Revenge is founded by Axysia and Akhtar the clan is currently leaded by Akhtar .We are a strong family and become one of the greatest here in the coming days.
Candidate must have intention to enter the clan.
Candidate must have good and decent background.
Candidate must have strong loyality intention.
Candidate isnot allowed to wear other clan profile pic.
Candidate will be banned from the clan if he left.
Candidate will be banned from the clan if he speaks against the clan.
Candidate will be banned from the clan if found in spying activity from others clan.
Multi clanning is allowed to some players but mostly prefered 5 clans.
Candidate who try to hijack or threat the clan is banned from the clan.
Candidate must have 1 KDR.
Candidate must have a good kill streak.
Candidate must not be a part of more than 5 clans. (Optional)
Candidate must need to pass the test Sniper Only.
Candidate must need to share screenshor of Sky Score.
Name ;
Age ;
Gender ;
Country ;
Discord profile ;
Warmerise profile link ;
Contact info