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Difficult times

    • 445 posts
    September 3, 2023 11:10 AM PDT
    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    its not even an opinion? that guy is a ******* moron acting like he is so smart. He claims he is writing a book, being a gamedeveloper, modeler, having 3 Oscars and 2 Nobels but in reality he is just another 10 iq american XDD probably the most clueless person on warmerise forums rn
    • 1193 posts
    September 3, 2023 12:04 PM PDT

    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    who are you lmao

    go win 1v1 with anyone in this game and send ss in forums, maybe just maybe then i'll give my attention to you.

    • 105 posts
    September 3, 2023 4:26 PM PDT

    Astray said:

    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    nobody asked for ur existence

    Same for you

    • 105 posts
    September 3, 2023 4:27 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    its not even an opinion? that guy is a ******* moron acting like he is so smart. He claims he is writing a book, being a gamedeveloper, modeler, having 3 Oscars and 2 Nobels but in reality he is just another 10 iq american XDD probably the most clueless person on warmerise forums rn

    That doesn't mean your have to be *** holes to him

    • 105 posts
    September 3, 2023 4:29 PM PDT

    Aetoyn said:

    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    who are you lmao

    go win 1v1 with anyone in this game and send ss in forums, maybe just maybe then i'll give my attention to you.

    I'll lose against you so... 

    • 445 posts
    September 3, 2023 4:45 PM PDT

    Iplayvideogames said:

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    its not even an opinion? that guy is a ******* moron acting like he is so smart. He claims he is writing a book, being a gamedeveloper, modeler, having 3 Oscars and 2 Nobels but in reality he is just another 10 iq american XDD probably the most clueless person on warmerise forums rn

    That doesn't mean your have to be *** holes to him

    why not? he is kinda asking for it with all his ******** posts lmao

    • 8 posts
    September 3, 2023 5:11 PM PDT

    Iplayvideogames said:

    EpicTr0ll said:
    Iplayvideogames said:

    Aetoyn said:

    atleast the bright side we won't see spacetrooper with his potato "suggestions"

    Shut up **** head. Nobody asked for your opinion

    its not even an opinion? that guy is a ******* moron acting like he is so smart. He claims he is writing a book, being a gamedeveloper, modeler, having 3 Oscars and 2 Nobels but in reality he is just another 10 iq american XDD probably the most clueless person on warmerise forums rn

    That doesn't mean your have to be *** holes to him

    ^angry geekoid noises

    • 956 posts
    September 4, 2023 12:52 PM PDT
    I am an author, Engineer, game developer, 3D modeler, future miner. I am smart and what are your hobbies? Sleeping, eating, doing stupid social media… well that’s disappointing. I at least actually have lots of stuff to do. I would be considered a renaissance man.
    This post was edited by Spacetrooper at September 4, 2023 12:52 PM PDT
    • 445 posts
    September 4, 2023 1:01 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: I am an author, Engineer, game developer, 3D modeler, future miner. I am smart and what are your hobbies? Sleeping, eating, doing stupid social media… well that’s disappointing. I at least actually have lots of stuff to do. I would be considered a renaissance man.

    I can believe the miner part. 

    What book did you ever write? Besides the irrelevant warmerise bullshet u r writing XD

    What game you developed? Modeler? What did u model? I guess you are begging for a warmerise modeler job because u r successful modeler XD

    you sound like some npc who reads an article of something and 5 min later they consider themselves experts at the field?

    • 359 posts
    September 4, 2023 1:21 PM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Spacetrooper said: I am an author, Engineer, game developer, 3D modeler, future miner. I am smart and what are your hobbies? Sleeping, eating, doing stupid social media… well that’s disappointing. I at least actually have lots of stuff to do. I would be considered a renaissance man.

    I can believe the miner part. 

    What book did you ever write? Besides the irrelevant warmerise bullshet u r writing XD

    What game you developed? Modeler? What did u model? I guess you are begging for a warmerise modeler job because u r successful modeler XD

    you sound like some npc who reads an article of something and 5 min later they consider themselves experts at the field?

    future miner bro XD 

    • 956 posts
    September 4, 2023 6:45 PM PDT
    I have written more than 6 books. I have made many models that you don’t even know about. I am currently making a very cool game which you won’t be a part of. I am clearly not an NPC that has looked at articles. That is irrelevant. I never said I was an expert. I am moderately educated in the hobbies I have a good understanding in and like.
    • 445 posts
    September 4, 2023 7:42 PM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    I have written more than 6 books. I have made many models that you don’t even know about. I am currently making a very cool game which you won’t be a part of. I am clearly not an NPC that has looked at articles. That is irrelevant. I never said I was an expert. I am moderately educated in the hobbies I have a good understanding in and like.

    thats crazy bro where are those books published at?
    what kind of game are you making? sounds so cool
    • 445 posts
    September 4, 2023 7:50 PM PDT
    xChapo said:

    EpicTr0ll said:

    Spacetrooper said: I am an author, Engineer, game developer, 3D modeler, future miner. I am smart and what are your hobbies? Sleeping, eating, doing stupid social media… well that’s disappointing. I at least actually have lots of stuff to do. I would be considered a renaissance man.

    I can believe the miner part. 

    What book did you ever write? Besides the irrelevant warmerise bullshet u r writing XD

    What game you developed? Modeler? What did u model? I guess you are begging for a warmerise modeler job because u r successful modeler XD

    you sound like some npc who reads an article of something and 5 min later they consider themselves experts at the field?

    future miner bro XD 

    u r rofling now but he is actually going to mine beet coins and buy your whole family. go rofl then
    • 105 posts
    September 5, 2023 5:28 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: I am an author, Engineer, game developer, 3D modeler, future miner. I am smart and what are your hobbies? Sleeping, eating, doing stupid social media… well that’s disappointing. I at least actually have lots of stuff to do. I would be considered a renaissance man.

    Like, an actual miner? One that mines rocks?

    • 59 posts
    September 5, 2023 10:36 AM PDT

    what the fek are all of you guys arguing about??? stop u guys bullshet and go do something else breh XDDD

    • 956 posts
    September 5, 2023 10:40 AM PDT
    Ey im just explaining to these guys what I do. Not my problem
    • 445 posts
    September 5, 2023 11:09 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Ey im just explaining to these guys what I do. Not my problem

    so go explain vro im so curious about what kind of game u r "developing" :DD

    • 956 posts
    September 5, 2023 6:01 PM PDT
    Well simply it’s going to be a shooter/sandbox game with simple graphics and good physics using unity engine and C++ code. It might also have a lore/story to it.
    • 59 posts
    September 6, 2023 6:46 AM PDT

    Is it going to be in browser? if it is then GREaT!!! im gonna play it! :D

    • 105 posts
    September 6, 2023 1:37 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Well simply it’s going to be a shooter/sandbox game with simple graphics and good physics using unity engine and C++ code. It might also have a lore/story to it.


    • 445 posts
    September 6, 2023 2:43 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Well simply it’s going to be a shooter/sandbox game with simple graphics and good physics using unity engine and C++ code. It might also have a lore/story to it.

    wow bro is c++ master so cool

    • 956 posts
    September 6, 2023 5:13 PM PDT
    Currently I have no idea how to publish anything to any gaming platform or browser so I don’t know. Plus it’s going to take a really long time to make. Plus C++ is just the basic coding language that is built in for Unity game engine.
    This post was edited by Spacetrooper at September 6, 2023 5:13 PM PDT
    • 445 posts
    September 6, 2023 5:27 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper said: Currently I have no idea how to publish anything to any gaming platform or browser so I don’t know. Plus it’s going to take a really long time to make. Plus C++ is just the basic coding language that is built in for Unity game engine.

    I agree brother, what do you think about operator overloading?

    • 956 posts
    September 6, 2023 9:07 PM PDT
    I never really understood what that means.
    • 445 posts
    September 7, 2023 6:17 AM PDT
    Spacetrooper said:
    I never really understood what that means.

    np bro maybe you prefer pointers yes?