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Donation For Warmerise.

    • 42 posts
    May 19, 2023 10:19 AM PDT

    Yes. These are to get good quality images from whenever possible, like when the camera is still and there is a good shot. Also, I posted them so people can try to make it a better quality, get ideas from it, etc.

    • 956 posts
    May 19, 2023 4:28 PM PDT
    I’d say it’s too long of a chase. Also you should have flying mode on for someone to record it, maybe make the angle more cinematic if you can. I’ll try doing some stuff
    • 36 posts
    May 20, 2023 7:44 PM PDT

    @Max Like this?

    [Quick and thrilling scenes follow one another in the trailer, showcasing intense action and gameplay moments from Warmerise: Red vs Blue.]

    [The Red and Blue teams are shown in formation, preparing for battle.]

    Narrator: "In a world of eternal conflict, war rages on. Two factions clash, vying for supremacy."

    [Players wielding futuristic weapons, shooting and moving with agility, are shown.]

    Narrator: "Face your adversaries in relentless combat. Master speed, strategy, and precision to lead your team to victory."

    [Rapidly alternating images of different maps and game modes are shown.]

    Narrator: "Explore stunning environments, from urban ruins to lush natural landscapes. Engage in frantic team battles or challenge rivals in one-on-one duels."

    [Players using special abilities and unlocking powerful weapons are shown.]

    Narrator: "Unleash your power with unique abilities and unlock an arsenal of advanced weaponry. Be the hero your team needs."

    [Players celebrating victory and the game's logo are shown.]

    Narrator: "Warmerise: Red vs Blue. Choose your side, forge your legend. Are you ready for war?"

    [The trailer ends with an epic flash and the game's logo on the screen.]

    Narrator: "Join the battle now!"


    • 956 posts
    May 20, 2023 8:59 PM PDT
    Seems pretty cool. I can imagine that well. But the problem is that will be extremely hard to make, due to the animation being put into the soldiers (if this would be a cinematic thing) and the game doesn’t really have a story (when it said “two factions clash, vying for supremacy”), although I am making one right now, but it might not be accepted for whatever reason. Maybe there can be some story page or an in game tab in the main menu that shows it. But still, it seems too hard for what we have right now
    • 149 posts
    May 21, 2023 8:05 AM PDT


    [Quick and thrilling scenes follow one another in the trailer, showcasing intense action and gameplay moments from Warmerise: Red vs Blue.]

    [The Red and Blue teams are shown in formation, preparing for battle.]

    Narrator: "In a world of eternal conflict, war rages on. Two factions clash, vying for supremacy."

    [Players wielding futuristic weapons, shooting and moving with agility, are shown.]

    Narrator: "Face your adversaries in relentless combat. Master speed, strategy, and precision to lead your team to victory."

    [Rapidly alternating images of different maps and game modes are shown.]

    Narrator: "Explore stunning environments, from urban ruins to lush natural landscapes. Engage in frantic team battles or challenge rivals in one-on-one duels."

    [Players using special abilities and unlocking powerful weapons are shown.]

    Narrator: "Unleash your power with unique abilities and unlock an arsenal of advanced weaponry. Be the hero your team needs."

    [Players celebrating victory and the game's logo are shown.]

    Narrator: "Warmerise: Red vs Blue. Choose your side, forge your legend. Are you ready for war?"

    [The trailer ends with an epic flash and the game's logo on the screen.]

    Narrator: "Join the battle now!"


    [Quick and thrilling scenes follow one another in the trailer, showcasing intense action and gameplay moments from Warmerise: Red vs Blue.]

    [The Red and Blue teams are shown in formation, preparing for battle.]

    Narrator: "In a world of eternal conflict, war rages on. Two teams clash for victory."

    [Players wielding futuristic weapons, shooting and moving with agility (clip of skytrooper using gravity gun and shield), are shown.]

    Narrator: "Face your adversaries in relentless combat. Master speed, strategy, and precision to lead your team to victory."

    [Rapidly alternating images of different maps and game modes are shown.]

    Narrator: "Explore stunning environments, from urban ruins to lush natural landscapes. Engage in frantic team battles or challenge rivals in one-on-one duels."

    [Players using special abilities and unlocking powerful weapons are shown.]

    [Clip showing different weapons and skins]

    Narrator: "Unleash your power with unique abilities and unlock an arsenal of advanced weaponry. Be the hero your team needs."

    [Players celebrating victory and the game's logo are shown.]

    Narrator: "Play it now in your browser, with no need to download anything. "

    Narrator: "Warmerise: Red vs Blue. Choose your side, forge your legend. Are you ready to fight?"

    [The trailer ends with an epic flash and the game's logo on the screen.]

    Narrator: "Join the battle now!"


    This post was edited by Stoplookin9 at May 21, 2023 8:06 AM PDT
    • 36 posts
    May 21, 2023 9:34 PM PDT

    Majesty said: I’d advocate for Lion7 as warmerise mod/admin. He’s the only gracious, respectful and benevolent person I’ve met on here, since I’ve joined the game. Great guy!

    Why not spacetrooper? he is the forum police(he was like me when i was younger)

    • 36 posts
    May 21, 2023 9:35 PM PDT

    Honestly, these ideas are badass. Can i help?

    • 287 posts
    May 21, 2023 11:21 PM PDT
    Max said:
    After some consideration, I am going to create Patreon page for Warmerise.
    Also, I will need help from the community.
    I want to create a trailer for Patreon and I will need some B-roll footage from the game. The trailer will be around 30seconds-1minute long.

    - The footage need to be 1920x1080px and atleast 30fps
    - Whoever records need to join flying spectator, set quality to highest and disable HUD
    - Still shot means camera doesn't move, for moving shots try to move camera smoothly to avoid shakiness

    What type of footage?

    - One still shot of red team rushing towards the blue team base (crouching, firing, running towards, throwing grenades etc.)
    - One still shot of blue team defending from the hills
    - Few still shots from different angles on Base of blue team sneaking towards the red base
    - Few shots of red team standing in group being ambushed (Base)
    - Few shots of red players chasing blue player in the car on TheRoad, red team car have player in the gunner seat, firing it, for the blue team just one player in the car trying to escape in a car
    - Moving shot of a red player in Jet patrolling around T-Pile
    - Zooming out/moving away shot from the blue team player hiding in obscure place on the T-Pile

    P.S. It's better for the footage to be longer than shorter, so let it run for a bit while recording.

    Upload the footage to Google drive and message me the links (Make sure it's public and indicate who participated and who recorded)
    Everyone who participated in filming and recording will receive 10k cash.

    @Max: I just send you a message containing a folder with recordings.
    • 956 posts
    May 22, 2023 6:48 AM PDT
    Well I guess it’s too late for me too help now… oh well
    • 42 posts
    August 4, 2023 4:52 AM PDT
    Sorry guys. They blocked warmerise. On a friends phone. Dont have my own, so I cant really play much. Sorry. Did u get the trailer done? If so, did my film help any?
    • 105 posts
    August 4, 2023 6:04 AM PDT

    Ya, we did get the trailer done. I'm not sure if we used your trailer. A couple weeks after, Max took down the pateron and hasn't told us why

  • January 26, 2025 9:55 AM PST

    [citace]LunaMercenary řekl:

    @Max Líbí se vám tohle?

    [Rychlé a napínavé scény následují jedna za druhou v traileru a představují intenzivní akční a herní momenty z Warmerise: Red vs Blue.]

    (Červený a modrý tým jsou zobrazeny ve formaci, připravující se k bitvě.)

    Vypravěč: "Ve světě věčného konfliktu zuří válka. Střetávají se dvě frakce, které soupeří o nadvládu."

    [Jsou zobrazeni hráči s futuristickými zbraněmi, střílející a pohybující se s hbitostí.]

    Vypravěč: "Postavte se svým protivníkům v nelítostném boji. Ovládněte rychlost, strategii a přesnost a doveďte svůj tým k vítězství."

    [Jsou zobrazeny rychle se střídající obrázky různých map a herních režimů.]

    Vypravěč: "Prozkoumejte úžasná prostředí, od městských ruin po bujnou přírodní krajinu. Zapojte se do zběsilých týmových bitev nebo vyzvěte soupeře v soubojích jeden na jednoho."

    [Jsou zobrazeni hráči používající speciální schopnosti a odemykající mocné zbraně.]

    Vypravěč: "Uvolněte svou sílu s jedinečnými schopnostmi a odemkněte arzenál pokročilých zbraní. Staňte se hrdinou, kterého váš tým potřebuje."

    [Jsou zobrazeni hráči oslavující vítězství a logo hry.]

    Vypravěč: "Warmerise: Červená vs modrá. Vyberte si svou stranu, vytvořte svou legendu. Jsi připraven na válku?"

    [Trailer končí epickým zábleskem a logem hry na obrazovce.]

    Vypravěč: "Zapojte se do bitvy hned!"
