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Movie Theories.

    • 611 posts
    June 8, 2017 6:40 AM PDT

    Be aware of SPOILERS from all kinds of movies. All and any players may post their theories.


     X-Men Theory:

    This is what Raven (Mystique) saw that made her cry in Days of future Past. if you've seen first class, you'll know who it is. A.zazel. He was one of Trask Industries mutant subjects. It probably killed him or something. How did i find out? I looked up Night Crawler A.zazel images. This is as close as i could get for Nightcrawler:

    • 611 posts
    June 9, 2017 8:46 AM PDT

    Star Wars Theory:

    Mace Windu is still alive. It never showed him die. It showed him fly out the window, yes, but we never saw his body.


    Look at the scene it shows Snoke. About at 1 minute 55 seconds. See the purple around him? He uses the light and dark sides like Mace Windu did. More proof here: Kylo Ren knows his signature move. Mace was the only other Jedi or Sith that used it. So no doubt in my mind it's Windu.