someone with a car, i think it's just only the side-side body part and then my car flies, it is uncommon or rarely to be seen flying when killed a person. When i died i saw a car flying ultra high and didnt reach the "sky limit of death"(SLoD)

    "and the sprinting in first person does not match the sprinting in third person. I want both views matched up (Im saying third person sprinting should be changed)" - ok but i do not see the difference of 1st and 3rd person sprinting but i can see in 3rd person arms move when sprinting and 1st person arms does not move when sprinting 

    "when you fall from a VERY high place, it only takes 20-30 damage." - yes this is a good suggestion, the annoying thing is the longer we fall the more fall damage it increases

    "i want the first person jumping to be matched up with the jumping in third person" - yes i can see a difference of the arms, the arms in 1st person does not react when falling or flying (same as sprinting) and in 3rd person the arms do react but just medium up (same as sprinting)

    "(maybe the charater's arms can go up)" - yes i agree it should go up just like in other games (unlike other games, roblox falling animations or other game creators made a good falling animation) 

    "and I want the charaters to sit down when they are in the car (not the turret position)" - yes i want to see them sitting not crouching in the car, in real life people just sit in the car but not crouching

    "and i want the charater to hold the steering wheel." - yes i want to see people hold steering weel not just like dont touch it and will do by itself, in real life people just hold steering weel without letting it go otherwise it will cause an car accident

    "I hope these are fixed/added." - yes dude i hope they are fixed

    like wow men i just copied the quote and it is long explaination

    • 657 posts
    December 26, 2021 6:59 AM PST

    elitetrooper said:

    and I want camera shake too (when you fall the camera goes up, and when you jump, your camera goes down then up) and I want the camera shake to be REALLY reduced when uour getting shot at, its annoying

    "I want the camera shake to be REALLY reduced when uour getting shot at, its annoying" - yes dude i know it is annoying when i tried to shoot at warmerise soldiers and it's too much annoying

    Q: what is the op gun?

    A: any gun u might be good with (UMP bullet is 0.01 time and USP bullet is 0.03 time,the times needs to be increased,i've found a quote in forum the other topic that i cannot remember)

    "I want camera shake too (when you fall the camera goes up, and when you jump, your camera goes down then up)" - ok but it's annoying suggestion,good but annoying one

  • January 5, 2022 5:24 PM PST

    it just makes it more realistic

    • 149 posts
    January 13, 2022 6:09 AM PST

    Sometimes, when people are driving around, that one annoying player crouch walks into the car and makes it fly all over the place. I losed a good killstreak because a unregisterd ***** shoved me and 2 other players in the car right into the water on TheIsland2016. 


    we kicked them out

    • 2129 posts
    January 13, 2022 8:18 AM PST
    • 657 posts
    January 13, 2022 9:46 AM PST

    Stoplookin9 said:

    Sometimes, when people are driving around, that one annoying player crouch walks into the car and makes it fly all over the place. I losed a good killstreak because a unregisterd ***** shoved me and 2 other players in the car right into the water on TheIsland2016. 


    we kicked them out

    sht men xd

  • January 20, 2022 5:05 PM PST

    yes, that bug is EXTREMELY annoying. and everyone shoots and attacks my car. not a bug but it is also annoying

    • 5 posts
    February 10, 2022 12:49 AM PST

    I want everyone in Warmerise to be given 500,000 ***** on FEBRUARY 23 (only those who are registered). I think this is a very good offer. Well, yes, I'm sure you won't do that. -_-

    • 5 posts
    February 10, 2022 3:14 AM PST
    • I also want to say that on FEBRUARY 23, everyone (who has registered and who has not) should be given RaifGun. And you won't do it again. --_-- ); You will never do it -_-. But if you do this, I will sell my Account. Yes-yes -_- );


    • I also want to say that on FEBRUARY 23, everyone (who has registered and who has not) should be given RaifGun. And you won't do it again. --_-- ); You will never do it -_-. But if you do this, I will sell my Account. Yes-yes -_- );


    • 5 posts
    February 10, 2022 3:15 AM PST

    I agree