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The Warmerise Legends Championship and the Community

    • 611 posts
    December 23, 2018 7:25 PM PST

    We're down to the final four players of the Warmerise Legends Championship. Yesterday and today were quarterfinal matches. Next weekend, the semifinals will take place.

    Then we begin a new year with the battle we've been waiting for, the final two players facing off. 

    Helping with this year's tournament has been a real pleasure. I've learned more from it and grown closer to some of the others, including the other main commentator, LittleFirefly. She and I had only talked a few times before the tournament and really only knew each other from the off-topic forum "Ban The User Above You". Today, I don't know how I could've done many of these matches without her being there to help. Countless times, it's only been the two of us commentating. Without her, I would've been solo all those times.

    The Warmerise Legends Championship has also shown me how much the rest of the Community depends on competition and entertainment from those in charge of things like this. This Community is built off of friendly competition with others.

    Being a part of the staff for this event has definitely showed me some of the best of the Community and myself. Before the tournament, I streamed because it was fun and a lot of others do it. I wanted to be like other YouTubers. But, now, I see that they don't do it for the fun of it. They do it for others, just as I have come to do.

    I've learned to be more selfless and more thoughtful to the Community's side of things. I've also come to care for the Community as another of my several families, the other two being my biological family and my clanmates.

    Just six months ago, I was just a normal player, like many of you. Then I got a michrophone and became more active on my YouTube channel. Towards the end of August, I came to stream several times and get more involved with my friends' channels, often being featured in their videos for funny gameplay and minigames such as Hide and Seek on TheRoad map. When I saw the forum for this year's tournament, I immediately sent in my moderator application. I got accepted in right away, with the high involvement I had.

    Through this tournament, I also gained quite a bit of popularity, respect, and questions from the Community. Players I don't know recognizing me and asking if I'm recording or streaming. Other players telling me that I've been doing a good deed by streaming the matches.

    I really appreciate their feedback, because I may make this look easy, though, truthfully, it's not.

    Being the 'right hand' of the Warmerise Legends Championship hasn't been an easy task. At first, it was the timezones that got to me. I never knew when 18:00 UTC + 0 was in Pacific Standard Time. Thanks to another friend, PolandMatt234 (mattyspectrum), whom I relied on at first, I can now figure out what match is when for the most part. Now, the hardest part is keeping the streams as least laggy and as entertaining as possible for the sake of all of the viewing Warmerise players.

    This road hasn't been an easy task, but it was well worth it. Not only learning more about myself, the Community, and streaming in general, but of how to take charge in the necessary situations and be a role model for others to follow in my footsteps.

    I commentate and stream this tournament because I love doing it and for your entertainment. I do it for the Community and anyone else who may stumble upon the matches. This isn't about me, it's about all of you.

    I don't regret my decision to help out one single bit.


    Always remember that it's caring for others and believing in everyone (including yourself) that drives you onward and gives you a higher position in the world, not bossing others around.

    And I believe in each and every one of you.

    This post was edited by StarWarsCrazy at December 23, 2018 7:28 PM PST
    • 260 posts
    December 23, 2018 7:36 PM PST

    Firstly nicely done Star(she)WarsCrazy really love it, I would like to personally congratulate everyone that helped on getting this torunement a success (Streb and DB!) and also all of the 32 players that partipated in it. (4 more remain) I was also like Star a normal player and recording and streaming for fun, I really gained experiance with this and it's a plus. Sorry for not being there as often as I should, due to work but at least I did enjoy commenating and streaming only a few matches, I'm really glad that I made this tourney really funny the way I was talking and joking around IT WAS FUN #GUNNERS. Yes the timezones are a struggle but if you need more help on them ask me and I'll gladly help ya with them, like that one time we really didn't know when that one match started *felt bad honeslty*  


    PS. (Wow we aren't done yet got still getting fired up for the next few matches before the final!)

    Merry Christmas!!

    This post was edited by mattyspectrum at December 23, 2018 7:39 PM PST
    • 611 posts
    December 23, 2018 8:23 PM PST

    mattyspectrum said:

    Yes the timezones are a struggle but if you need more help on them ask me and I'll gladly help ya with them, like that one time we really didn't know when that one match started *felt bad honeslty* 

    I still feel bad for that one. And once I almost made Tre miss a match by converting timezones wrong. Thank god he made it.

    • 285 posts
    December 24, 2018 12:14 AM PST

    The idea of WLC came when me and sterben were discussing random things. We normally plan a lot of things, but implement very few of 'em. Our plan was to do WWC-2019 next year, because this one was almost over. But the idea of 1v1 stroke  both of us because initially it seemed an easy task, as we've did 4v4 tournament before, so comparitively, a 1v1 tournament seemed any easy task for us. I didn't wanted to let this idea go bogus, so I started working on the WLC trailer right away, which took me a week to complete, and while it was exporting, I made a draft thread on forums, announcing the tournament. And it spread like a fire on homepage, and when the trailer came out, it created an even more intensified hype among players, so we got sufficient amount of players in the very first week we started taking submissions.


            We planned on bringing back the old team together (WWC-18) but unfortunately, none was able to contribute in organizing it with us, which was absolutely upsetting, because I thought we wouldn't be able to find anyone else that could be competent enough to do the stuff we've been doing. When you (star) showed interest in streaming and organzing, I surely hesitated at first, because I knew you didn't have any experience regarding this, but like you, everyone else except sterben was new to this, including Cryptic, Matt, LittleFireFly, Vivek, legokid, etc. I wasn't confident in myself either, because I always worked as a Co-host for Chrono, where he did 90% of the job. So it was somewhat new for me as well. But it turned out that our 'new' talent did it a lot better than I could've done myself. I'm really proud of you all, and I'm really thankful that you guys decided to help us out with this event, it's absolutely been a great experience, and we got to learn a lot from it. Because of my university, I wasn't able to be there in most of the matches, especially because of my exams, but I saw you guys covered it up really well, otherwise, this event may have ceased at some point. 


          In short, thank you so much Star! for streaming, commentating and moderating nearly all the matches, i know it must've been stressful for you, and FireFly for being with you there and moderating matches, even solely sometimes xD and MATT! for streaming the matches and keeping us amused throughout the event! Cryptic! for being there in the very first matches like me! XD and Sterben ofc, never saw such a devoted and hardworking dude, for dealing with all the messages and timezone stuff, and being there in most of the matches. And ofc I'm not missing Vivek and legokid here for joining us on commentating panel in matches! And in the end, to all the Sponsors that contributed in major part of the prize pool i.e Chronospectrum, mattyspectrum, and Bulletz4Breakfast. AND FOR THE LAST! MAX!! the event system has worked absolutely awesome! it made our job a lot easier than it could've been otherwise. Thanks for watching the streams and keep bringing new features to the game and to the spectator tab! 


     I have much more to say on this, but I'll save it for the Finals xd 

    This post was edited by DeathBringer908 at December 24, 2018 12:26 AM PST
    • 611 posts
    December 24, 2018 5:54 AM PST

    DeathBringer908 said:

    The idea of WLC came when me and sterben were discussing random things. We normally plan a lot of things, but implement very few of 'em. Our plan was to do WWC-2019 next year, because this one was almost over. But the idea of 1v1 stroke  both of us because initially it seemed an easy task, as we've did 4v4 tournament before, so comparitively, a 1v1 tournament seemed any easy task for us. I didn't wanted to let this idea go bogus, so I started working on the WLC trailer right away, which took me a week to complete, and while it was exporting, I made a draft thread on forums, announcing the tournament. And it spread like a fire on homepage, and when the trailer came out, it created an even more intensified hype among players, so we got sufficient amount of players in the very first week we started taking submissions.


            We planned on bringing back the old team together (WWC-18) but unfortunately, none was able to contribute in organizing it with us, which was absolutely upsetting, because I thought we wouldn't be able to find anyone else that could be competent enough to do the stuff we've been doing. When you (star) showed interest in streaming and organzing, I surely hesitated at first, because I knew you didn't have any experience regarding this, but like you, everyone else except sterben was new to this, including Cryptic, Matt, LittleFireFly, Vivek, legokid, etc. I wasn't confident in myself either, because I always worked as a Co-host for Chrono, where he did 90% of the job. So it was somewhat new for me as well. But it turned out that our 'new' talent did it a lot better than I could've done myself. I'm really proud of you all, and I'm really thankful that you guys decided to help us out with this event, it's absolutely been a great experience, and we got to learn a lot from it. Because of my university, I wasn't able to be there in most of the matches, especially because of my exams, but I saw you guys covered it up really well, otherwise, this event may have ceased at some point. 


          In short, thank you so much Star! for streaming, commentating and moderating nearly all the matches, i know it must've been stressful for you, and FireFly for being with you there and moderating matches, even solely sometimes xD and MATT! for streaming the matches and keeping us amused throughout the event! Cryptic! for being there in the very first matches like me! XD and Sterben ofc, never saw such a devoted and hardworking dude, for dealing with all the messages and timezone stuff, and being there in most of the matches. And ofc I'm not missing Vivek and legokid here for joining us on commentating panel in matches! And in the end, to all the Sponsors that contributed in major part of the prize pool i.e Chronospectrum, mattyspectrum, and Bulletz4Breakfast. AND FOR THE LAST! MAX!! the event system has worked absolutely awesome! it made our job a lot easier than it could've been otherwise. Thanks for watching the streams and keep bringing new features to the game and to the spectator tab! 


     I have much more to say on this, but I'll save it for the Finals xd 

    Well, we certainly couldn't have done it alone. The sponsors were amazing, for sure. THey donated hundreds of thosands of their own cash right away. Gotta admit, that shocked me. But, in the end, Max also did us a huge favor by making the event system and brackets for us.

    • 260 posts
    December 24, 2018 6:39 AM PST

    StarWarsCrazy said:

    DeathBringer908 said:

    The idea of WLC came when me and sterben were discussing random things. We normally plan a lot of things, but implement very few of 'em. Our plan was to do WWC-2019 next year, because this one was almost over. But the idea of 1v1 stroke  both of us because initially it seemed an easy task, as we've did 4v4 tournament before, so comparitively, a 1v1 tournament seemed any easy task for us. I didn't wanted to let this idea go bogus, so I started working on the WLC trailer right away, which took me a week to complete, and while it was exporting, I made a draft thread on forums, announcing the tournament. And it spread like a fire on homepage, and when the trailer came out, it created an even more intensified hype among players, so we got sufficient amount of players in the very first week we started taking submissions.


            We planned on bringing back the old team together (WWC-18) but unfortunately, none was able to contribute in organizing it with us, which was absolutely upsetting, because I thought we wouldn't be able to find anyone else that could be competent enough to do the stuff we've been doing. When you (star) showed interest in streaming and organzing, I surely hesitated at first, because I knew you didn't have any experience regarding this, but like you, everyone else except sterben was new to this, including Cryptic, Matt, LittleFireFly, Vivek, legokid, etc. I wasn't confident in myself either, because I always worked as a Co-host for Chrono, where he did 90% of the job. So it was somewhat new for me as well. But it turned out that our 'new' talent did it a lot better than I could've done myself. I'm really proud of you all, and I'm really thankful that you guys decided to help us out with this event, it's absolutely been a great experience, and we got to learn a lot from it. Because of my university, I wasn't able to be there in most of the matches, especially because of my exams, but I saw you guys covered it up really well, otherwise, this event may have ceased at some point. 


          In short, thank you so much Star! for streaming, commentating and moderating nearly all the matches, i know it must've been stressful for you, and FireFly for being with you there and moderating matches, even solely sometimes xD and MATT! for streaming the matches and keeping us amused throughout the event! Cryptic! for being there in the very first matches like me! XD and Sterben ofc, never saw such a devoted and hardworking dude, for dealing with all the messages and timezone stuff, and being there in most of the matches. And ofc I'm not missing Vivek and legokid here for joining us on commentating panel in matches! And in the end, to all the Sponsors that contributed in major part of the prize pool i.e Chronospectrum, mattyspectrum, and Bulletz4Breakfast. AND FOR THE LAST! MAX!! the event system has worked absolutely awesome! it made our job a lot easier than it could've been otherwise. Thanks for watching the streams and keep bringing new features to the game and to the spectator tab! 


     I have much more to say on this, but I'll save it for the Finals xd 

    Well, we certainly couldn't have done it alone. The sponsors were amazing, for sure. THey donated hundreds of thosands of their own cash right away. Gotta admit, that shocked me. But, in the end, Max also did us a huge favor by making the event system and brackets for us.

    I would admit that is a loooot of cash people donated. I still rememeber to this day that first amount I saw on theere I was like "not sure if that would be enough to support this" after awhile I thought about it and decided to donoate and help out. Yes everything wouldn't have went well if all of the hard work Max put in to add all of event systems in to help us out if that wasn't added we be losing our minds. 


    • 257 posts
    December 24, 2018 8:49 AM PST

    Got to give huge props to the organizers of the WLC. At first I was a bit skeptical but this really turned out well. I have check on the tournament every now and then and except for very few no shows and a bit of drama it has worked out amazing. There hasn't almost been any drama or shade thrown between players and most matches happened as scheduled.

    When we ran in 2015 the WWC was a bit harder to coordinate due to it being 2v2-4v4s and making the teams so it didn't work out as well but still. But I think everyone can appreciate how this sort of events help the community. Warmerise back in the days, yeah the game worked much better, some updates the old players didn't like and made them left but the biggest thing is competition, that's what made so many people stay active. So if you can bring competition into Warmerise once again you will see this game just rise once again; and this is the right path.

    So not much left to say, just thanks for the entertaiment to the organizers and good luck in the upcoming matches, you did an outstanding job.