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Warmerise - 2.7.6

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    • 1202 posts
    March 24, 2023 10:14 AM PDT

    Max said:

    Update 2

    - Possibly fixed the issue when the game would crash on "Preparing weapon animations" message on the Mobile version
    - Removed vote kick feature (This feature did not prove to be very effective and was often used in a toxic manner)
    - Slightly improved performance when checking the Scoreboard on the Desktop version

    What about sky servers? So anyone can be unstoppable when using auto now.


    • 493 posts
    March 24, 2023 11:36 AM PDT

    Aetoyn said:

    Max said:

    Update 2

    - Possibly fixed the issue when the game would crash on "Preparing weapon animations" message on the Mobile version
    - Removed vote kick feature (This feature did not prove to be very effective and was often used in a toxic manner)
    - Slightly improved performance when checking the Scoreboard on the Desktop version

    What about sky servers? So anyone can be unstoppable when using auto now.


    miskin yes

    • 956 posts
    March 24, 2023 11:51 AM PDT
    Maybe Max can add a feature where you can click “no automatics” in the room creation. So that way there is no automatics in sky. And if you want only automatics, you can click no semi-auto
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 24, 2023 3:14 PM PDT

    Technically, there is an option to disable some weapons when creating a private room, but I understand that unchecking every weapon each time when creating a room can be tedious. So I will consider adding an option to save disabled weapons into presets, with a few existing presets, ex. "No Auto" and "Auto-Only".

  • March 24, 2023 3:32 PM PDT
    Make enemy team inable to spectate other team after death in elimination mode, this has been long overdue
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at March 24, 2023 3:34 PM PDT
    • 956 posts
    March 24, 2023 4:40 PM PDT
    Well that can be annoying, since (if you are talking about normal matches) if you die, you can’t see where the enemy is, therefore you don’t know where the person is, which leads to not being able to get a good view of where your enemy was/is. This would increase spawn camping too
  • March 24, 2023 5:01 PM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    Well that can be annoying, since (if you are talking about normal matches) if you die, you can’t see where the enemy is, therefore you don’t know where the person is, which leads to not being able to get a good view of where your enemy was/is. This would increase spawn camping too

    Nah, just for elimination mode
    • 956 posts
    March 24, 2023 5:13 PM PDT

    Oh alright.

  • March 25, 2023 1:09 AM PDT

    Max said:

    Technically, there is an option to disable some weapons when creating a private room, but I understand that unchecking every weapon each time when creating a room can be tedious. So I will consider adding an option to save disabled weapons into presets, with a few existing presets, ex. "No Auto" and "Auto-Only".

    that good but u should add stg and ump to that lest because we disable the guns but ump and stg still there ppl use it that why We exploded when u remove (kick) 

    • 1202 posts
    March 25, 2023 1:26 PM PDT

    ??? getting out of hand btw

    earlier 3 ppl use auto in sky and we CANT do anything, so many had to leave.

    removing kick feature is the f ucking dumbest idea ever bro. at least keep votekicks? but instead u would destroy your own project like vince mcmahon sells wwe.

  • March 26, 2023 2:41 AM PDT

    Aetoyn said:

    3 ppl use auto in sky



    • 493 posts
    March 26, 2023 2:51 AM PDT

    Yes, and after everyone was using automatic weapons, it's very annoying, we can't make our own rules on private servers anymore.

    • 653 posts
    March 26, 2023 3:40 AM PDT

    max casually ripping his project for the 4th time as if its a normal day

    • 483 posts
    March 26, 2023 5:53 AM PDT

    Why, Max, just why? Why ruin the hard work that you've worked on for over a decade?

  • March 26, 2023 7:24 AM PDT
    People were being toxic and as a result they were being kicked from sky, they kept complaining about being kicked, so max decided it was wise to remove the kick feature. Why didn't you just add a feature that detects toxicity and once it violates it, it automatically kick a person.

    Max, you rather people being toxic in game, than them being kicked out of a room? Makes no sense. I definitely won't be playing this game anymore. Nonsense.
  • March 26, 2023 7:35 AM PDT

    Majesty said: People were being toxic and as a result they were being kicked from sky, they kept complaining about being kicked, so max decided it was wise to remove the kick feature. Why didn't you just add a feature that detects toxicity and once it violates it, it automatically kick a person. Max, you rather people being toxic in game, than them being kicked out of a room? Makes no sense. I definitely won't be playing this game anymore. Nonsense.

    • 956 posts
    March 26, 2023 9:33 AM PDT
    To be honest, this will be *THE MOST RARE* thing I will post, but it was a mistake removing vote kicking. I’m usually happy about the updates but this one kind of went off track. As a player that has been playing for 3-4 years, this might be the first update I don’t really like. Although, it doesn’t affect me because I don’t usually play “sky”, and I just deal with the issue, instead of kicking. The reason why I am somewhat annoyed by this is because lots of other people are annoyed.
    This post was edited by Spacetrooper at March 26, 2023 9:34 AM PDT
    • 956 posts
    March 26, 2023 2:21 PM PDT
    And plus, play their game by using autos and adapt to what is happening in sky. I would do that since they are doing it. Don’t be a baby about “too much autos” when you guys have carbine and can now use carbine without getting kicked. Spawn camp them with carbine and make them quit if you don’t want any autos.
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    March 27, 2023 10:39 AM PDT

    Max said:

    Technically, there is an option to disable some weapons when creating a private room, but I understand that unchecking every weapon each time when creating a room can be tedious. So I will consider adding an option to save disabled weapons into presets, with a few existing presets, ex. "No Auto" and "Auto-Only".

    ????????????????????????, why not just add a sniper only that disables ump, stg, usp, and plasma grenade, just like melee only but with snipers.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    March 27, 2023 10:44 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: And plus, play their game by using autos and adapt to what is happening in sky. I would do that since they are doing it. Don’t be a baby about “too much autos” when you guys have carbine and can now use carbine without getting kicked. Spawn camp them with carbine and make them quit if you don’t want any autos.

    Auto in sky??? Who tf gave you the pass then, they should have been cautious not to give it to a stpid no good brainless farmer who just holds w and holds click. "too much autos" is a respectable thing becuse 95% of the games player base consists of NPC farmers who do nothing but farm xp with their carbine, g36, rpg and m67. Instead of playing the game the good way, these clowns can do nothing but spam auto, rpg and m67. And the only reason someone would back auto trash up is if they were auto trash themselves, lol.

    • 956 posts
    March 27, 2023 10:49 AM PDT
    I’m just saying adapt to it Eve. I personally like shotguns and the plasma gun, those are semi- automatic
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    March 27, 2023 10:49 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: To be honest, this will be *THE MOST RARE* thing I will post, but it was a mistake removing vote kicking. I’m usually happy about the updates but this one kind of went off track. As a player that has been playing for 3-4 years, this might be the first update I don’t really like. Although, it doesn’t affect me because I don’t usually play “sky”, and I just deal with the issue, instead of kicking. The reason why I am somewhat annoyed by this is because lots of other people are annoyed.

    It's rare cuz you're an eediot who paractically ruins the game with your grueling suggestions, removing vote kicking was a mistake, but it also stopped rtards from kicking people they didn't like which happens a lot because everyone are nothing but oversensitive and overreacting fools. You're only happy about the updates because they came out of your asz, thanks for getting Max to remove the jumping in mid air, as if it wasn't a useful thing. All because you didn't know how to play and instead choose to ruin the game because it seemed unlogical despite it's great use case. Let's be real the only reason you don't play Sky is because it isn't a farming server.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    March 27, 2023 10:51 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: I’m just saying adapt to it Eve. I personally like shotguns and the plasma gun, those are semi- automatic

    Adapt to being a brainless w + click holder???? No thank you, I don't want to be that pathetic. And Sniper only would have been a much more appreciated feature than melee only.

  • March 27, 2023 1:07 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: I’m just saying adapt to it Eve. I personally like shotguns and the plasma gun, those are semi- automatic
    did u know where u need to put ur idea ?

    • 956 posts
    March 27, 2023 4:32 PM PDT
    What do you mean