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|[AYM]| Disguisting application..

  • June 22, 2017 1:36 PM PDT
  • June 23, 2017 10:25 AM PDT

    Username: Pleomax

    Age: 14

    How many clans are u in currently?: one

    Why us:: For being a good Clan :)

    • 281 posts
    June 23, 2017 10:31 AM PDT
    Pleomax said:

    Username: Pleomax

    Age: 14

    How many clans are u in currently?: one

    Why us:: For being a good Clan :)

    Why us? Because im unloyal and i want to join as much clans as possible so i join and after 2 days i leave all xdsxds gg
    This post was edited by EpicTroll2 at June 23, 2017 10:32 AM PDT
  • June 23, 2017 10:52 AM PDT


    • 67 posts
    June 23, 2017 11:45 PM PDT

    EpicTroll2 said:
    KingOfMan said:

    username: KingOfMan
    Age: 19
    Are you loyal?: Yes
    How many clans are u in currently: 3
    Why us:Because I like EYM cew.

    "Are you loyal? Yes" i guess they should not accept someone who is lie on his application.


    I leave all my clans bcz I left Warmerise.

    And Im Inactive.

    • 281 posts
    June 24, 2017 2:08 AM PDT
    KingOfMan said:

    EpicTroll2 said:
    KingOfMan said:

    username: KingOfMan
    Age: 19
    Are you loyal?: Yes
    How many clans are u in currently: 3
    Why us:Because I like EYM cew.

    "Are you loyal? Yes" i guess they should not accept someone who is lie on his application.


    I leave all my clans bcz I left Warmerise.

    And Im Inactive.

    If you leave the game why you applying to the clan? And as i see you are already in 5 clans so rip your logic lel. And im sure with insulting you will get a good point for your application.
    • 30 posts
    June 24, 2017 11:59 AM PDT
    KingOfMan said:

    EpicTroll2 said:
    KingOfMan said:

    username: KingOfMan
    Age: 19
    Are you loyal?: Yes
    How many clans are u in currently: 3
    Why us:Because I like EYM cew.

    "Are you loyal? Yes" i guess they should not accept someone who is lie on his application.


    I leave all my clans bcz I left Warmerise.

    And Im Inactive.

    Can anyone tell me what does "loyal" actually means?
  • June 26, 2017 4:32 AM PDT


    Someone who is loyal is reliable and always true, like your trusty dog. Loyal comes from the Old French word loial which means something like "legal," but if someone is only loyal to you because the law requires him to be, that's not true loyalty, which should come from the heart, not a contract. A loyal friend supports you all the time, no matter what. You can also be loyal to an idea, like the People's Revolution, or girl-power.Although this is the general meaning of the word 

    • 281 posts
    June 26, 2017 5:33 AM PDT
    emilar said:


    Someone who is loyal is reliable and always true, like your trusty dog. Loyal comes from the Old French word loial which means something like "legal," but if someone is only loyal to you because the law requires him to be, that's not true loyalty, which should come from the heart, not a contract. A loyal friend supports you all the time, no matter what. You can also be loyal to an idea, like the People's Revolution, or girl-power.Although this is the general meaning of the word 

    Since there are not more loyal players im not even surprised they dont know what loyal means :v
    • 1 posts
    November 9, 2018 7:25 PM PST

    Username: Luca39856

    Age: 11

    Are You Loyal: No

    How Many Clans Are You In Currently? 18 Clans

    Why Us? i Thought This Application About Me

  • November 10, 2018 4:37 PM PST

    OHHH that was the name of xans's old clan. AYM.

    • 82 posts
    November 15, 2018 8:25 PM PST

    Maige said:

    OHHH that was the name of xans's old clan. AYM.


    • 21 posts
    January 27, 2022 6:36 PM PST

    Emma its me PBVN