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Report Hackers And Cheaters Thread

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    • 71 posts
    January 5, 2019 7:32 AM PST

    Airwolf said:

    xSlifer said:

    Beeice you are actually pathetic, you call me a hacker for headshotting you about 10 times in a row, anyone that rekts you IS NOT A HACKER! Everyone that kills you IS NOT A HACKER! I could show so many screens of you being toxic to people who kill you, AND including me, tried to kick me out the server because of "Stealing kills?!" you're pathetic.

    @xSlifer: could you explain this game where you have 78 kills and as soon as Viviana enters, she is expelled from the game?

    So basically, getting score 78-1 and some other players kick Viviana (she could be rude or something, that could lead to her kick).. if you think that is a bot farm or etc, then you need video evidence, screenshoting a score, means just fame for the player, there is no evidence of him hacking/cheating etc, if you have a valid proof, then start to write in here, cheers buddy lmao. 

    This post was edited by Antaxay at January 5, 2019 7:34 AM PST
    • 256 posts
    January 5, 2019 8:00 AM PST

    So let's get thing right here.

    This clearly looks like a bot farming scenario for me but, it's Max who will judge this at the end.

    I will state some facts and some opinions about why that's my conclusion:

    1. If you are AFK for more than 30 seconds or 1 minute (can't remember) the server automatically kicks you so them being AFK for 40 deaths isn't a possibility.

    2. Only one person is killing in the server which seems very suspicious.

    3. Going back to the AFK thing if they actually were and for some reason which goes beyond human reasoning they moved their mouse every 30 secs most kills would not give any XP which would make it pointless.

    4. Saying "these noobs are ez" looks like a way to cover it up, if any normal player is noobashing in a server and someone joins they wouldn't say these noobs are ez.

    5. Even tho not the exact same one of the bots ping is similar to Slifer's and the other one is high just like bla's. Ping aren't always the same even using same net, in other games with very precise ping me and my roomates get slighty different ping and if one suffers a ping spike it might arrive late to the other.

    6. As soon as Viviana joined one of the "afk players" started moving and suddenly kills bla, and what a coincidence it's the one with high ping like him.

    7. It was stated Viviana just joined so I don't see how she could be rude (plus everything that seems to have been said is "these noobs are ez" and the players who were there never mentioned Viviana saying anything). First of all I don't think if those guys were real and they are so bad they would know how to kick someone, and also there is 3 people who voted yes so 1 of the players with account must've voted Yes. If there is nothing to hide they wouldn't have done so.

    8. Highly doubt anyone would join an Asian server to play, and since I am an old players and I know those tricks I will explain why that's something you should be concerned about. It has already been done years ago, making an Asian server so it appears at the bottom for most people and they don't join. And obviously most of the time made by a player or a random name.

    I think for any Warmerise player who has been playing the game for long enough and who has already seen the bot farming cases from 2014-2015 can tell this is botting clear as day.

    Have a good one!

    • 8 posts
    January 5, 2019 8:49 AM PST
    Erlaanz said:

    So let's get thing right here.

    This clearly looks like a bot farming scenario for me but, it's Max who will judge this at the end.

    I will state some facts and some opinions about why that's my conclusion:

    1. If you are AFK for more than 30 seconds or 1 minute (can't remember) the server automatically kicks you so them being AFK for 40 deaths isn't a possibility.

    2. Only one person is killing in the server which seems very suspicious.

    3. Going back to the AFK thing if they actually were and for some reason which goes beyond human reasoning they moved their mouse every 30 secs most kills would not give any XP which would make it pointless.

    4. Saying "these noobs are ez" looks like a way to cover it up, if any normal player is noobashing in a server and someone joins they wouldn't say these noobs are ez.

    5. Even tho not the exact same one of the bots ping is similar to Slifer's and the other one is high just like bla's. Ping aren't always the same even using same net, in other games with very precise ping me and my roomates get slighty different ping and if one suffers a ping spike it might arrive late to the other.

    6. As soon as Viviana joined one of the "afk players" started moving and suddenly kills bla, and what a coincidence it's the one with high ping like him.

    7. It was stated Viviana just joined so I don't see how she could be rude (plus everything that seems to have been said is "these noobs are ez" and the players who were there never mentioned Viviana saying anything). First of all I don't think if those guys were real and they are so bad they would know how to kick someone, and also there is 3 people who voted yes so 1 of the players with account must've voted Yes. If there is nothing to hide they wouldn't have done so.

    8. Highly doubt anyone would join an Asian server to play, and since I am an old players and I know those tricks I will explain why that's something you should be concerned about. It has already been done years ago, making an Asian server so it appears at the bottom for most people and they don't join. And obviously most of the time made by a player or a random name.

    I think for any Warmerise player who has been playing the game for long enough and who has already seen the bot farming cases from 2014-2015 can tell this is botting clear as day.

    Have a good one!

    @Erlaanz +1 actually couldn't be more obvious (subjective view/opinion)
    • 38 posts
    January 5, 2019 10:58 AM PST

    Airwolf said:

    xSlifer said:

    Beeice you are actually pathetic, you call me a hacker for headshotting you about 10 times in a row, anyone that rekts you IS NOT A HACKER! Everyone that kills you IS NOT A HACKER! I could show so many screens of you being toxic to people who kill you, AND including me, tried to kick me out the server because of "Stealing kills?!" you're pathetic.

    @xSlifer: could you explain this game where you have 78 kills and as soon as Viviana enters, she is expelled from the game?

    Ban both- xslifer and blablabladidek

    • 6 posts
    January 5, 2019 10:58 AM PST

    Erlaanz said:

    So let's get thing right here.

    This clearly looks like a bot farming scenario for me but, it's Max who will judge this at the end.

    I will state some facts and some opinions about why that's my conclusion:

    1. If you are AFK for more than 30 seconds or 1 minute (can't remember) the server automatically kicks you so them being AFK for 40 deaths isn't a possibility.

    2. Only one person is killing in the server which seems very suspicious.

    3. Going back to the AFK thing if they actually were and for some reason which goes beyond human reasoning they moved their mouse every 30 secs most kills would not give any XP which would make it pointless.

    4. Saying "these noobs are ez" looks like a way to cover it up, if any normal player is noobashing in a server and someone joins they wouldn't say these noobs are ez.

    5. Even tho not the exact same one of the bots ping is similar to Slifer's and the other one is high just like bla's. Ping aren't always the same even using same net, in other games with very precise ping me and my roomates get slighty different ping and if one suffers a ping spike it might arrive late to the other.

    6. As soon as Viviana joined one of the "afk players" started moving and suddenly kills bla, and what a coincidence it's the one with high ping like him.

    7. It was stated Viviana just joined so I don't see how she could be rude (plus everything that seems to have been said is "these noobs are ez" and the players who were there never mentioned Viviana saying anything). First of all I don't think if those guys were real and they are so bad they would know how to kick someone, and also there is 3 people who voted yes so 1 of the players with account must've voted Yes. If there is nothing to hide they wouldn't have done so.

    8. Highly doubt anyone would join an Asian server to play, and since I am an old players and I know those tricks I will explain why that's something you should be concerned about. It has already been done years ago, making an Asian server so it appears at the bottom for most people and they don't join. And obviously most of the time made by a player or a random name.

    I think for any Warmerise player who has been playing the game for long enough and who has already seen the bot farming cases from 2014-2015 can tell this is botting clear as day.

    Have a good one!

    Erlaanz is right , if bengala got banned cuz bots then so must slifer also

  • January 5, 2019 12:31 PM PST

    Players that are dumb enough to stand around wouldnt kill pros like bla, or be able to know how to kick other players

  • January 5, 2019 12:40 PM PST

    I know Bla knows how to do xp farming because he has told me a couple times, 

  • January 5, 2019 12:41 PM PST

    and he said he and another person know how to do it but it takes a while to set up

    • 121 posts
    January 8, 2019 4:20 AM PST
    Erlaanz said:

    So let's get thing right here.

    This clearly looks like a bot farming scenario for me but, it's Max who will judge this at the end.

    I will state some facts and some opinions about why that's my conclusion:

    1. If you are AFK for more than 30 seconds or 1 minute (can't remember) the server automatically kicks you so them being AFK for 40 deaths isn't a possibility.

    2. Only one person is killing in the server which seems very suspicious.

    3. Going back to the AFK thing if they actually were and for some reason which goes beyond human reasoning they moved their mouse every 30 secs most kills would not give any XP which would make it pointless.

    4. Saying "these noobs are ez" looks like a way to cover it up, if any normal player is noobashing in a server and someone joins they wouldn't say these noobs are ez.

    5. Even tho not the exact same one of the bots ping is similar to Slifer's and the other one is high just like bla's. Ping aren't always the same even using same net, in other games with very precise ping me and my roomates get slighty different ping and if one suffers a ping spike it might arrive late to the other.

    6. As soon as Viviana joined one of the "afk players" started moving and suddenly kills bla, and what a coincidence it's the one with high ping like him.

    7. It was stated Viviana just joined so I don't see how she could be rude (plus everything that seems to have been said is "these noobs are ez" and the players who were there never mentioned Viviana saying anything). First of all I don't think if those guys were real and they are so bad they would know how to kick someone, and also there is 3 people who voted yes so 1 of the players with account must've voted Yes. If there is nothing to hide they wouldn't have done so.

    8. Highly doubt anyone would join an Asian server to play, and since I am an old players and I know those tricks I will explain why that's something you should be concerned about. It has already been done years ago, making an Asian server so it appears at the bottom for most people and they don't join. And obviously most of the time made by a player or a random name.

    I think for any Warmerise player who has been playing the game for long enough and who has already seen the bot farming cases from 2014-2015 can tell this is botting clear as day.

    Have a good one!

    Thank you very much Erlaanz. Thanks to your excellent explanation xSlifer deleted his account for embarrassment and for being a cheater
    This post was edited by Airwolf at January 8, 2019 4:36 AM PST
  • January 16, 2019 4:31 AM PST

    Brian said: When reporting someone goes wrong... again XD


    • 18 posts
    January 18, 2019 8:11 AM PST

    I have a legitimate hacker this time. I also have proof. He left and then came back and said this, then left again: His name is shown:

    • 39 posts
    January 20, 2019 5:15 AM PST

    Profile Link:

    Map Name: SecretLab

    Screenshot / Video:

    Summary: This kid talking about my mom like this,do a warning or ban him directly man.

    • 260 posts
    January 23, 2019 8:35 PM PST

    Profile Link:

    Map Name: Outpost

    Screenshot / Video:

    Summary: He is clearly botting and moving the 3 players to get a clear shot and getting headshots. 

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    January 24, 2019 4:17 AM PST

    Reason: XP Farming, Botting

  • January 25, 2019 7:12 AM PST

    beeice1526 said:

    I have a legitimate hacker this time. I also have proof. He left and then came back and said this, then left again: His name is shown:

    He doesn't actually hack, he is a mini-g noob

  • January 25, 2019 7:13 AM PST

    xPsycho said:

    Profile Link:

    Map Name: SecretLab

    Screenshot / Video:

    Summary: This kid talking about my mom like this,do a warning or ban him directly man.


    he will be removed from my clan

  • January 27, 2019 5:27 PM PST

    I cant get into my old account, @onlygamer took it

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    January 27, 2019 5:30 PM PST

    veronica2112 said:

    I cant get into my old account, @onlygamer took it

    First of all, please avoid posting the same thing in different topics.
    Second, what is the name of the account that got stolen? (or should I say, sharing account gone wrong)

  • January 27, 2019 5:32 PM PST

    sorry, @veronicacassani

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    January 27, 2019 5:54 PM PST

    veronica2112 said:

    sorry, @veronicacassani

    Ok, so I tried to reset the email on Veronicacassani to the original one, but it appears you have used it on this account.

    If you do not plan to use veronica2112 account just delete it, once I see that it's deleted, I will reset the email on Veronicacassani.

    Wait 5 minutes then go to Login page and click "Forgot password?" then follow the instructions.

    And for the future, avoid sharing your password with anyone.

  • January 27, 2019 6:02 PM PST

    ok thank you

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    January 27, 2019 6:34 PM PST

    Ok the email on Veronicacassani has been reset to the original one, you can now reset the password.

    If you run into any issues, use contact page:

    This post was edited by Admin at January 27, 2019 6:35 PM PST
  • January 28, 2019 1:42 AM PST
    Who shares accounts these days? Good way to rack up xp though with 2 people playing under one name
    • 67 posts
    January 31, 2019 6:00 AM PST

    Profile Link:

    Summary: This man usualy long name and gets more than kills over 75.75 KDR by Car collision and without deaths.

    This post was edited by JamesMerca50 at January 31, 2019 6:01 AM PST
  • February 1, 2019 11:50 AM PST

    There is a player @UNDERTAK3R, her old account was stolen by @OnlyGaming, can you reset the password to her old account?