1.a plane with guns no missles
2.diffrent guns on humvees missle laser .ect
3.optics a scope for the guns would be bought in store and cross compadible
4.abliity invisablity jetpack thermal vison .ect (would be a part of loadout like pistols and rifles could choose one at a time and would use enrgy like running)
what are your suggestions for the game and what do you think of mine?
about yours:
1. +1
2. nah xd hummers are fine this way, in that case a diferrent vehicle
3. we've already talked about this previously, idk if it would be a good idea, i see pros and cons, but good suggestion
4. didnt understood pls explain
5. Hell no! i agree players creating maps and sending those to max and only the best ones would enter the game, or else you would see a flood of poor quality maps that aren't well done, scatering more the servers
now my own:
the replacement of the jet by a helicopter, here's an example, Max already has this model
>more stable flight
>improvement in controls
>replace the 3 missiles by only one (for humvee) with no explosion (or atleast a small one to prevent mass killing and xp farming)
>the adittion of shots like in humvee, main weapon (with cooldown)
>2 seater Maybe
>perhaps the ability to drop a bomb or smth
>isn´t so op like jet and is more fun to use
>prevents those "jet users" from that "xp farming"
Smth to destroy vehicles, i've suggested a new gun
like this one, or increase the damage to vehiles of the current rocket launchers, or smth like a turret idk (people have suggested the hummer machine gun on a platform/ground with anti-air purpose)
Although not necessary, more guns *-*
these r only guns that i know max has, atleast models idk if he has animations and stuff like that for some
i got some more guns free/that he owns he could use :P
note: im not sayin necessarily to replace a gun for another like a12 for the middle one or sgt for the 1st, just adding more stuff
add a slot to those empty ones one the teams bases, mayve smth like UAV to the entire team or restore health
(maybe a little mech like in TitanFall :3 ) ->https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19784 or https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19781 or even this almighty force
so, i know this is a sensitive theme and maybe some kids without solid arguements or men with arguments will complain...
the removal of gravity gun
*intense horror music*
i'll explain why, you see, this game is already fast passed enough, much more than the majority of games, what the gravity gun has led his some kids who consider themselves pros using it kinda wrong, gg's purpose is no longer useful...
you see, players use it in all the wrong ways
>Jumping out of the line of fire has a lazy way, instead of just jumping around and trying to aboyd it and using the map to do so, believe me this the later ones can be intense nd fast af
>Mine seeders (mid flight droping mines->if you do this i wish you a painfull death :) )
and much more
so somes guys may come around and be like "gg is for pros" "if you cant handle gtf", personally i think the game is already fast passed IF YOU NOW HOW TO PLAY, some players (i wont say names) dont use gravity gun and are just awesome, real pros, gg is kinda a noobish way to win the game, i really like to hear those comments when im playing in base "so what? you want me to just walk through the map" YES! in fps you have to know how to shoot and position/move yourself, gravity gun is kinda like a cheat item, its annoying, its So Much OVER-POWER, i mean, look at that speed of it for god sake! light speed like!!!
so in conclusion, without the gg i think the game would gain more quality, you would see more and better fight and less kids trying to see who goes/jumps furthest and highest, at first some would complain, but at the end of the day the game could be much much better
rayvenflame said:
1.a plane with guns no missles
Why would you want a plane/jet to just fly around the map and not be able to defend yourself from the enemy team? I mean...this would be nice for people who hate being shot or ran over by the current jets that we have, but you didn't exactly say that you want those removed so...
rayvenflame said:2.diffrent guns on humvees missle laser .ect
Maybe adding one more gun to the hummer (so that we would be able to switch between the two) would possibly be a great idea, but not many players use the turret when you think of it, and I can already see this being op if you have a hummer that can seat two shooters, and have the ability to run you clean over. We already have to deal with the JetShip missles...I don't think that people will be happy with the fact that we have to worry about hummer missles too :(
rayvenflame said:3.optics a scope for the guns would be bought in store and cross compadible
This has been suggested before but I can't remember what the majority of the comment section was saying.
rayvenflame said:4.abliity invisablity jetpack thermal vison .ect (would be a part of loadout like pistols and rifles could choose one at a time and would use enrgy like running)
Didn't quite understand this suggestion, can you elaborate on it for me?
rayvenflame said:5.CUSTOM MAPS!!!!
Ahhh I see you're a bit new to this game, because we did have the "Custom Maps" feature before the game was temporarily discontinued last year. We may get it back in the future so stay tuned!
STERBEN99 said:now my own:
the replacement of the jet by a helicopter, here's an example, Max already has this model
>more stable flight
>improvement in controls
>replace the 3 missiles by only one (for humvee) with no explosion (or atleast a small one to prevent mass killing and xp farming)
>the adittion of shots like in humvee, main weapon (with cooldown)
>2 seater Maybe
>perhaps the ability to drop a bomb or smth
>isn´t so op like jet and is more fun to use
>prevents those "jet users" from that "xp farming"
Smth to destroy vehicles, i've suggested a new gun
like this one, or increase the damage to vehiles of the current rocket launchers, or smth like a turret idk (people have suggested the hummer machine gun on a platform/ground with anti-air purpose)
Although not necessary, more guns *-*
these r only guns that i know max has, atleast models idk if he has animations and stuff like that for some
i got some more guns free/that he owns he could use :P
note: im not sayin necessarily to replace a gun for another like a12 for the middle one or sgt for the 1st, just adding more stuff
add a slot to those empty ones one the teams bases, mayve smth like UAV to the entire team or restore health
(maybe a little mech like in TitanFall :3 ) ->https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19784 or https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19781 or even this almighty force
so, i know this is a sensitive theme and maybe some kids without solid arguements or men with arguments will complain...
the removal of gravity gun
*intense horror music*
i'll explain why, you see, this game is already fast passed enough, much more than the majority of games, what the gravity gun has led his some kids who consider themselves pros using it kinda wrong, gg's purpose is no longer useful...
you see, players use it in all the wrong ways
>Jumping out of the line of fire has a lazy way, instead of just jumping around and trying to aboyd it and using the map to do so, believe me this the later ones can be intense nd fast af
>Mine seeders (mid flight droping mines->if you do this i wish you a painfull death :) )
and much more
so somes guys may come around and be like "gg is for pros" "if you cant handle gtf", personally i think the game is already fast passed IF YOU NOW HOW TO PLAY, some players (i wont say names) dont use gravity gun and are just awesome, real pros, gg is kinda a noobish way to win the game, i really like to hear those comments when im playing in base "so what? you want me to just walk through the map" YES! in fps you have to know how to shoot and position/move yourself, gravity gun is kinda like a cheat item, its annoying, its So Much OVER-POWER, i mean, look at that speed of it for god sake! light speed like!!!
so in conclusion, without the gg i think the game would gain more quality, you would see more and better fight and less kids trying to see who goes/jumps furthest and highest, at first some would complain, but at the end of the day the game could be much much better
The third gun you showcase in the "more guns" category was actually the old blastgun skin.
Admiral said:STERBEN99 said:now my own:
the replacement of the jet by a helicopter, here's an example, Max already has this model
>more stable flight
>improvement in controls
>replace the 3 missiles by only one (for humvee) with no explosion (or atleast a small one to prevent mass killing and xp farming)
>the adittion of shots like in humvee, main weapon (with cooldown)
>2 seater Maybe
>perhaps the ability to drop a bomb or smth
>isn´t so op like jet and is more fun to use
>prevents those "jet users" from that "xp farming"
Smth to destroy vehicles, i've suggested a new gun
like this one, or increase the damage to vehiles of the current rocket launchers, or smth like a turret idk (people have suggested the hummer machine gun on a platform/ground with anti-air purpose)
Although not necessary, more guns *-*
these r only guns that i know max has, atleast models idk if he has animations and stuff like that for some
i got some more guns free/that he owns he could use :P
note: im not sayin necessarily to replace a gun for another like a12 for the middle one or sgt for the 1st, just adding more stuff
add a slot to those empty ones one the teams bases, mayve smth like UAV to the entire team or restore health
(maybe a little mech like in TitanFall :3 ) ->https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19784 or https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19781 or even this almighty force
so, i know this is a sensitive theme and maybe some kids without solid arguements or men with arguments will complain...
the removal of gravity gun
*intense horror music*
i'll explain why, you see, this game is already fast passed enough, much more than the majority of games, what the gravity gun has led his some kids who consider themselves pros using it kinda wrong, gg's purpose is no longer useful...
you see, players use it in all the wrong ways
>Jumping out of the line of fire has a lazy way, instead of just jumping around and trying to aboyd it and using the map to do so, believe me this the later ones can be intense nd fast af
>Mine seeders (mid flight droping mines->if you do this i wish you a painfull death :) )
and much more
so somes guys may come around and be like "gg is for pros" "if you cant handle gtf", personally i think the game is already fast passed IF YOU NOW HOW TO PLAY, some players (i wont say names) dont use gravity gun and are just awesome, real pros, gg is kinda a noobish way to win the game, i really like to hear those comments when im playing in base "so what? you want me to just walk through the map" YES! in fps you have to know how to shoot and position/move yourself, gravity gun is kinda like a cheat item, its annoying, its So Much OVER-POWER, i mean, look at that speed of it for god sake! light speed like!!!
so in conclusion, without the gg i think the game would gain more quality, you would see more and better fight and less kids trying to see who goes/jumps furthest and highest, at first some would complain, but at the end of the day the game could be much much better
The third gun you showcase in the "more guns" category was actually the old blastgun skin.
i know xd, and 1st was old shotgun
hey so 1 im not new i want them back i was here for custom maps and the #4 slot in menu u have secondary primary grenades and so on this is a abliity u can have just one and it uses nrg like running its part of the load out u could have invisibliaty jet pack thermal vison .ect and not more guns on humvee a diffrent turret on top
look at this game this is kinda what i want but the ablitys are one per loadout
rayvenflame said:hey so 1 im not new i want them back i was here for custom maps and the #4 slot in menu u have secondary primary grenades and so on this is a abliity u can have just one and it uses nrg like running its part of the load out u could have invisibliaty jet pack thermal vison .ect and not more guns on humvee a diffrent turret on top
Well in terms of the "Custom Maps" feature, let me reinforce the fact that we should all be/stay patient and see what Max has cooked up for us in the future. Now that I understand your fourth sugggestion a bit better I can say that I highly doubt that we need "Invisibility jet pack thermal vision", I've seen something similar to this on the game "Warland2" and this would probably make Warmerise alot more similar to Warland2. Maybe the option to be invisible could be implemented in the future, but as of right now things like jetpacks and thermal vision aren't quite needed in the game...at least...not yet. Pertaining to the humvee; Like i said, not many people use the humvee turret so it would be a bit of a let down for Max to put time and effort into implementing a new humvee weapon when there is a possibility that only a few players will actually use it, but maybe more people will use it when they notice a change, who knows? We'll just have to wait things out and see what the future holds.
invisibility and thermal maybe are kinda a waste of time
i've also played warland 2 and i think in warmerise would spoil the game a bit :T
vuukii76 said:1. More game modes
2. More maps that are less open
3. A BETTER spectator mode (like really?)
4. More news about development
5. TBA
1) Agree, a hold points would be really great
2) I think some maps need to go away or get a makeover, if you have too many maps this will scater players across server, bringing those tipical 2/14 servers
3) I dont see any problem, but please specify your suggestion probably im not seing correclty since i barely spend time on spectator mod
4)/5) Agree, warmerise need to be more Widespread not between its members but in order to bring more players, we're still far away from those 120.000ish players we had last summer
there are ton of problems and bugs you can encounter (like getting stuck in objects or walls)
there could be a feature that you can get the current players pov you clicked on (might help for casters)
STERBEN99 said:2) I think some maps need to go away or get a makeover, if you have too many maps this will scater players across server, bringing those tipical 2/14 servers
But if you have to little maps, players are gonna get bored because there isn't much variety, they'll ask for more maps either way.
vuukii76 said:3. A BETTER spectator mode (like really?)
I don't see anything wrong with it, unless you have reasons why you want the spectator mode to be "Better" than it already is.
vuukii76 said:4. More news about development
The game does have a Facebook page, but i'm assuming that you want Max (The game's developer) to post about updates more frequently. I personally feel that because of the way Max tells us about updates, most of the updates are minor. it's only when a major update is coming up (for eg. Custom Maps) is when max actually says something about it to us. He also allows us to test new versions of the game before it's released, to find bugs, glitches etc. I do believe that he can give us a tad bit more insight update- wise, but I don't have any problem with the way he does this currently.
vuukii76 said:5. TBA
Not too sure what this is, can you elaborate?
Sizofren said:Add new characters.
Can you specify exactly what kind of characters you would want to see?
Sizofren said:1- Remove this gun (RPG) and please add a better weapon.
2- Remove kick button We cant kick someone even hackers.
3- Knife damage should be 50. Kill someone with knife and gain 30 or 20 hp.
4- Add new characters.
5- Add a ping limit for servers
1-rpg is great! (although i would like some more guns)
2-kick button needs some work but not removal
3-knife should deal 101 damage, but i think its range should be decresead
4-We've talked about this, no is the 99% answer we've got from the comumunity
5-But like a high one, like 600, i've played with players with 300/400 and it was perfect, one time i was playing in a server full of over +250 pinggers and i had like 119 fps, this would be a bummer honestly
GoTzSkIlLz said:STERBEN99 said:2) I think some maps need to go away or get a makeover, if you have too many maps this will scater players across server, bringing those tipical 2/14 servers
But if you have to little maps, players are gonna get bored because there isn't much variety, they'll ask for more maps either way.
Agree and thats why i defend a makeover, and some should in deed go away in order to make room for new ones
STERBEN99 said:now my own:
the replacement of the jet by a helicopter, here's an example, Max already has this model
>more stable flight
>improvement in controls
>replace the 3 missiles by only one (for humvee) with no explosion (or atleast a small one to prevent mass killing and xp farming)
>the adittion of shots like in humvee, main weapon (with cooldown)
>2 seater Maybe
>perhaps the ability to drop a bomb or smth
>isn´t so op like jet and is more fun to use
>prevents those "jet users" from that "xp farming"
Smth to destroy vehicles, i've suggested a new gun
like this one, or increase the damage to vehiles of the current rocket launchers, or smth like a turret idk (people have suggested the hummer machine gun on a platform/ground with anti-air purpose)
Although not necessary, more guns *-*
these r only guns that i know max has, atleast models idk if he has animations and stuff like that for some
i got some more guns free/that he owns he could use :P
note: im not sayin necessarily to replace a gun for another like a12 for the middle one or sgt for the 1st, just adding more stuff
add a slot to those empty ones one the teams bases, mayve smth like UAV to the entire team or restore health
(maybe a little mech like in TitanFall :3 ) ->https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19784 or https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/19781 or even this almighty force
so, i know this is a sensitive theme and maybe some kids without solid arguements or men with arguments will complain...
the removal of gravity gun
*intense horror music*
i'll explain why, you see, this game is already fast passed enough, much more than the majority of games, what the gravity gun has led his some kids who consider themselves pros using it kinda wrong, gg's purpose is no longer useful...
you see, players use it in all the wrong ways
>Jumping out of the line of fire has a lazy way, instead of just jumping around and trying to aboyd it and using the map to do so, believe me this the later ones can be intense nd fast af
>Mine seeders (mid flight droping mines->if you do this i wish you a painfull death :) )
and much more
so somes guys may come around and be like "gg is for pros" "if you cant handle gtf", personally i think the game is already fast passed IF YOU NOW HOW TO PLAY, some players (i wont say names) dont use gravity gun and are just awesome, real pros, gg is kinda a noobish way to win the game, i really like to hear those comments when im playing in base "so what? you want me to just walk through the map" YES! in fps you have to know how to shoot and position/move yourself, gravity gun is kinda like a cheat item, its annoying, its So Much OVER-POWER, i mean, look at that speed of it for god sake! light speed like!!!
so in conclusion, without the gg i think the game would gain more quality, you would see more and better fight and less kids trying to see who goes/jumps furthest and highest, at first some would complain, but at the end of the day the game could be much much better
(new to the game) but i make your words mine, really great ideas (the base slots and chopper were my fav :D )
and with the alterations to the chopper we could actually see some cool dog fights
GoTzSkIlLz said:rayvenflame said:hey so 1 im not new i want them back i was here for custom maps and the #4 slot in menu u have secondary primary grenades and so on this is a abliity u can have just one and it uses nrg like running its part of the load out u could have invisibliaty jet pack thermal vison .ect and not more guns on humvee a diffrent turret on top
Well in terms of the "Custom Maps" feature, let me reinforce the fact that we should all be/stay patient and see what Max has cooked up for us in the future. Now that I understand your fourth sugggestion a bit better I can say that I highly doubt that we need "Invisibility jet pack thermal vision", I've seen something similar to this on the game "Warland2" and this would probably make Warmerise alot more similar to Warland2. Maybe the option to be invisible could be implemented in the future, but as of right now things like jetpacks and thermal vision aren't quite needed in the game...at least...not yet. Pertaining to the humvee; Like i said, not many people use the humvee turret so it would be a bit of a let down for Max to put time and effort into implementing a new humvee weapon when there is a possibility that only a few players will actually use it, but maybe more people will use it when they notice a change, who knows? We'll just have to wait things out and see what the future holds.
well i you are thinking wrong about the warland 2 that was just to show it was posible i did not want it implamented in that way the way i think it should be is a part of your loadout that you buy in the store then you can chose ONE just like a gun or grenade as part of your loadout when you respawn just to clarify and for custom maps i seem to remember max saying the game couldent handle it of something like that so that might be bad news most of its is because im pissed that i made a awsome map and compleated it the DAY he took them down its about the size of the road but its a big flat area with trenches and bulidings scatterd around. also sry for the crap spelling
pls share some pic of this map of yours
rayvenflame said:GoTzSkIlLz said:rayvenflame said:hey so 1 im not new i want them back i was here for custom maps and the #4 slot in menu u have secondary primary grenades and so on this is a abliity u can have just one and it uses nrg like running its part of the load out u could have invisibliaty jet pack thermal vison .ect and not more guns on humvee a diffrent turret on top
Well in terms of the "Custom Maps" feature, let me reinforce the fact that we should all be/stay patient and see what Max has cooked up for us in the future. Now that I understand your fourth sugggestion a bit better I can say that I highly doubt that we need "Invisibility jet pack thermal vision", I've seen something similar to this on the game "Warland2" and this would probably make Warmerise alot more similar to Warland2. Maybe the option to be invisible could be implemented in the future, but as of right now things like jetpacks and thermal vision aren't quite needed in the game...at least...not yet. Pertaining to the humvee; Like i said, not many people use the humvee turret so it would be a bit of a let down for Max to put time and effort into implementing a new humvee weapon when there is a possibility that only a few players will actually use it, but maybe more people will use it when they notice a change, who knows? We'll just have to wait things out and see what the future holds.
well i you are thinking wrong about the warland 2 that was just to show it was posible i did not want it implamented in that way the way i think it should be is a part of your loadout that you buy in the store then you can chose ONE just like a gun or grenade as part of your loadout when you respawn just to clarify and for custom maps i seem to remember max saying the game couldent handle it of something like that so that might be bad news most of its is because im pissed that i made a awsome map and compleated it the DAY he took them down its about the size of the road but its a big flat area with trenches and bulidings scatterd around. also sry for the crap spelling
Ah, I see; well my bad if I got things mixed up or misunderstood your suggestion. I understand a bit more now.