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Warmerise - 2.4.6

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    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    July 31, 2018 6:52 PM PDT

    Warmerise - 2.4.6

    - Slightly Improved Performance
    - Changed Running animation in First Person View
    - Disabled shooting animation when aiming in First person view
    - "Show Teammate HP" bar is now enabled by default
    - Added new map to Ball mode called "CentralPark"
    - Disabled Collision between cars in Ball mode
    - Custom maps: Automatic Doors are now triggered by cars aswell
    - Added a warning when loading a Custom map with an unsupported audio format

    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    August 16, 2018 1:56 PM PDT

    Update 1:

    - Fixed double fire bug when switching between primary and a secondary
    - Fixed bug when a wrong footstep sound is played after jumping
    - Removed Sprinting and increased Walking speed by 20%
    - Reduced M67 throw rate by 47%

    • 84 posts
    August 16, 2018 2:45 PM PDT
    B-but why?
    • 260 posts
    August 16, 2018 2:50 PM PDT
    Woah no more sprinting for the time being I hope
    • 3 posts
    August 16, 2018 2:51 PM PDT

    - Removed Sprinting and increased Walking speed by 20%


    Ok dear Max, this is the wrongest change ever, everyone is moving like old slugs it's so frustrating, RIP fast actions and dodges or any moves that needed sprint, and only the Gravity gun will provide us some speed...

    I suggest you to just return this setting how it was (asap),

    the rest is a nice effort from you, gratz on the progress.


    (Edit 1: This small browser game that you created time ago has (still have) one of the most symbolic and unique gameplay style despit having a low amount of players, as I tried to tell you 100 times, don't over look for mechanics changes.. but something else, community, teams, maps, netcode, whatever...)

    (Edit 2: Now that we can't run anymore, I can't post a reply lul,

    "The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions, check this video:

    Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players.

    You say the gameplay will not be as fast paced, but it's not true. The current walking speed is very close to the old running speed, except now playes don't have to constantly press Shift."

    Ok well this is obvious that you NEVER played at all with "us" the old players on Sky server, or any kind of clan-wars, so if it can helps for the casual players to be at the same level why not xD this is very abominable and all your loyal players will be mehh about it.
    And I don't agree with you, paradox boom, you said yourself that the game was popular because of A8 and any respectiv country gaming websites, and UNITY cuz easy FPS number for everyone, that is facts, webGL is just the cuz of this low amount of players, and trust me, this walking speed is totally for noobs and not fitting any beautiful/efficient gameplay,

    your game is a futuristic one as it can be compared to some Quake/Unreal Tournament, so why want to slow it down like Rainbow six siege or CS:GO that are completly different. Whatever this community is fun and unfortunately you have no good advices. I'm done here but others players will reminds it to you. Ego is a bad thing)


    This post was edited by fuj147 at August 16, 2018 3:26 PM PDT
    • 84 posts
    August 16, 2018 2:54 PM PDT
    This ^
    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    August 16, 2018 3:07 PM PDT

    fuj147 said:

    - Removed Sprinting and increased Walking speed by 20%


    Ok dear Max, this is the wrongest change ever, everyone is moving like old slugs it's so frustrating, RIP fast actions and dodges or any moves that needed sprint, and only the Gravity gun will provide us some speed...

    I suggest you to just return this setting how it was (asap),

    the rest is a nice effort from you, gratz on the progress.


    (Edit 1: This small browser game that you created time ago has (still have) one of the most symbolic and unique gameplay style despit having a low amount of players, as I tried to tell you 100 times, don't over look for mechanics changes.. but something else, community, teams, maps, netcode, whatever...)


    The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions, check this video:

    Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players.

    You say the gameplay will not be as fast paced, but it's not true. The current walking speed is very close to the old running speed, except now players don't have to constantly press Shift.

    This post was edited by Admin at August 16, 2018 3:34 PM PDT
  • August 16, 2018 3:27 PM PDT
    can you atleast add tap sprint to side step kinda like unreal tournament has? unreal tournament doesnt have sprint or any movement acceleration but that side step dodge and other mechanics is why its one of the most fast paced shooters out there
    • 4 posts
    August 16, 2018 3:49 PM PDT

    Dear Max, as a old player I remember when there was no sprinting but when sprinting was introduced into warmerise it made warmerise more fun. Now, we can't even dodge shots and the people who don't have the gravity gun are at a huge disadvantage. Please if you want to make warmerise better you should not look back to the old warmerise although it was better. The new warmerise with the sprinting changed the game in a good way. PLEASE BRING BACK SPRINTING.

    Kind Regards, Hunger.

    • 6 posts
    August 16, 2018 4:10 PM PDT

    TheHungerGamesfan said:

    Dear Max, as a old player I remember when there was no sprinting but when sprinting was introduced into warmerise it made warmerise more fun. Now, we can't even dodge shots and the people who don't have the gravity gun are at a huge disadvantage. Please if you want to make warmerise better you should not look back to the old warmerise although it was better. The new warmerise with the sprinting changed the game in a good way. PLEASE BRING BACK SPRINTING.

    Kind Regards, Hunger.


    • 4 posts
    August 16, 2018 5:04 PM PDT

    Max, this is an uneccasary and completley bull**** change that needs to be reversed. First of all, dogding bullets and strafing has basically been removed and is literally impossible if someone has even half decent accuracy. This update ruins whatever competitve and fun aspect the game had about itself and completely disregards the players who took time to learn movements and have spent hours in game learning how to strafe/ move in general. The game overall has become far less enjoyable and dull due to how slow the gameplay is and how easy it is to hit other players now. This was an uneccasary addition and ruins the overall performance and skill gap. This update was basically a spit in the face to those who took the time and effort to learn effective movements and has essentially disregarded the loyal fanbase of the game. This update only caters to brand new players and screws active players over. It not only makes the game less fast paced which is what makes this game different and uniquie, but it also kills the enjoyment and overall fun of gameplay.

    This post was edited by Admiral at August 16, 2018 5:05 PM PDT
    • 6 posts
    August 16, 2018 5:11 PM PDT

    Admiral said:

    Max, this is an uneccasary and completley bull**** change that needs to be reversed. First of all, dogding bullets and strafing has basically been removed and is literally impossible if someone has even half decent accuracy. This update ruins whatever competitve and fun aspect the game had about itself and completely disregards the players who took time to learn movements and have spent hours in game learning how to strafe/ move in general. The game overall has become far less enjoyable and dull due to how slow the gameplay is and how easy it is to hit other players now. This was an uneccasary addition and ruins the overall performance and skill gap. This update was basically a spit in the face to those who took the time and effort to learn effective movements and has essentially disregarded the loyal fanbase of the game. This update only caters to brand new players and screws active players over. It not only makes the game less fast paced which is what makes this game different and uniquie, but it also kills the enjoyment and overall fun of gameplay.

    Totally Agreed

    This post was edited by AkizooN at August 16, 2018 5:12 PM PDT
    • 524 posts
    August 16, 2018 5:38 PM PDT

    Remember when you removed the infinite gravity gun trick and I said something like "It's okay to fix bugs and unintended behavior, but this was a feature of the game for so long that it became a mechanic in itself." I defended you then because it was always a bug and it made the gravity gun more balanced, if less interesting to use. There was something in that statement that I thought I wouldn't need to say, but here we are so: You can't remove mechanics.


    I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you don't know your own game, that you never play with some arbitrary group and therefore don't understand the metagame because that's (mostly) irrelevant here. I'm also not going to pretend do any of those things because again, it's irrelevant. I am however going to tell you that this change is bad game design, something I know you really do understand and care about. Content patches come with 3 major components: Additions, changes, and removals. Additions add new content to keep the game fresh and interesting, Changes are usually for balance or technical reasons, to keep the game from being broken. Removals delete content that is negatively impacting the game for reasons of balance, performance, or any other reason that would negatively impact the experience of the player.


    So since you've removed the ability to sprint: How did sprinting negatively impact the experience of the players? Why did it detract from the game? Now that it's removed, do you feel like the game is in a better state than it was before this update? I'm sure you've noticed by now, but the response from your community seems to have been pretty clear. This mechanic was simple, but it was also basically half of the movement system.  Removing it out of left field, blindsiding everyone is lunacy. Your only stated reason that "The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions ... Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players." is a classic case of corellation not equalling causation.


    When people say that they "miss old warmerise" they're usually talking about either the friends they used to play with, or the pre-2.0 updates (sometimes very early 2.X updates, it depends on the person) of the game. They miss the aesthetic, the weapons, the experience of warmerise. Nobody looks back and says "Wow, you know I really miss not being able to sprint! It was such a great game before that was added!" I think I (and the community) have made case at this point but I want to go back to a point I made earlier:

    Add new content.
    Change things aren't perfect.
    Remove things that make the game suck.


    Looking forward to future updates

    • 12 posts
    August 16, 2018 5:41 PM PDT
    Yes Max u going way too far with the changes I suggest you changing it back because you just got back members but u wanna lose them again everything was cool until now ur mistakes will lead to a dead game of warmerise this is my warning after this I won’t say anything else better think about the game future because now it’s not looking good.
    • 609 posts
    August 16, 2018 5:57 PM PDT

    @Max I see what you are saying, and even though you are right when you say that the walking speed resembles the sprinting one it still creates a feeling of discomfort tbh, its a placebo, like someone over said "we are walking at the speed of bugs", even tho its false it feels like. 

    Of course its your call to reverse or keep it, but personally for the reasons some people expressed above, which i won't bother quoting, I'm also supporting a sprint return (with some speed/comsumption tweaks) other than that, just wanted to had my opinion.



    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at August 16, 2018 6:11 PM PDT
    • 610 posts
    August 16, 2018 6:18 PM PDT

    chronospectrum said:

    I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you don't know your own game, that you never play with some arbitrary group and therefore don't understand the metagame because that's (mostly) irrelevant here. I'm also not going to pretend do any of those things because again, it's irrelevant. I am however going to tell you that this change is bad game design, something I know you really do understand and care about. Content patches come with 3 major components: Additions, changes, and removals. Additions add new content to keep the game fresh and interesting, Changes are usually for balance or technical reasons, to keep the game from being broken. Removals delete content that is negatively impacting the game for reasons of balance, performance, or any other reason that would negatively impact the experience of the player.


    So since you've removed the ability to sprint: How did sprinting negatively impact the experience of the players? Why did it detract from the game? Now that it's removed, do you feel like the game is in a better state than it was before this update? I'm sure you've noticed by now, but the response from your community seems to have been pretty clear. This mechanic was simple, but it was also basically half of the movement system.  Removing it out of left field, blindsiding everyone is lunacy. Your only stated reason that "The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions ... Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players." is a classic case of corellation not equalling causation.


    Exactly. How does sprinting NEGATIVELY affect the game?

    • 90 posts
    August 16, 2018 6:26 PM PDT

    Yeah I agree that having no sprinting at all is not a good move! Sprinting is necessary, it is like an extinct. I think what you should do Max, is just lower the current movement speed by 10-15%, and re-add the sprinting but get back that 10-15% when sprinting! Lots of people seem to absolutly HATE this change, so I suggest you return sprinting next update, please.

  • August 16, 2018 7:04 PM PDT

    I mean, this update was pretty good for the most part, thanks for listening to those suggestions.

    The sprint removal... It sucks. At this point better players have learned ways to incorperate sprinting into their combat in a much more effective way than just being fast all the time. I'm talking about short bursts of sprints during combat to keep the other player confused, and using it to aim yourself. Removing it altogether and adding some extra speed is not a reasonable change, movement is predictable and easy to trace now. 

    This change has reduced the skillcap of the game immensely, now, i'm average at moving and can hit almost every shot, great. But everyone else is the same. 

    **** that part of the update. Other than that, good job.

    • 610 posts
    August 16, 2018 7:17 PM PDT

    Max, I recommend you checking with us on our thinking BEFORE you remove something as vital as that. Just a suggestion.

    • 103 posts
    August 16, 2018 7:40 PM PDT
    If u just listen our suggestions this game were good again..
    • 524 posts
    August 16, 2018 8:09 PM PDT

    Nousborn said: If u just listen our suggestions this game were good again..

    ok I wouldn't go that far, some of y'all are crazy.

    • 610 posts
    August 16, 2018 8:10 PM PDT

    chronospectrum said:

    Nousborn said: If u just listen our suggestions this game were good again..

    ok I wouldn't go that far, some of y'all are crazy.


    • 8 posts
    August 17, 2018 12:50 AM PDT

    With the new update, it's unplayable. We are moving much too fast and we are now much less accurate. Before, I play with a sensitivity of 10 and it was perfect for me. Now, even with a sensitivity of 8, I have a lot of trouble. This new balancing has killed the gameplay and everyone thinks the same thing. Listen to the community please, nobody likes this balancing 

  • August 17, 2018 6:07 AM PDT

    fuj147 said:

    - Removed Sprinting and increased Walking speed by 20%


    Ok dear Max, this is the wrongest change ever, everyone is moving like old slugs it's so frustrating, RIP fast actions and dodges or any moves that needed sprint, and only the Gravity gun will provide us some speed...

    I suggest you to just return this setting how it was (asap),

    the rest is a nice effort from you, gratz on the progress.


    (Edit 1: This small browser game that you created time ago has (still have) one of the most symbolic and unique gameplay style despit having a low amount of players, as I tried to tell you 100 times, don't over look for mechanics changes.. but something else, community, teams, maps, netcode, whatever...)

    (Edit 2: Now that we can't run anymore, I can't post a reply lul,

    "The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions, check this video:

    Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players.

    You say the gameplay will not be as fast paced, but it's not true. The current walking speed is very close to the old running speed, except now playes don't have to constantly press Shift."

    Ok well this is obvious that you NEVER played at all with "us" the old players on Sky server, or any kind of clan-wars, so if it can helps for the casual players to be at the same level why not xD this is very abominable and all your loyal players will be mehh about it.
    And I don't agree with you, paradox boom, you said yourself that the game was popular because of A8 and any respectiv country gaming websites, and UNITY cuz easy FPS number for everyone, that is facts, webGL is just the cuz of this low amount of players, and trust me, this walking speed is totally for noobs and not fitting any beautiful/efficient gameplay,

    your game is a futuristic one as it can be compared to some Quake/Unreal Tournament, so why want to slow it down like Rainbow six siege or CS:GO that are completly different. Whatever this community is fun and unfortunately you have no good advices. I'm done here but others players will reminds it to you. Ego is a bad thing)


    *claps* <3 

    • 609 posts
    August 17, 2018 6:34 AM PDT

    chronospectrum said:

    Remember when you removed the infinite gravity gun trick and I said something like "It's okay to fix bugs and unintended behavior, but this was a feature of the game for so long that it became a mechanic in itself." I defended you then because it was always a bug and it made the gravity gun more balanced, if less interesting to use. There was something in that statement that I thought I wouldn't need to say, but here we are so: You can't remove mechanics.


    I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you don't know your own game, that you never play with some arbitrary group and therefore don't understand the metagame because that's (mostly) irrelevant here. I'm also not going to pretend do any of those things because again, it's irrelevant. I am however going to tell you that this change is bad game design, something I know you really do understand and care about. Content patches come with 3 major components: Additions, changes, and removals. Additions add new content to keep the game fresh and interesting, Changes are usually for balance or technical reasons, to keep the game from being broken. Removals delete content that is negatively impacting the game for reasons of balance, performance, or any other reason that would negatively impact the experience of the player.


    So since you've removed the ability to sprint: How did sprinting negatively impact the experience of the players? Why did it detract from the game? Now that it's removed, do you feel like the game is in a better state than it was before this update? I'm sure you've noticed by now, but the response from your community seems to have been pretty clear. This mechanic was simple, but it was also basically half of the movement system.  Removing it out of left field, blindsiding everyone is lunacy. Your only stated reason that "The game used to have no sprinting in the old versions ... Coincidentally that's when the game had the most players." is a classic case of corellation not equalling causation.


    When people say that they "miss old warmerise" they're usually talking about either the friends they used to play with, or the pre-2.0 updates (sometimes very early 2.X updates, it depends on the person) of the game. They miss the aesthetic, the weapons, the experience of warmerise. Nobody looks back and says "Wow, you know I really miss not being able to sprint! It was such a great game before that was added!" I think I (and the community) have made case at this point but I want to go back to a point I made earlier:

    Add new content.
    Change things aren't perfect.
    Remove things that make the game suck.


    Looking forward to future updates


    *Claps Harder* <3