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I need some cash *-*

    • 43 posts
    December 19, 2022 7:46 AM PST

    I'm not a small kid (15) but my parents treat me like one. So that leaves me with only plan 1- Grind for cash.

    • 250 posts
    December 19, 2022 8:28 AM PST

    Isterio said:

    AxereN said:

    GameOnKek said: Thenk you. It will help me really. :D

    its not that hard to spend 5 dollars

    You know there are small kids here who can't spend money with their strict parents' credit card unless if they want to get beaten up that is.


    that's me (tho not small)

    • 3 posts
    December 19, 2022 8:50 AM PST

    LambentLight said:

    I hate to ask this guys but I need some cash. I'm not some sort of **** that sucks at this game but rather a new player. I think many would agree with me about the fact that everything in this game is EXTREMELY overpriced. It is not really fair that we newer players are getting destroyed by veteran players that have guns like the carbine, plasma gun, and rail rifle. Anyways I some one could hook me up with maybe 10,000 to 20,000 cash would be great. 

    yeah, you are 100% correct lambentlight.

    • 653 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:05 AM PST

    LambentLight said:

    I think many would agree with me about the fact that everything in this game is EXTREMELY overpriced. 

    Personally I think that the price is to encourage players to play more and maintain the activeness of this game, though it's not even that active even then.

    • 250 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:06 AM PST

    Couldn't Max make gaining xp easier :||

    • 653 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:13 AM PST

    I mean I just said that it probably is to encourage players to play more

    • 43 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:20 AM PST

    Isterio said:

    I mean I just said that it probably is to encourage players to play more


    well, that's true, but I don't think that's its fair to say that you have to play for years to match the level of players like majesty


    Although, if you look at majestys stats, she actually bought in-game cash to give herself a boost, while players like me, who can't buy money, have little chance in matches against them. 

    And also, we all know that if these "top 100" players that bought cash would be lower ranked if they used starter weapons.

    Now, I'm NOT saying that all of these players bought cash. People like Hrolf are truly good. 

    • 43 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:28 AM PST


    As you can see, Majesty has a grand total of 301 kills (700 XP) with starter weapons, while she has 18841 kills (89965 XP) with bought items


    • 653 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:30 AM PST

    I mean, that's exactly what they did. With the whole dedication they made it at the top with weapons and stuff with just pure grinding. But note that those so-called "pay to win" guns are actually just matching those starter guns. I see them as just guns but different good-bads and no superiority over others. Look, Carbine is seen as the most popular gun in this game just because of its high damage, but the downsides are that there are high recoil and considerably low fire rate for an automatic rifle. The Blastgun has almost to no recoil and laser fire rate but the damage is still extremely low. Actually I can't defend the gravity gun lol, that's the most useful weapon in the game. (and also broken)

    • 653 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:33 AM PST

    LambentLight said:


    As you can see, Majesty has a grand total of 301 kills (700 XP) with starter weapons, while she has 18841 kills (89965 XP) with bought items


    That's because most of the people who bought guns, will also use them most (some are all)of the time. And she is one of those people, well me too.

    • 43 posts
    December 19, 2022 10:48 AM PST

    But the point is that the carbine is one of the, if not best guns in the game, and with it if you know how to use it, you eliminate 75% of your competition 

    • 24 posts
    December 19, 2022 11:01 AM PST

    well start of buying small items like rovolver / trap mine. Then go for bigger guns after some months (I started in sep and am still bulding up to guns like carbine /G36/vector/plasma etc ). also as Castiel said previously - you can get 500 in game cash per day by watching ads. 


  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    December 19, 2022 12:33 PM PST

    LambentLight said:

    But the point is that the carbine is one of the, if not best guns in the game, and with it if you know how to use it, you eliminate 75% of your competition 

    You're foregetting that L115A3 can take out 6 enemies in 6 shots faster than they can damage you if you're fast enough (Some players have achieved such skill) and combo it with revolver which can do a triple kill in 0.9 seconds. Yeah, Carbine is just for farming and nothing else.

    Rail used to be the undertaker of Warmerise doing an Unbelievables in like 3 seconds. But Max f*cked it so lol, now it's worse than L115A3. Clip size matters more than full ammo, since by the time you spent all 30 L115A3 shots, you're already buying health might as well buy ammo. 

    This post was edited by Eve at December 19, 2022 12:35 PM PST
    • 2129 posts
    December 19, 2022 1:17 PM PST

    UMP and L11 are literally two of the best guns in the game and they are free.

    • 250 posts
    December 19, 2022 8:09 PM PST
    Ump is actually better than GA3A, no cap :|
    • 653 posts
    December 19, 2022 9:32 PM PST


    • 43 posts
    December 20, 2022 7:35 AM PST

    Eve said:

    LambentLight said:

    But the point is that the carbine is one of the, if not best guns in the game, and with it if you know how to use it, you eliminate 75% of your competition 

    You're foregetting that L115A3 can take out 6 enemies in 6 shots faster than they can damage you if you're fast enough (Some players have achieved such skill) and combo it with revolver which can do a triple kill in 0.9 seconds. Yeah, Carbine is just for farming and nothing else.

    Rail used to be the undertaker of Warmerise doing an Unbelievables in like 3 seconds. But Max f*cked it so lol, now it's worse than L115A3. Clip size matters more than full ammo, since by the time you spent all 30 L115A3 shots, you're already buying health might as well buy ammo. 


    I know this Eve, but the Carbine has more ammo than the L11. Also, in most maps you play in you find yourself getting more kills in gunfights rather than snipes. If you look at my stats, you can see that I have the most kills with the L11 because my best gun type is semi-auto, but my stats on the UMP are rising. I guess it matters more what gun type to do best in

    • 1 posts
    December 21, 2022 6:52 AM PST

    Hi can somebody help me can someone send me 25k i just started and need a little help.

    Also hi LambentLight

    • 16 posts
    December 28, 2022 4:53 PM PST

    Im not here to ask people to send me money im just asking whats the fastest way to gain it. Im a very terrible player but i do get a decent amount of kills but if im being honest im just really really bad i have been playing for a little over a week and only gained 3300 and the gun i want is like 25000 so im very far any tips will help thank you.

    • 2129 posts
    December 28, 2022 5:33 PM PST
    So headshots are 10xp each instead of 5. Also you can gain cash by watching advertisements.
    • 250 posts
    December 28, 2022 6:49 PM PST
    RickSanchezC137 said:

    Im not here to ask people to send me money im just asking whats the fastest way to gain it. Im a very terrible player but i do get a decent amount of kills but if im being honest im just really really bad i have been playing for a little over a week and only gained 3300 and the gun i want is like 25000 so im very far any tips will help thank you.

    I guess you want the carbine, which is 25000. It is a good gun, but if you want to have a good gun more easily, go for BlastGun first, which is 17500 only. As you can see in my profile I have BG but not carbine but I have experience with both guns so trust me. A week is not enough, ofc. Top players here didn’t spend just a week to have what they have now (unless they spent 2 seconds buying 500,000 cash using mom’s credit card lol jk), they’ve been playing for long already. Play for a little while longer, and you’ll get what you want to achieve :)
    • 16 posts
    December 28, 2022 10:34 PM PST

    xXBigBadWolFXx said:
    RickSanchezC137 said:

    Im not here to ask people to send me money im just asking whats the fastest way to gain it. Im a very terrible player but i do get a decent amount of kills but if im being honest im just really really bad i have been playing for a little over a week and only gained 3300 and the gun i want is like 25000 so im very far any tips will help thank you.

    I guess you want the carbine, which is 25000. It is a good gun, but if you want to have a good gun more easily, go for BlastGun first, which is 17500 only. As you can see in my profile I have BG but not carbine but I have experience with both guns so trust me. A week is not enough, ofc. Top players here didn’t spend just a week to have what they have now (unless they spent 2 seconds buying 500,000 cash using mom’s credit card lol jk), they’ve been playing for long already. Play for a little while longer, and you’ll get what you want to achieve :)

    • 653 posts
    December 29, 2022 2:28 AM PST

    Just watch 20,000 ads.

    • 16 posts
    December 29, 2022 2:56 AM PST

    ok thats funny, did you really waste your time to calculate that?

    This post was edited by RickSanchezC137 at December 29, 2022 2:56 AM PST
    • 956 posts
    December 29, 2022 2:10 PM PST

    Isterio said:

    Just watch 20,000 ads.

    wait is that actually accurate?