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Is Warmerise Dead?

    • 284 posts
    April 28, 2017 3:44 AM PDT
    It's not only few times that I've seen people writing in their post how warmerise is dead now. Most people, probably the old ones, who've been here from 2014 or even before that, consider the year 2014 to be the golden time for Warmerise, after which, in 2015 it started declining till 2016 when it almost died, right before the Admin officially closed it.

    Obviously there's a reason behind any fall. So I ask you guys, to take out a little time and share what you think the possible reason can be. My video on this topic is almost ready, but I want some player's words about this, to see what idea you people hold. [Some posts will also be featured]

    If somehow we can diagnose that particular cause, finding a solution for that will not be a great problem anymore. And it'll help the developer to focus his efforts on fixing that particular cause.
  • April 28, 2017 4:06 AM PDT
    Warmerise is certainly not dead. In fact, it is doing OK right now.

    However, it is dying. Slowly, but surely.
    The forum activity during recent months was very slow in comparison to the previous years of Warmerise forums. There are less servers made in-game and less online players playing.
    The numbers are decreasing. Many veteran players left completely.

    There seems to be some chance for Warmerise to survive.
    There is a major flaw about Warmerise though.
    The game is not advertised anywhere, and if you don't look up the game itself or search through some niche game websites, you might never see Warmerise at all.
    And that is a shame, because this game has potential, as seen in the past.

    The reason that players leave might also be pure boredom, maybe they found something else to play, perhaps they played Warmerise so much that it doesn't feel fun anymore.
    • 328 posts
    April 28, 2017 7:12 AM PDT

    Adding to what Seth said.

    Warmerise was basically based on Unity Web Player. UWP could be considered the backbone of Warmerise but since UWP is not longer available and every browser has dropped support for it there is nothing a Web Game Developer can do considering that WebGl is unstable unless the game itself is highly optimized. Which is the main reason I'm not working on ArcaneOps or any of my games. 

    Every now and then I check Unity Beta release to see if any WebGl related problems were fixed but sadly there isn't much being done on Webgl. Why is that? Every hardware vendor have to push out updates so the hardware is able to make good use of OpenGl. What OpenGl? Yes. WebGl is based on OpenGl ES 2. 

    Here is a complete list of differences:

    You will notice what it can and can't do.

    That being said, many of the Warmerise players don't have that kind of hardware to play webgl/opengl content. And even if they do have it why not just go ahead and play OW, COD, Battlefield? The point of Warmerise was to provide good gameplay while using as little memory as possible (If I'm not wrong).

    • 231 posts
    April 28, 2017 7:35 AM PDT

    I want to share my thoughts since I started playing on early 2014 and I've seen the game go up and down.

    One of the worst parts right now is not even the community itself but the way the game is doing. There are some days that there even were like 3-4 servers and only 20 people playing specially at night, before you could find like 10 servers maybe even Sky with 14 players. During a weekend, Zim who is the only one from Flare who is still playing sometimes, showed me the server list with only 2 servers and 18 players which is pretty sad.

    The second reason why many left are updates. I remember many of my friends from the good days of 2014 who left because of the updates. Games have to change, they sure do, but they have to do it slowly. I remember at one point on 2014 or early 2015 where there we 3 updates in a row: First the sprint and double jump was removed, then the sprint was added back or something and then the double jump was only possible by purchasing the upgrade. The changes on some weapons like the shotgun, someone on early 2015 complained about it not being too powerful but it went from being quite crappy to be a 1 shot 1 kill most of the time. On one of this latest updates I went to try the game and I just can't play it. Some "bugs" were like inside the meta of this game (The gravity switching for example, everyone from my clan almost like to have their gravity ready to switch and that was there for almost 2 years and suddenly it got removed because it was a "glitch", if something is in the game for so long and is part of the game meta it doesn't need to be removed, like for example in CS bhop wasn't a thing devs tried to make but people started to do it enjoyed it, no one got a disadvantage from it so it didn't need to be removed)

    The third and last reason is: Clans and competitive level. Clan wars on 2014 and early 2015 were epic, a fight between skilled people. But it isn't like that anymore 2016 was already the easiest year ever to get a good clan war win streak. This is not aimed to be disrespectful but the competitive level of this game is non-existent, even back on 2014 the good clans had like 5-6 good players for clan wars and the other 20 were average, but not like... very good. But now the level is even worse if some of the old good players had the will to spend 2 weeks getting good at the game he could easily be between the best players right now in just a week or 2.

    Don't take this as something negative, it's sad in a way because at one point many of us, the old players, enjoyed this game and had a lot of fun and still now we have WhatsApp groups and sometimes we talk about how much fun we had but this changed just like everything in life does.

    The solutions I can find for this are: advertise the game in gaming forums or any type of site (not only Max, if you care about the game like many of us did in the past bring the game to other people, make people know about this game), once you have more players (new players, that's what this player usually lacked of) you will have more clans which means more variety and when it comes to updates listen to what the community has to say: if they like the update, if they think that will be good or bad for the game, see how it affects the game meta, ...

    As an old player hope everything goes well for Max and that this community could get to be as good as it was or even get to be better than on 2014. #MakeWarmeriseGreatAgain #LongPosts2014Style


    • 309 posts
    April 28, 2017 8:02 AM PDT
    I want play Warmerise
    • 141 posts
    April 28, 2017 10:35 AM PDT
    Fate of Warmerise hangs on one and one person only... Max.. that is....
    It has been a while since I stopped playing Warmerise and probably this is my last week in Warmerise (funny I joined a few clans yesterday)

    I want to emphasise on what Zero said... that warmerise was meant to be a fun game that can run on less memory and processing power. Thats what is the reason for me to say farewell to warmerise. I have a good enough pc for playing games like COD and AC so why should I be stuck with Warmerise , (which I used to enjoy before). I am moving to Blacklight Retribution (which is also online multiplayer FPS but with better graphics and bigger community but the best part is that its not as social as Warmerise)
    People might say how come not being social the best part... the answer's simple, there is less hate...
    All the better for me to just focus on enjoyably playing the game with anonymous comrades and foes. Just focussing on the game without getting much indulged into the community hassle.
    • 141 posts
    April 28, 2017 10:54 AM PDT
    I could have just edited my post ... but on second thought , I might as well add seperately.

    Just to support my thought and also to better convey what I meant... I have some stat reports

    So I went to my home page just after I posted my reply and of the first ten post that show up:
    1x " I am pro , he is noob " kinda post.
    1x post to Max by the never satisfied crowd
    1x Bragging pic of a victor with his opponent who has fled
    3x Posts in languages I dont know.
    1x Good post from a good guy sharing his forum topic about death of Warmerise.

    See the ratio: Its 1:3. for Good:Bad.

    Also that because of the last post else it would have been 0:3
    • 231 posts
    April 28, 2017 12:29 PM PDT

    I kinda agree with you RaMa on the social part, I play CS:GO and since you don't know anyone else and you won't ever get to see them again there is no hate between you and others. Maybe one game you get a salty kid on your team but maybe next time you get good teammates. But here we all know each other and we all end up playing on the same servers which lead to hate between players and clans hating on other clans, ...

    That's also the biggest reason for Warmerise to be dying and lose the old players and this one doesn't have a solution, people left the game to play bigger games like LoL, CS:GO, Overwatch, ... because there isn't much you can accomplish here apart from the top 100 that is quite meaningless. In other games there are pro tournaments, there are ladders or ranking systems based on ELO which is more likely to represent your skill and many more options.

    • 452 posts
    April 28, 2017 2:17 PM PDT
    Warmerise is dead. We all are. We just are not aware of it. Yet.
    • 284 posts
    May 1, 2017 2:32 PM PDT

    Thank You for taking out time and posting your words on this topic. 

    Featured 4 of the above posts in the Video here:


    • 91 posts
    May 1, 2017 5:51 PM PDT

    DeathBringer908 said:


    not everyone forgot about my movement <3

    • 65 posts
    May 2, 2017 12:40 AM PDT

    I guess the game is already dead,well sometimes i want to play i found like 1-3 servers ?!? I guess because nerfed everything TBH,well now the game sucks and about some things,people like @EpicTroll2 just keep posting some sh|ts that he won a clan war vs Legion and telling that he is a pro and others noobs,well another reason the other languages made the game more cancerous.

    IMO the best Warmerise was on 2014 and a little bit on 2015...

    Now the game sucks.

    This post was edited by Snyp3rEli7E at May 2, 2017 7:39 AM PDT
    • 284 posts
    May 2, 2017 1:08 AM PDT

    Brian said:

    not everyone forgot about my movement <3

    I didn't <3

    Snyp3rEli7E said:

    I guess the game is already dead,well sometimes i want to play i found like 1-3 servers ?!? I guess because nerfed everything TBH,well not the game sucks and about some things,people like @EpicTroll2 just keep posting some sh|ts that he won a clan war vs Legion and telling that he is a pro and others noobs,well another reason the other languages made the game more cancerous.

    IMO the best Warmerise was on 2014 and a little bit on 2015...

    Now the game sucks.

    Excess of everything is bad; warmerise is too social. 11 thousand members and only 20-30 people are found actually playing in servers. Other 10,970 players are building their social life on Warmerise, most of them are those who cannot get their game running or have anything against the gameplay.

    • 281 posts
    May 2, 2017 4:56 AM PDT
    Snyp3rEli7E said:

    I guess the game is already dead,well sometimes i want to play i found like 1-3 servers ?!? I guess because nerfed everything TBH,well not the game sucks and about some things,people like @EpicTroll2 just keep posting some sh|ts that he won a clan war vs Legion and telling that he is a pro and others noobs,well another reason the other languages made the game more cancerous.

    IMO the best Warmerise was on 2014 and a little bit on 2015...

    Now the game sucks.

    Dont need to be mad just because you got ***** by me. You should look at your own stupidity and dont care about others business, i post on my profile whatever i want lol
    • 65 posts
    May 2, 2017 7:38 AM PDT

    EpicTroll2 said:
    Snyp3rEli7E said:

    I guess the game is already dead,well sometimes i want to play i found like 1-3 servers ?!? I guess because nerfed everything TBH,well not the game sucks and about some things,people like @EpicTroll2 just keep posting some sh|ts that he won a clan war vs Legion and telling that he is a pro and others noobs,well another reason the other languages made the game more cancerous.

    IMO the best Warmerise was on 2014 and a little bit on 2015...

    Now the game sucks.

    Dont need to be mad just because you got ***** by me. You should look at your own stupidity and dont care about others business, i post on my profile whatever i want lol


    • 610 posts
    May 8, 2017 5:59 PM PDT

    Warmerise will never be dead, unless ALL of it's members leave. That includes unregistered players. As long as there is even only one, Warmerise isn't dead. It's truely a great game.

  • June 10, 2017 2:03 AM PDT

    Do you want to have people in the game?

    1 Do not delete accounts! 

    2 Do not make games for the rich!

    3 Do not make an accoutation which players do not want!

    4 Correct errors!
    • 328 posts
    June 10, 2017 9:18 AM PDT

    Kurwa said:

    Do you want to have people in the game?

    1 Do not delete accounts! 

    2 Do not make games for the rich!

    3 Do not make an accoutation which players do not want!

    4 Correct errors!

    1 - Read the story first on why the accounts were deleted.

    2 - This game is not for the rich. Just because you can't afford to buy credits doesn't mean everyone else is rich. Get a job and stop complaining.

    3 - What is "accoutation" ?

    4 - What errors?

    • 91 posts
    June 10, 2017 9:50 AM PDT
    +1 zero haha
  • June 10, 2017 12:19 PM PDT

    1What is normal will be collecting the same items after several times?

    2I deleted my account the second time I had everything and now I have to collect again? Or buy for money? Sure no!

    3Changes in the game only those that people want!


    4Errors in the game!

    If I'm wrong, where do you have these players?

    You do not understand your problem you need to learn POLISH! :-)

    • 609 posts
    June 10, 2017 1:48 PM PDT

    Kurwa said:

    1What is normal will be collecting the same items after several times?

    2I deleted my account the second time I had everything and now I have to collect again? Or buy for money? Sure no!

    3Changes in the game only those that people want!


    4Errors in the game!

    If I'm wrong, where do you have these players?

    You do not understand your problem you need to learn POLISH! :-)

    didn´t understood most part but here it goes...

    1) accounts were deleted after the servers went down, if you invested real money in the game and despite the terms and condition pointing/warning to this possibility, max would still give you your money back IF you prove to him, and im not talking about a screenshot of your weapons, an e-mail verifying the purchase is the answer

    2) if your account was deleted after january its because you were banned, either by cheating or any bad behaving, and for max to ban you it must have been smth serious and recorrent since he hardly bans people tbh

    3)you have to give the people what they need not what they want (give an example of a bad change max made, and don´t say "my game is running slow" pls, tired of that)

    4)every f*cking game has issues, if you don´t want to deal with hackers and glitches don´t play games, go play outside


    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at June 10, 2017 1:50 PM PDT
    • 610 posts
    June 10, 2017 2:07 PM PDT

    SirAws said: Warmerise is dead. We all are. We just are not aware of it. Yet.

    Not yet SirAws. And hopefully it never will be. The word just needs to be spread; That Warmerise is up and still improving. One day, just one day, I know that Warmerise will be as full of players, clans, etc as it used to be. I know it will happen, even if it takes 10+ years. One day Warmerise will become better than ever before.

    • 610 posts
    June 10, 2017 2:11 PM PDT

    DeathBringer908 said:



    Yeah, DB i agree. It's possible. It'll just take time for the word to spread that Warmerise is up and running. (Yes i know it's been up since January).

    It will happen. But like RaMa said, the fate of this wonderful game lays in the hands of Max. I trust that he can make it great again.


    • 610 posts
    June 10, 2017 2:14 PM PDT

    Just spread the word that Warmerise is still here to everyone. To all the old players; everyone. On idk, uh...Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Just spread the word. One day, it'll be as if the game was never tooken down. One day, Warmerise will be as it used to be.


    It's not impossible.

    • 609 posts
    June 11, 2017 3:25 AM PDT

    StarWarsCrazy said:

    Just spread the word that Warmerise is still here to everyone. To all the old players; everyone. On idk, uh...Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Just spread the word. One day, it'll be as if the game was never tooken down. One day, Warmerise will be as it used to be.


    It's not impossible.

    measures pass by making warmerise content in youtube, twitch etc

    spreading the word would still have some effct tho not as much effective, creating groups and pages on fb would help as well


    but agree with u, people cannot have that negative posture "oh its dead, we can´t do nothing", people "need" to actually do smth about it, trying to correct things, maybe then we'll begin have that 2013/2014 season again

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at June 11, 2017 3:27 AM PDT