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|[Xera]| Always & Forever

    • 11 posts
    January 14, 2017 4:58 AM PST


    Xera is an international gaming clan founded on January 24th 2016. The clan strives towards equality and being efficient, demanding hard work and dedication from it’s members. Xera doesn’t have ranks, since they are not necessary. Xera splits members into groups, defined solely by time spent and dedication into the Xera community.

    The founders and leaders are

    Ren & Apster 

    Xera does not have ranks, which means that every member has the same privileges and tasks to perform. Each member of Xera has (but is not limited to) the following rights:

    • Each member has the right to express their genuine opinion, and shall not be pressurised to change it;

    • Each member can elaborate on any topic on the clan forum and Discord channel;

    • Each member can create polls to gather information;

    • Each member is allowed to suggest changes in the overall clan structure;

    • All members can (and are encouraged to!) design clan art, and other things;

    • All members have the right to ban or kick any member from the forum chatbox if a reason is provided and clear;

    • All members can organise in-game events, such as (but not limited to);

    a) clan wars;

    b) trainings;

    c) tournaments

    d) and others

    However, there also exists a Core group, group of members who have shown their dedication to the clan and are being given more responsibilities over other members, such as (but not limited to):

    • maintaining and moderating clan’s dedicated Discord channel and forum;

    • update the clan advertisement if needed;

    • informing clan members about important events and occurences;

    • keep the clan running overall

    The Core Group currently consists of: Apster, DeathBringer908, LemoMrRen, SirAwsZero

    Official list of all the Members

    [Updated on July 27th, 2019]

    Apster | Eternal Member, Italy

    Admiral | Member, USA

    DeathBringer908 | Core Member, Pakistan

    KillerCroc | Member, Romania

    Lemo | Core Member, Poland

     MrRen | Eternal Member, Croatia

    Syveikki | Member, Netherlands

     SarOn | Member, Belgium

    SirAws | Core Member, Israel

     xXMast3rKillerXx | Member, Italy

     Zero | Core Member, USA

    Inactive: ARMYBl4ckCoBr4, hernandezpapucho334Legzzz, xBeast

    Registration Process – create an account on the Xera’s forum and request to be added into the usergroup for applicants

    Introduction Process – present yourself to the clan, stay active on the forum and play games with us, get to know your possible future clanmates and try your best to befriend them

    Application Process – write a proper, original application following the format specified on the forum, do not attempt to steal from other applicants

    Waiting Period – patiently wait for the clan to decide and consider your application, do not disturb or question any members about your application as it lowers your chances of being accepted

    Poll Period – the clan starts a poll and votes to either accept or decline you, the results will be sent to you via pm with further instructions

    If you get accepted, we can assure you that you will have great time with us.

    If you get rejected, we are aware that you tried your best to join us, but try finding a clan more suitable for yourself.

    User has majorly offended;

    • overall clan

    • particular member/s


    • racist remarks

    • major, repetitive insulting

    • spreading hatred

    • shaming

    • starting flame wars on Xera forum/Discord

    User has betrayed Xera by;

    • sharing private information

    • joining another clan while applying/being a member

    • spreading false information about Xera and it's members

    • giving the clan a bad name by using external software to gain and unfair advantage over other players

    • destroying the clan forum by changing it's layout or filling it with spam

    User can rejoin Xera if;

    • the user is willing to cooperate

    • the user is aware of his/her mistakes

    • the user is active on Xera's Discord channel and forum

    • the user often plays with Xera members

    • the offense wasn't too severe

    • enough time has passed (depending on violation)

    • the user is not a member of ANY clan

    User will receive warnings for minor offenses, such as the ones listed below.

    User can get warned if;

    • the user joins a fun clan while being a member of Xera/applying

    • the user is inactive for an extended period of time without a given explanation

    • the user purposefully worsens Xera's reputation

    • the user starts/participates in a flame war on the Warmerise forum

    • the user doesn't show respect for their clanmates

    • the user uses offensive nicknames or server names

    • the user breaks rules on

    • the user modifies the clan forum without clearance from Core

    • the user spams on the clan's Discord, clan wall and forum

    Being warned will make other members keep an eye out for the user, and ensure that they correct their mistake/s.

    The user will get permanently banned and blacklisted from reapplying if;

    • the user is a confirmed hacker/cheater

    • the user is declared as a public enemy for Xera

    • the user is a spy from another clan

    • the user is sharing private information about clan's members, including IP's, house addresses, surnames and similiar

    If the user violates the clan in a way unspecified on the above list, please contact a Core Member to take the necessary action.

    Forum | Discord | Clan Page 

    This post was edited by MrRen at January 4, 2021 5:21 PM PST
  • January 14, 2017 1:00 PM PST

    this gonna be cool my bro

  • January 16, 2017 9:13 AM PST

    Good Luck

    • 452 posts
    January 19, 2017 1:02 PM PST

    Very well made. Good luck to all applicants, and long live for us!

    • 1 posts
    January 22, 2017 2:44 AM PST

    Can i Join Xera clan???



  • January 22, 2017 3:28 AM PST
    Please refer to the "Enter" section if you're interested in joining Xera.
  • January 22, 2017 5:11 PM PST
    @DarkShadoW Please refrain from spamming. Reread the thread.
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 22, 2017 5:19 PM PST
  • January 26, 2017 10:20 PM PST

    good luck bro

  • January 27, 2017 3:23 PM PST

    GOOD LUCK ! =) 

    • 107 posts
    February 5, 2017 8:29 AM PST
    Good luck Apster and renne!
  • February 14, 2017 1:23 AM PST

    gl mate!

    • 81 posts
    October 2, 2018 8:10 AM PDT

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    • 452 posts
    October 6, 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    deathshot98 said:

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    We're closed fam, but thanks for caring ay

    • 81 posts
    October 6, 2018 9:11 PM PDT

    SirAws said:

    deathshot98 said:

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    We're closed fam, but thanks for caring ay

    Bro I have founded the Forum , But When Will Be tHe Clan will Re Open?

    • 81 posts
    October 6, 2018 9:11 PM PDT

    SirAws said:

    deathshot98 said:

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    We're closed fam, but thanks for caring ay

    Bro I have founded the Forum , But When Will Be tHe Clan will Re Open?

    • 81 posts
    October 29, 2018 6:36 AM PDT

    deathshot98 said:

    SirAws said:

    deathshot98 said:

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    We're closed fam, but thanks for caring ay

    Bro I have founded the Forum , But When Will Be tHe Clan will Re Open?

      Any Answers Brothers??

    • 328 posts
    November 6, 2018 6:44 PM PST

    deathshot98 said:

    deathshot98 said:

    SirAws said:

    deathshot98 said:

    What is the name of Xera's Forum On The Discord App....?

    We're closed fam, but thanks for caring ay

    Bro I have founded the Forum , But When Will Be tHe Clan will Re Open?

      Any Answers Brothers??


    As of right now we are not looking for any applicants. We will re-open applications when Warmerise is fairly active and clan wars are happening every other day or so.

    • 4 posts
    March 12, 2019 7:46 AM PDT


  • April 29, 2019 2:31 PM PDT
    Hello all I have watched and played warmerise for a good 3-4 years. I would like to join XerA
    • 328 posts
    April 29, 2019 3:02 PM PDT
    Xera is closed right now. Thank you for your interest.
    • 539 posts
    April 29, 2019 3:21 PM PDT

    Zero said: Xera is closed right now. Thank you for your interest.

    That's a diplomatic answer, I like it. It might be worth adding that information to the original post

    • 260 posts
    April 29, 2019 3:30 PM PDT

    Zero said: Xera is closed right now. Thank you for your interest.

    100% approve this message.

  • April 29, 2019 5:34 PM PDT

    mattyspectrum said:

    Zero said: Xera is closed right now. Thank you for your interest.

    100% approve this message.

    It is a good way of saying "I don't want you to join this clan."

    • 429 posts
    January 2, 2020 6:53 PM PST
    Is Xera application open?
    • 260 posts
    January 2, 2020 8:20 PM PST

    If my memory servers me right this clan hasn't been active for 2-3 years.