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REPOST: storymode (max see this)

    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 12:10 PM PST

    hi, ahem. WE NEED A STORY. this is only because I want context of why these "halo-like soldiers" (apparently people think this is some bad version of halo) are fighting. seriously, if we dont have a storyline then its just another boring shooter game. with a story it makes more sense for why we fight each other (matches and servers). i think its a good idea. maybe not a single player camaign like I previously suggested, but a story makes a shooter game (especially a browser shooter game) more interesting. I'm an author (not a official one but still. i make books on google docs, which I plan to publish) so I can make a story, but it will require lots of thinking time. also, when I get better at animating and 3D modeling, I can make a "movie" type of animation that explains the story as if it were a movie. but that takes at least 4 months for a very experienced person to do, and only for 30 minutes. BUT the point is, that we need a story to have context, and it better be a good one. it could maybe be in the "about" tab in the main menu. and just an off topic suggestion, maybe the background can change between these cinamatic backgrounds to make it more interesting, but that will take time. please max consider this 

    • 105 posts
    November 22, 2022 1:06 PM PST

    I hope that Max sees this. It's a very good idea.

  • November 22, 2022 1:13 PM PST

    Yes, just like SF1-2-3

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at November 22, 2022 1:13 PM PST
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    November 22, 2022 2:01 PM PST

    If/when the game has 1k+ concurrent players I will consider adding a story mode.

    • 105 posts
    November 22, 2022 2:03 PM PST

    How many players are there currently?


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    November 22, 2022 2:18 PM PST


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    November 22, 2022 2:22 PM PST

    @Iplayvideogames I was going to ask if you play video games, but your name clearly indicates that you do. What video games do you play and how often?

    • 2129 posts
    November 22, 2022 2:57 PM PST

    I play Pokemon Go Everyday

    • 105 posts
    November 22, 2022 3:07 PM PST

    I play Pokemon GO, Warmerise (obviously), Pokemon TCG, Stumble guys (yes the ripoff fall guys game), Doom 1993, AdVenture Capitalist, and My singing Monsters.

    • 105 posts
    November 22, 2022 3:08 PM PST


    Also, what do you mean by +-50?

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    November 22, 2022 3:19 PM PST
    50 concurrent players in the game, the number that is shown when browsing the rooms.
    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 3:22 PM PST

    so... 1k ppl will be playing when you get on (im talking about the future). seems like a lot of ppl in one day at the same time

    • 609 posts
    November 22, 2022 4:35 PM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    I can make a "movie" type of animation that explains the story as if it were a movie. but that takes at least 4 months for a very experienced person to do, and only for 30 minutes. 

    Jeez, just do a comic book dude

    • 480 posts
    November 22, 2022 5:41 PM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    so... 1k ppl will be playing when you get on (im talking about the future). seems like a lot of ppl in one day at the same time

    That's what it used to be before the shutdown.

    • 2129 posts
    November 22, 2022 5:51 PM PST
    Spacetrooper said:

    hi, ahem. WE NEED A STORY. this is only because I want context of why these "halo-like soldiers" (apparently people think this is some bad version of halo) are fighting. seriously, if we dont have a storyline then its just another boring shooter game. with a story it makes more sense for why we fight each other (matches and servers). i think its a good idea. maybe not a single player camaign like I previously suggested, but a story makes a shooter game (especially a browser shooter game) more interesting. I'm an author (not a official one but still. i make books on google docs, which I plan to publish) so I can make a story, but it will require lots of thinking time. also, when I get better at animating and 3D modeling, I can make a "movie" type of animation that explains the story as if it were a movie. but that takes at least 4 months for a very experienced person to do, and only for 30 minutes. BUT the point is, that we need a story to have context, and it better be a good one. it could maybe be in the "about" tab in the main menu. and just an off topic suggestion, maybe the background can change between these cinamatic backgrounds to make it more interesting, but that will take time. please max consider this 

    Link some of your projects. I want to see this
    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:12 PM PST

    what projects? oh btw lightningstorm. was there actually 1k ppl on each day??? thats cool

    • 609 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:13 PM PST

    Most I recall were 400's

    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:14 PM PST

    idk what "the shutdown" was. can anyone tell me about it? it seems like it killed the game

    • 2129 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:21 PM PST
    Spacetrooper said:

    what projects? oh btw lightningstorm. was there actually 1k ppl on each day??? thats cool

    You said you did 3D animation.
    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:25 PM PST

    no, i said I CAN make a 3D animation if I was experienced. and besides, the animation would take 4 months for a experienced person to do. a youbetoube called "secret4studios" is what im talking about. look up that and look at the graphics and animations. and story if you want. that inspired me. but whatever, my point is that it will take a long time if i started now. i assure you guys that I will make a movie/animation about this game with my own story if there is none by that time (im talking about in like 2 years)

    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 6:31 PM PST

    the only "projects" I have is a throwing knife design and a gernade design (the gernade design is in progress)

    • 609 posts
    November 22, 2022 8:12 PM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    idk what "the shutdown" was. can anyone tell me about it? it seems like it killed the game

    Few years ago, when the game was at its healthiest I believe, browsers dropped support for UnityWebPlayer (iirc) and the game had to shut down, stayed that way for ~9 months I believe, then in January 2017 it came back online.

    • 480 posts
    November 22, 2022 8:27 PM PST

    Though most of the old players couldn't return because WebGL didn't support them.

    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 8:50 PM PST

    oh i see

    • 956 posts
    November 22, 2022 9:01 PM PST

    hey guys, i can make a google doc book about this game? how about that? instead of a animated movie I can make a doc. who wants me to make this?