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Report Hackers And Cheaters Thread

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    • 429 posts
    December 14, 2019 7:32 AM PST

    I looked over it very carefully, there are no signs of it being editted. On the photos he had editted you can clearly see it was editted.

    • 392 posts
    December 14, 2019 8:05 AM PST

    Airwolf said:

    FATAL1TY said:

    Raieny said:

    All i see is crew recruit long time desperately to find anything to ban Airwolf.You think we should believe that Novary made so valuable screenshot and didnt used it the same day?xddd Most funny part of crew who tryes to accuse him already was caught on a farm and idk how wasnt banned, as DeltaElite said -Max forgave us.

    I wouldn't be pointing fingers, there is proof that Airwolf did farm these kills. All of Novary's Evidence lines up

    It's an edited image and I'm very worried because Novary can continue to make new edited images


    idk what are you talking about but the only thing i know is that those screens arent edited

    • 38 posts
    December 14, 2019 10:52 AM PST

    @FATAL1TY and all others crew members -if he edited only medal you will not see signs of edit image xdd All i see Novary in spec and his 1 accomplice  in both teams xdd  Airwolf clan didnt had high clan ranking and his own kdr isnt highest here so your accusing is absolutely unfounded. The same time we remember good about Novary and Pantera clan and its members with kdr 100+  xddd Still cant stop laugh about so called evidence screenshot  which you lost for 4 months xddd if it was true you would use it next sec

    • 180 posts
    December 14, 2019 3:28 PM PST

    Raieny said:

    @FATAL1TY and all others crew members -if he edited only medal you will not see signs of edit image xdd All i see Novary in spec and his 1 accomplice  in both teams xdd  Airwolf clan didnt had high clan ranking and his own kdr isnt highest here so your accusing is absolutely unfounded. The same time we remember good about Novary and Pantera clan and its members with kdr 100+  xddd Still cant stop laugh about so called evidence screenshot  which you lost for 4 months xddd if it was true you would use it next sec

    0 proofs, like Airwolf

    • 180 posts
    December 14, 2019 3:30 PM PST

    Airwolf said: Novary fue expulsado el 2 de junio del 2019 de prof.dr.
    mistake, i left from your sht clan

    • 118 posts
    December 14, 2019 10:38 PM PST

    Novary said:

    Finally, after a long time searching for this screenshot, I found it, I had sent it to my friend (which I will not mention because he can compromise it and I don't want him to be banned too).

    I will put you in context, over there in 2018, I joined Prof. Dr. I was a new and inexperienced player, I managed to win the trust of Airwolf and I became an officer, in the clan we began to think alongside the officers how to climb the clan ranking, we did not know how to do it, so 1 year later airwolf decided to show us and he starts creating private servers to upload the Killstreak, these servers always had the name CONDOR, this was done by Airwolf to incriminate the clan that at that time was top2 in the ranking, and that belonged to Bengala. Me and another of the officers (which I will not say who he is) participated in those servers to talk, for a while I was looking for this screenshot that I took in his time, and finally found it. all I want is justice, because because of this farmer, my best friend in the game decided to leave :), gg wp

    |[ ]| THE PROOF

    Novary sold all his weapons and is transferring the cash

    also novary
    transferred his clan to axel3499

    For that reason, if Max forbids novary for this false
    complaint, Novary doesn't care anymore because the armament is in axel3499

    • 180 posts
    December 14, 2019 10:45 PM PST

    Airwolf said:

    Novary said:

    Finally, after a long time searching for this screenshot, I found it, I had sent it to my friend (which I will not mention because he can compromise it and I don't want him to be banned too).

    I will put you in context, over there in 2018, I joined Prof. Dr. I was a new and inexperienced player, I managed to win the trust of Airwolf and I became an officer, in the clan we began to think alongside the officers how to climb the clan ranking, we did not know how to do it, so 1 year later airwolf decided to show us and he starts creating private servers to upload the Killstreak, these servers always had the name CONDOR, this was done by Airwolf to incriminate the clan that at that time was top2 in the ranking, and that belonged to Bengala. Me and another of the officers (which I will not say who he is) participated in those servers to talk, for a while I was looking for this screenshot that I took in his time, and finally found it. all I want is justice, because because of this farmer, my best friend in the game decided to leave :), gg wp

    |[ ]| THE PROOF

    Novary sold all his weapons and is transferring the cash

    also novary
    transferred his clan to axel3499

    For that reason, if Max forbids novary for this false
    complaint, Novary doesn't care anymore because the armament is in axel3499

    Axel no es mi cuenta, el es mi amigo y le prometí darle mi cash y mi clan para que lo cuide en mi ausencia.

    • 180 posts
    December 14, 2019 10:47 PM PST

    Novary said:

    Airwolf said:

    Novary said:

    Finally, after a long time searching for this screenshot, I found it, I had sent it to my friend (which I will not mention because he can compromise it and I don't want him to be banned too).

    I will put you in context, over there in 2018, I joined Prof. Dr. I was a new and inexperienced player, I managed to win the trust of Airwolf and I became an officer, in the clan we began to think alongside the officers how to climb the clan ranking, we did not know how to do it, so 1 year later airwolf decided to show us and he starts creating private servers to upload the Killstreak, these servers always had the name CONDOR, this was done by Airwolf to incriminate the clan that at that time was top2 in the ranking, and that belonged to Bengala. Me and another of the officers (which I will not say who he is) participated in those servers to talk, for a while I was looking for this screenshot that I took in his time, and finally found it. all I want is justice, because because of this farmer, my best friend in the game decided to leave :), gg wp

    |[ ]| THE PROOF

    Novary sold all his weapons and is transferring the cash

    also novary
    transferred his clan to axel3499

    For that reason, if Max forbids novary for this false
    complaint, Novary doesn't care anymore because the armament is in axel3499

    Axel no es mi cuenta, el es mi amigo y le prometí darle mi cash y mi clan para que lo cuide en mi ausencia.

    esto lo haré porque me iré del juego un tiempo, sé que no recibiré ban, eso no me preocupa.

    • 392 posts
    December 15, 2019 1:54 AM PST

    solace said:

    Novary, I would kill you for what you said in chat, you socially ******** ****

    chill big asshole 

    • 164 posts
    December 15, 2019 3:42 AM PST

    solace joined Tue at 8:46 PM

    Another throw-away account for throwing trash around.


    • 39 posts
    December 15, 2019 5:28 AM PST

    Trying to ban Airwolf for no reason wont bring anything to Novary, you say its a fake ss, then show us proof to make us believe you lol. This conversation will not come to any conclusion without concrete evidence, no need to talk sht for no reason lol just wait max xD all you do is make Max's job more complicated lol

    This post was edited by xPsycho at December 15, 2019 5:33 AM PST
    • 38 posts
    December 15, 2019 5:51 AM PST

    @paco42 you  cant imagine how many accs Novary and his crew have xdd   @Psycho you ask why Novary needs its ?Reason-revenge and that he is small kid with no life probably constantly bullied in real and all he can do is to come here recoup xddd

  • December 15, 2019 9:18 AM PST
    Guys Don't Forget To SubScribe Me
    • 392 posts
    December 15, 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Raieny said:

    @paco42 you  cant imagine how many accs Novary and his crew have xdd   @Psycho you ask why Novary needs its ?Reason-revenge and that he is small kid with no life probably constantly bullied in real and all he can do is to come here recoup xddd

    you dont need to mess up with novarys life just because he jokes with your warmerise *play style*

    • 609 posts
    December 15, 2019 11:49 AM PST

         the following is what I believe to be the end to this feud    

    I should be studying instead of doign this



    I took a special interest on this case mainly for 3 reason.

    1st, The threat of faked screenshots in order to cause problems to someone who is disliked has always been in the back of my mind

    2nd, This took the forum's like a wildfire (sadly), from 12 of December (22:33,46s GMT -thankfully my timezone) to 15 of December (13:51,52s GMT, ~3 hours ago at the time I'm writting this) across 5 pages and a total of one hundred and freaking four posts, 1 one 0 zero 4 four freaking posts, you guys are the reason I'm proud of calling myself a Warmeriser (who says Warmerisian should be sent to a F* Gulag)

    3rd, Drama


    Disclaimer: I'm not in any way an authority figure, therefore don't take me that serious. If you think I've make any mistakes read again, if you still think I'm mistaken please point it out to me.

    Disclaimer 2.0: this is going to get long, but please, in order to avoid confusion read it completly, if you're interested of course.

    Disclaimer 3.0: all dates and hours are accoring standard GMT

    Disclaimer 4.0: I'll only be pointing out stuff that I find relevant while building the timeline of events and/or correcting some stuff or question people made (some might have been answered already but for the sake of keeping it compiled I'll do it again)


    Lets start by setting an order of events



    >12 of December, 22h33m46s GMT - Zero Hour

    Novary makes the claim that he has proof that Airwolf™ is farming


    >12 of December, 22h44m52s GMT Airwolf claims that the image has been modified to frame him


    >12 of December, 23h20m48s GMT Novary points out that that "If this is an edit, (is it not) how do you explain the level pings? (impossible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by 1 person)"


    Level Ping Explanation: it is possible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by more than 1 person

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is legit


    >12 of December, 23h23m59s GMT Airwolf points out that "clearly you can see that the image of airwolf that is not that of a wolf" with the following image attached

    Explanation and Clarification: when a player enter a server other player's profile pictures that have entered previously will not show up however, new player joining the server that happen to have profile pictures will load.

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is fake


    >12 of December, 23h41m33s GMT Novary claims that His friend :D has this screenshot (which doesnt' seem to be fake)

    Now, I have no clue what this supposed to show, but Airwolf Ping's is 67 on SA East in a room with 12 people

    and a Ping of aprox 200 on USA East (which If I'm not mistaken is the second best alternative to SA East Player's) in a room with only 3 people

    now, this doesn't proove anything at all, but I find it odd.


    >13 of December, 00h29m28s GMT I ask Novary when did he take the screenshot (the first one, the proof)

    To which he replies at 00h50m28s GMT by saying August 2019
    however Kazuya replied to me in Discord 4 minutes prior (disclaimer: I didn't ask him)
    but something strikes me as odd, again, and once again, this could be nothing
    you see, Novary's initial reply was edited at 13 of December's 17h56m16s, 17 hours later

    what was there to alter on such a simple 'August 2019' Message?
    you see, when I initially made the question at 00h29m28s I also made sure to sent Novary a message on Discord at 00h32m, to which he replied 12 minutes later with
    Now, My memory isn't what It usted to be, but I'm pretty sure the original reply Novary made in this forum at around the same time was the same as Discord, "August" or atleast there was no specification of 2019.

    so, why? what would make him change that? again, no clue


    >13 of December, 21h35m42s GMT Rainey Points out that by showing

    basically Airwolf wouldn't call Novary to watch him farm because they weren't buddies at the time

    something that is then explained by novary 15m later &
    Raieny didn't understood the explanation
    and the duo made sure to clarify

    >13 of December, 22h17m32s GMT Raieny points out that Novary is not new to using other people's name in game by using unregistered accounts

    by showing (thats not Airwolf talking)
    Now this doesn't proove that the screenshot Novary initially presented is altered


    ...but the following is kinda weird


    -Rewind time-

    @ Warmerise's Discord server (btw join

    Novary posted the following screenshot , this was posted in 11th of December at 00h55m, way before this whole thing started
    as you can see here

    to which I quicly replied 


    and Novary said soon after and


    He clearly has the skill set, and clearly has done it in the past.


    -Back to the forum-


    from there on, the forum (if it wasn't already) devolves to a chit chat, small stuff is pointed out only to be refuted, explained or corrected, like the blurr, which Paco explained for example.



    accusations are exachanged and the focus is lost.




    Do I think that Airwolf Farms?



    Do I think he is skilled and deserving of the number place?

    -Doesn't matter.


    Was the screen faked?



    Novary does have a personal vendetta against Airwolf, he is afterall in his eyes one of the main reasons Pantera, a good friend of his, Left warmerise.

    Now I don't think this is a one man plan by taking a look at the forum and puzzling out the original plan.

    And it is clear to me that a lot of player hold a grudge against Airwolf as well, either because he is number 1, because he most likely farms to mantain his place and/or achieve it in the same way, and to be honest I ain't judging them, I'm not saying they are right or wrong, nor that he is deserving of it or not.

    but at the end of the day thats not really what matters in here.






    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at December 15, 2019 2:27 PM PST
    • 39 posts
    December 15, 2019 12:23 PM PST

    So if its an edit ( Sterben says it is) even someone shows the real photo of it people wont believe that Airwolf is farming lol or lets say it isnt fake and Novary made an perfect fake photo, he can ban everyone xD

    • 392 posts
    December 15, 2019 12:30 PM PST

    STERBEN99 said:

         the following is what I believe to be the end to this feud    

    I should be studying instead of doign this



    I took a special interest on this case mainly for 3 reason.

    1st, The threat of faked screenshots in order to cause problems to someone who is disliked has always been in the back of my mind

    2nd, This took the forum's like a wildfire (sadly), from 12 of December (22:33,46s GMT -thankfully my timezone) to 15 of December (13:51,52s GMT, ~3 hours ago at the time I'm writting this) across 5 pages and a total of one hundred and ******* four posts, 1 one 0 zero 4 four freaking posts, you guys are the reason I'm proud of calling myself a Warmeriser (who says Warmerisian should be sent to a ******* Gulag)

    3rd, Drama


    Disclaimer: I'm not in any way an authority figure, therefore don't take me that serious. If you think I've make any mistakes read again, if you still think I'm mistaken please point it out to me.

    Disclaimer 2.0: this is going to get long, but please, in order to avoid confusion read it completly, if you're interested of course.

    Disclaimer 3.0: all dates and hours are accoring standard GMT

    Disclaimer 4.0: I'll only be pointing out stuff that I find relevant while building the timeline of events and/or correcting some stuff or question people made (some might have been answered already but for the sake of keeping it compiled I'll do it again)


    Lets start by setting an order of events



    >12 of December, 22h33m46s GMT - Zero Hour

    Novary makes the claim that he has proof that Airwolf™ is farming


    >12 of December, 22h44m52s GMT Airwolf claims that the image has been modified to frame him


    >12 of December, 23h20m48s GMT Novary points out that that "If this is an edit, (is it not) how do you explain the level pings? (impossible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by 1 person)"


    Level Ping Explanation: it is possible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by more than 1 person

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is legit


    >12 of December, 23h23m59s GMT Airwolf points out that "clearly you can see that the image of airwolf that is not that of a wolf" with the following image attached

    Explanation and Clarification: when a player enter a server other player's profile pictures that have entered previously will not show up however, new player joining the server that happen to have profile pictures will load.

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is fake


    >12 of December, 23h41m33s GMT Novary claims that His friend :D has this screenshot (which doesnt' seem to be fake)

    Now, I have no clue what this supposed to show, but Airwolf Ping's is 67 on SA East in a room with 12 people

    and a Ping of aprox 200 on USA East (which If I'm not mistaken is the second best alternative to SA East Player's) in a room with only 3 people

    now, this doesn't proove anything at all, but I find it odd.


    >13 of December, 00h29m28s GMT I ask Novary when did he take the screenshot (the first one, the proof)

    To which he replies at 00h50m28s GMT by saying August 2019
    however Kazuya replied to me in Discord 4 minutes prior (disclaimer: I didn't ask him)
    but something strikes me as odd, again, and once again, this could be nothing
    you see, Novary's initial reply was edited at 13 of December's 17h56m16s, 17 hours later

    what was there to alter on such a simple 'August 2019' Message?
    you see, when I initially made the question at 00h29m28s I also made sure to sent Novary a message on Discord at 00h32m, to which he replied 12 minutes later with
    Now, My memory isn't what It usted to be, but I'm pretty sure the original reply Novary made in this forum at around the same time was the same as Discord, "August" or atleast there was no specification of 2019.

    so, why? what would make him change that? again, no clue


    >13 of December, 21h35m42s GMT Rainey Points out that by showing

    basically Airwolf wouldn't call Novary to watch him farm because they weren't buddies at the time

    something that is then explained by novary 15m later &
    Raieny didn't understood the explanation
    and the duo made sure to clarify

    >13 of December, 22h17m32s GMT Raieny points out that Novary is not new to using other people's name in game by using unregistered accounts

    by showing (thats not Airwolf talking)
    Now this doesn't proove that the screenshot Novary initially presented is altered


    ...but the following is kinda weird


    -Rewind time-

    @ Warmerise's Discord server (btw join

    Novary posted the following screenshot , this was posted in 11th of December at 00h55m, way before this whole thing started
    as you can see here

    to which I quicly replied 


    and Novary said soon after and


    He clearly has the skill set, and clearly has done it in the past.


    -Back to the forum-


    from there on, the forum (if it wasn't already) devolves to a chit chat, small stuff is pointed out only to be refuted, explained or corrected, like the blurr, which Paco explained for example.



    accusations are exachanged and the focus is lost.




    Do I think that Airwolf Farms?



    Do I think he is skilled and deserving of the number place?

    -Doesn't matter.


    Was the screen faked?



    Novary does have a personal vendetta against Airwolf, he is afterall in his eyes one of the main reasons Pantera, a good friend of his, Left warmerise.

    Now I don't think this is a one man plan by taking a look at the forum and puzzling out the original plan.

    And it is clear to me that a lot of player hold a grudge against Airwolf as well, either because he is number 1, because he most likely farms to mantain his place and/or achieve it in the same way, and to be honest I ain't judging them, I'm not saying they are right or wrong, nor that he is deserving of it or not.

    but at the end of the day thats not really what matters in here.






    go study you really need it brother

    • 38 posts
    December 15, 2019 12:40 PM PST


    • 118 posts
    December 15, 2019 8:37 PM PST

    STERBEN99 said:

         the following is what I believe to be the end to this feud    

    I should be studying instead of doign this



    I took a special interest on this case mainly for 3 reason.

    1st, The threat of faked screenshots in order to cause problems to someone who is disliked has always been in the back of my mind

    2nd, This took the forum's like a wildfire (sadly), from 12 of December (22:33,46s GMT -thankfully my timezone) to 15 of December (13:51,52s GMT, ~3 hours ago at the time I'm writting this) across 5 pages and a total of one hundred and freaking four posts, 1 one 0 zero 4 four freaking posts, you guys are the reason I'm proud of calling myself a Warmeriser (who says Warmerisian should be sent to a F* Gulag)

    3rd, Drama


    Disclaimer: I'm not in any way an authority figure, therefore don't take me that serious. If you think I've make any mistakes read again, if you still think I'm mistaken please point it out to me.

    Disclaimer 2.0: this is going to get long, but please, in order to avoid confusion read it completly, if you're interested of course.

    Disclaimer 3.0: all dates and hours are accoring standard GMT

    Disclaimer 4.0: I'll only be pointing out stuff that I find relevant while building the timeline of events and/or correcting some stuff or question people made (some might have been answered already but for the sake of keeping it compiled I'll do it again)


    Lets start by setting an order of events



    >12 of December, 22h33m46s GMT - Zero Hour

    Novary makes the claim that he has proof that Airwolf™ is farming


    >12 of December, 22h44m52s GMT Airwolf claims that the image has been modified to frame him


    >12 of December, 23h20m48s GMT Novary points out that that "If this is an edit, (is it not) how do you explain the level pings? (impossible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by 1 person)"


    Level Ping Explanation: it is possible to obtain if there are 3 players entered by more than 1 person

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is legit


    >12 of December, 23h23m59s GMT Airwolf points out that "clearly you can see that the image of airwolf that is not that of a wolf" with the following image attached

    Explanation and Clarification: when a player enter a server other player's profile pictures that have entered previously will not show up however, new player joining the server that happen to have profile pictures will load.

    therefore this isn't proof that the screenshot is fake


    >12 of December, 23h41m33s GMT Novary claims that His friend :D has this screenshot (which doesnt' seem to be fake)

    Now, I have no clue what this supposed to show, but Airwolf Ping's is 67 on SA East in a room with 12 people

    and a Ping of aprox 200 on USA East (which If I'm not mistaken is the second best alternative to SA East Player's) in a room with only 3 people

    now, this doesn't proove anything at all, but I find it odd.


    >13 of December, 00h29m28s GMT I ask Novary when did he take the screenshot (the first one, the proof)

    To which he replies at 00h50m28s GMT by saying August 2019
    however Kazuya replied to me in Discord 4 minutes prior (disclaimer: I didn't ask him)
    but something strikes me as odd, again, and once again, this could be nothing
    you see, Novary's initial reply was edited at 13 of December's 17h56m16s, 17 hours later

    what was there to alter on such a simple 'August 2019' Message?
    you see, when I initially made the question at 00h29m28s I also made sure to sent Novary a message on Discord at 00h32m, to which he replied 12 minutes later with
    Now, My memory isn't what It usted to be, but I'm pretty sure the original reply Novary made in this forum at around the same time was the same as Discord, "August" or atleast there was no specification of 2019.

    so, why? what would make him change that? again, no clue


    >13 of December, 21h35m42s GMT Rainey Points out that by showing

    basically Airwolf wouldn't call Novary to watch him farm because they weren't buddies at the time

    something that is then explained by novary 15m later &
    Raieny didn't understood the explanation
    and the duo made sure to clarify

    >13 of December, 22h17m32s GMT Raieny points out that Novary is not new to using other people's name in game by using unregistered accounts

    by showing (thats not Airwolf talking)
    Now this doesn't proove that the screenshot Novary initially presented is altered


    ...but the following is kinda weird


    -Rewind time-

    @ Warmerise's Discord server (btw join

    Novary posted the following screenshot , this was posted in 11th of December at 00h55m, way before this whole thing started
    as you can see here

    to which I quicly replied 


    and Novary said soon after and


    He clearly has the skill set, and clearly has done it in the past.


    -Back to the forum-


    from there on, the forum (if it wasn't already) devolves to a chit chat, small stuff is pointed out only to be refuted, explained or corrected, like the blurr, which Paco explained for example.



    accusations are exachanged and the focus is lost.




    Do I think that Airwolf Farms?



    Do I think he is skilled and deserving of the number place?

    -Doesn't matter.


    Was the screen faked?



    Novary does have a personal vendetta against Airwolf, he is afterall in his eyes one of the main reasons Pantera, a good friend of his, Left warmerise.

    Now I don't think this is a one man plan by taking a look at the forum and puzzling out the original plan.

    And it is clear to me that a lot of player hold a grudge against Airwolf as well, either because he is number 1, because he most likely farms to mantain his place and/or achieve it in the same way, and to be honest I ain't judging them, I'm not saying they are right or wrong, nor that he is deserving of it or not.

    but at the end of the day thats not really what matters in here.







    Thank you very much sterben99 for this excellent work

    • 164 posts
    December 16, 2019 4:08 AM PST

    What work? He just tossed a statement

    Was the screen faked?


    without backing it up by evidence. The fact that he more or less(!) correctly reproduces the foregoing only seems to conceal missing facts.

    Besides - STOP QUOTING EVERYTHING. Of course, you get ten pages of postings when EVERY posting fills an entire screen.


    • 392 posts
    December 16, 2019 9:57 AM PST

    paco42 said:

    What work? He just tossed a statement

    Was the screen faked?


    without backing it up by evidence. The fact that he more or less(!) correctly reproduces the foregoing only seems to conceal missing facts.

    Besides - STOP QUOTING EVERYTHING. Of course, you get ten pages of postings when EVERY posting fills an entire screen.


    like im doing right now or you just did 

  • December 16, 2019 8:28 PM PST

    Hello I Find This Cheater just See He is Cash 

    • 392 posts
    December 17, 2019 9:28 AM PST

    maybe he just bought all that cash






  • December 17, 2019 11:38 PM PST

    xKurzy said:

    maybe he just bought all that cash






    okay but he didnt buy anything with that cash ? How can he not be a cheater 

  • December 18, 2019 12:10 AM PST

    Warmerise JetShip Hp Bug Please Fix! This Bug