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Purchasing accounts/gifting accounts?

    • 36 posts
    December 13, 2022 5:20 AM PST

    i dont know if this is okay, or not.

    many people have told me buying accounts is against the rules. but i dont know why that is? 

    ive had a friend of mine, who basically, got bored of warmerise, and he wanted to give the account to his friend, basically just give them their password. so he can use his account.


    i honestly dont see the issue here, the only reason i could see this being wrong is when an person is permamentley banned on their other account.

    • 2129 posts
    December 13, 2022 6:01 AM PST
    Technically it violates terms of service but it’s sort of a rule that people will judge at their own discretion. Personally although I’ve done it before it’s generally not encouraged. You can be scammed by people and Max potentially ban your account.
    • 539 posts
    December 13, 2022 9:57 PM PST
    Basically what Castiel said. It's not allowed, but only if you get caught doing it.

    For the situation you stated though, it appears legitimate. It was a voluntary account change from one friend to another, which doesn't seem like a problem to me. As long as the account isn't bought, cause drama, or get used for malicious purposes, I think you're golden
    • 287 posts
    December 14, 2022 12:42 AM PST

    I think the rule is more there for preventing that accounts are sold or stolen. So others dont get any profit out of their accounts: And its hard to tell weather its sold, lend, stolen or anything like that.


    Thats why its prohibited... because its not clear what the case is. With 1 owner it is clear