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  • February 21, 2022 1:33 PM PST

    How does recoil work? Mostly for the sniper rifles and automatics, and how does it affect your weapons accruacy?

    • 2112 posts
    February 21, 2022 3:40 PM PST
    Recoil (often called knockback, kickback or simply kick) is the rearward thrust generated when a gun is being discharged. In technical terms, the recoil is a result of conservation of momentum, as according to Newton's third law the force required to accelerate something will evoke an equal but opposite reactional force, which means the forward momentum gained by the projectile and exhaust gases (ejectae) will be mathematically balanced out by an equal and opposite momentum exerted back upon the gun. In hand-held small arms, the recoil momentum will be eventually transferred to the ground, but will do so through the body of the shooter hence resulting in a noticeable impulse commonly referred to as a "kick".

    That being said your bullet will not always hit its target if you don’t have any control over your gun. This means that you must exhibit some control over your mouse in order to easily get kills.

    Recoil for automatic-fire weapons is fairly simple in that the recoil for the gun makes your bullet trail “go up” which is what is called muzzle climb. To fix this it is fairly simple, all you must do is hold your mouse in a downward movement while firing in long sprays. You can also use muzzle climb to your advantage by using it to get headshots, meaning that you will need less billets to kill your enemies. I recommend for beginners to try short controlled bursts at longer ranges to render the weapon effective at greater distances.

    For sniper rifles there isn’t much noticeable recoil at close ranges. Where it gets difficult is at long ranges where it becomes more difficult to hit your enemy. The best thing to do is shoot towards the direction your target is moving and not directly at the target, as the timing of the bullet travel ensure your bullet hits your mark.
  • February 21, 2022 4:22 PM PST

    Thanks in advanced.

    • 524 posts
    February 22, 2022 12:17 PM PST
    If you're really curious about the recoil of specific weapons, you can hover your mouse over the "recoil" statistic in the armory screen of the main menu to see exactly how much your gun will kick up with each shot.
  • February 22, 2022 2:06 PM PST

    Again, thanks in advanced.