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Weapons And Balance [NEW]

    • 60 posts
    September 25, 2019 2:31 AM PDT

    Welcome Back to Warmerise#201 : Advanced Weapon Mechanics Course

    Warmerise #201 : Weapons and Balance Course. [click on the hypertext/link/dat green thingy boii] [Dont mind the stats after the black bars as they are advanced and won't be of use to most, unless you're interested] [All the formulas are embeded in the spreadsheet iself]

    Prerequisite : Warmerise #101


    Before we start :

    Thanks to Chronospectrum for correcting me. Everything has been updated. Huge thanks again.

    Don't make it like this thread I started where no one helps. And a dude "xHysteria" texts saying it's just better because.. well.. "IT is better". *facepalm []

    And this thread : Enough with my rant.

    Feel free to correct me if any of my presentations or stats were wrong.


    Chapter 1 :


    "Burst Damage" : The most damage you can do it the shortest period of time in a single go. It has been divided into "Head" "Torso" "Limbs"

    Burst Damage for Single Fire weapons should be taken into mind with due note*

    This stat helps you achieve those multi-kills easier and delete multiple enemies on a rush. You will be reloading less with more of this stat to your gun. Thus, Killing more without reloading.

    *Burst damage has been adjusted to the kills and spare damage. So.. 100 of "Burst Damage" = 1 kill.


    "Time/Kill" : Pretty Self-Explanatory imho. "Time/Kill" of "instant" should be thought in such a way as interval between Kills.


    Chapter 2 : Autimatic 

    UMP 40 || Solid

    Mini-G [Assume] || Solid 

    BlastGun || Desperately.. Needs a Buff

    Carbine || Solid?

    G36 || Solid

    LSMG3 [Assume] || Desperately.. Needs a Buff [Suggested: Could use more Bullets/Mag and an extra Mag]

    VectorX || Needs a Buff to Head Damage from 20 to 21 as it takes 6 bullets to both head and torso!! It could also use an extra mag.

    A12 || Broken. Unless it's price is exchanged with Carbine.


    Carbine is > UMP40

    UMP 40 || But, UMP 40 kills 20ms faster on [Head]

                 || Both are comparable on [Torso]

    Carbine || Carbine kills a reaction time(200ms) faster then UMP 40 on [Limbs] 

    Carbine || Also.. Carbine can do [Head]47%-98%[Limbs] more damage without reloading.


    Mini-G ~ Carbine 

    Mini-G || Mini-G has the better "Time/Kill" and more "Burst Damage"

    As Mini-G is just a better weapon in inhuman-skilled hands. But, It's really really really hard.

    No, It is not the recoil.. It's the fact that Mini-G is a delayed Autimatic gun. It needs to be "hot" for it to be fired.

    Carbine || In Carbine's defence.. It can be used by humans. That's it. Simple enough for mortals to be used enough.


    Carbine is > BlastGun


    Assuming you can control for carbine's recoil.. which is pretty easy once you get used to the gun.

    Carbine   || Carbine has both better "Burst Damage" and "Time/Kill"

    BlastGun || Has an improved Reload animation. That's it.


    UMP 40 is > BlastGun


    Unless you see yourself hitting always and only limbs. Just don't waste cash by buying this.

    BlastGun needs Higher firerate and less bullets per mag and one more mag imho. Maybe increase the price?

    BlastGun also has a dis-advantage as it take 8 bullets to kill per head and also the torso!! WTF?!


    Carbine >~ G36

    They both roughly perform the same**

    Carbine has more Burst Damage, It can kill more in one mag.

    But, G36 has a better scope. If you need that zoom.. Go for G36. Else, Carbine.

    Who knows.. Your accuracy could be way more with G36.. Rendering the Carbine's more Burst Damage useless as you wouldn't hit those shots anyway.

    If you're one of those players who can kill enemy on other side of map of "Base" with UMP40. Go for Carbine. Else G36.

    My tip: Try before you buy.


     LSMG3 - Desperately.. Needs a Buff

    Just take a look at this

    You can't possibly kill more than 18 people with LSMG3.. You can kill 21 people with a damn revolver!!!

    You need truck-a-load of coins if you wanna use LSMG3. If that is how it is meant to be used.. Then awesome. If not.. Buff it.

    LSMG3 Not my type of weapon. That's all I can say after I got to know that it only has 11x5 bullets.

    I guess you can use it when you have a truck-a-load of coins stacked up? There is no other scene I'd tell you to use it. If you end up in such scenario.. IT is a beast! But, I hope there will be more bullets per mag but the number of mags is okay! so that people can go for a push. Carbine does 232% of what LSMG3 can do 100%! There is no reason to get it for new players as i said.. unless you happen to have a truck load of coins and don't know what to do.. you can run it for it's high DPS. Already G36 fills in between Autimatic and Sniper section. 

    G36 and Plasma are doing so good that LSMG3 sees no daylight. A buff for bullets per mag would do great job. I'd say 3 more bullets per mag would do wonders without making it OP. As the BurstDamage would be still less than BlastGun which is broken already.


    Vector X ~ Carbine

    Vector X is 10% better than carbine for those 1v1s or Camping or Defending.

    Carbine is Better for Team Rushes.

    Vector X is always a good buy when you have enough. But.. Not for beginners as it costs more and you need a bit more skill to master VectorX than Carbine

    Carbine is better for new players (not noobs, I mean new players) who wanna take it up as their first purchased weapon if auto is your thing.

    Also.. Most new players are aggressive for that kills and money so.. #goCarbine 





    Carbine is > A12

    A12 and Carbine should be exhanged or something! MAX! 

    Simple way to fix A12 is to exchange prices with Carbine. Nothing else is required.



    Chapter 3 : Long Range

    L115A3        || Solid

    LSMG3*       || Needs BUFF

    PlasmaGun*|| Solid

    Rail Rifle      || A nerf is nothing wrong. Just reduce hipfire accuracy. It owns in it's current state given that skill. It makes sense it costs what it costs.



    Chapter 4 : Special Section


    This section is special. People could suck or be gods with this section.

    No not Flamethrower. That is thing stupid. It needs a buff or something.

    Mini-G Best Auto on paper. If only someone can use it like a beast it is.

    PlasmaGun Instant shots. Likea lasa beammmmmm.

    LMSG3Please MAX. PLEASE!




    Vector X Takes 6 Bullets to Kill to both head and torso! Buff Vector's Head Damage to 21 from 20.

    RailRifle's Non-Scoped accuracy should be decreased.

    A12 and Carbine should be exchanged. OR something needs to be done about CARBINE! It is OP for it's weigh class. So OP! that it Punches holes through other weight ranks. This is not a joke.. I used to laugh every time someone uses a A12. I mean it. Not like a LMAO.. But like a chuckle.

    BlastGun needs a minor rework. WHY DOES IT TAKE 8 BULLETS TO BOTH HEAD AND TORSO?! BUFF!

    LSMG3 should be like Plasma with a bit reduced stats maybe? Or the more bullets plssss.

    !!!!!!CPW sucks compared to Revolver!!!!!! CPW needs BUFF!

    It's not like revolver is OP maybe it is.. But.. CPW seriously needs a buff.

    A standing guy with a Revolver can spam shots to limbs and still kill you!, before you kill them when as he is a standing target with a CPW all headshots, all hit.

    USP looks better on stats. But, 9.52 clicks per second while aiming is.. you know.. impossible. But.. It is what it is.. a Backup Pistol. 

    USP || Solid

    Most new players should pick up other's pirmarys from the ground. Purchasing a Secondary is easy anyway.

    Pulse pistol needs a Buff. It's almost the same as USP! * I need more info on PulsePistol as well.


    Thanks for reading! Hope this helped improve your game!

    Warmerise#101 was made by someone. I read it a long long time ago. That made me to make this. Hope it helps.

    Thank you warmerise! Thank you max!



    Comments : [cue anime music]

    I think there needs to be something done about this... 

    If a weapon is better than other in everyway.. then it should cost more.

    Yes I knew this way before. I have been taking advantage of this. But, I love this community more than ever now. 

    I wanna give something back now.  - ShinChan

    This post was edited by shinchan at September 25, 2019 2:38 AM PDT
    • 60 posts
    September 25, 2019 2:40 AM PDT

    A huge thanks to Chronospectrum again! Without him these would be not be this accurate.

    Btw.. There is no fractional damage and "Time/Kill" is perfect.

    This post was edited by shinchan at September 25, 2019 2:41 AM PDT
    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 4:56 AM PDT



    UMP 40 || Solid

    Mini-G [Assume] || Solid 

    BlastGun || Desperately.. Needs a Buff

    Carbine || Solid?

    G36 || Solid

    LSMG3 [Assume] || Desperately.. Needs a Buff [Suggested: Could use more Bullets/Mag and an extra Mag]

    VectorX || Needs a Buff to Head Damage from 20 to 21 as it takes 6 bullets to both head and torso!! It could also use an extra mag.

    A12 || Broken. Unless it's price is exchanged with Carbine.

    L115A3        || Solid

    LSMG3*       || Needs BUFF

    PlasmaGun*|| Solid

    Rail Rifle      || A nerf is nothing wrong. Just reduce hipfire accuracy. It owns in it's current state given that skill. It makes sense it costs what it costs.

    Vector X Takes 6 Bullets to Kill to both head and torso! Buff Vector's Head Damage to 21 from 20.

    Pulse pistol needs a Buff. It's almost the same as USP! * I need more info on PulsePistol as well.

    !!!!!!CPW sucks compared to Revolver!!!!!! CPW needs BUFF!

    BlastGun needs a minor rework. WHY DOES IT TAKE 8 BULLETS TO BOTH HEAD AND TORSO?! BUFF!


  • September 26, 2019 5:44 AM PDT

    All the guns that you said need fixing, don't need to be fixed. It is just a matter of skill.

    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 5:58 AM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    All the guns that you said need fixing, don't need to be fixed. It is just a matter of skill.

    Yes. Nice understanding you did there. It's all about skill. Now win fights aginst Carbine with BlastGun and A12. 

    Get killed by people with same no. of bullets with the same gun regardless of your skill of aiming at their head.. when they spammed body shots on you.

    Nice autism you got there.


    Anyway.. I reported that post of yours.

    This post was edited by shinchan at September 26, 2019 6:00 AM PDT
    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 6:04 AM PDT

    Anyway Xhysteria.. to post like how you do.. we need a lot of skill bro. teach some me of autism your.

  • September 26, 2019 6:08 AM PDT

    Blasgun vs Carbine is better, the blastgun's fast fire rate can knock off your opponent's aim. Also A12 is great considering the amount of damage it deals, Depending on the way you handle it, it can be a deadly weapon. The LSMG3 is op, idk what you are talking about. It is one of the fastest killing weapons in warmerise, 11 bullets per magazine, is actaully too many shots, it should be like 7. Idk what your problem with these guns are it may because you are dumb or you aim is shet. :DDDD

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at September 26, 2019 6:09 AM PDT
  • September 26, 2019 6:10 AM PDT

    shinchan said:

    Anyway Xhysteria.. to post like how you do.. we need a lot of skill bro. teach some me of autism your.

    Nice spreadsheet no-one can understand. 

    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 6:13 AM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    Blasgun vs Carbine is better, the blastgun's fast fire rate can knock off your opponent's aim. Also A12 is great considering the amount of damage it deals, Depending on the way you handle it, it can be a deadly weapon. The LSMG3 is op, idk what you are talking about. It is one of the fastest killing weapons in warmerise, 11 bullets per magazine, is actaully too many shots, it should be like 7. Idk what your problem with these guns are it may because you are dumb or you aim is shet. :DDDD

    Yes my aim is shet. I am a ******. :( everyone can realise it. that im a ******. :(

    you pro. so pro.. people think youre a aimbot with a aimlock waller.

    I feel pity as i type this.

    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 6:14 AM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    shinchan said:

    Anyway Xhysteria.. to post like how you do.. we need a lot of skill bro. teach some me of autism your.

    Nice spreadsheet no-one can understand. 

    Yes. No one can understand it. like literally no one understand it other than a few retards like me :( save me brooo

    Save me from this retardeness i was stuck in with your godlike brain.

  • September 26, 2019 7:21 AM PDT

    Dude, I am saying what the truth is, no matter what gun you have, and you have skill, you will able to turn any weapon into a death weapon. If you do not agree, 1v1 me. You will see.

    • 60 posts
    September 26, 2019 8:44 AM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    Dude, I am saying what the truth is, no matter what gun you have, and you have skill, you will able to turn any weapon into a death weapon. If you do not agree, 1v1 me. You will see.

    Just saying that it didn't 4 times for you to die to a carbine to leave the server. Just saying. Stop being this toxic dude. You didn't even take me down once. The argument here is not if you are a better player or me. It is about which weapon is. Hope you learn and grow up. instead of being this riddiculous piece of shet.


    Screenshot was taken when i was about to leave.

    This post was edited by shinchan at September 26, 2019 8:44 AM PDT
    • 60 posts
    September 29, 2019 2:17 PM PDT

    Just a bump to keep this in talks. It's upto you guys to request for the changes. Max has already said that he will work on BlastGun and A12.

    TYSM guys. Hopefully the Vector X will take one less bullet for head than torso. Maybe Vector X's one less mag was a design choice.


  • September 30, 2019 6:14 AM PDT

    um, dude I never said anything about this until you escalted it. plus I was using sniper.

    • 60 posts
    September 30, 2019 3:10 PM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    um, dude I never said anything about this until you escalted it. plus I was using sniper.

    Who escalated what?

    "Dude, I am saying what the truth is, no matter what gun you have, and you have skill, you will able to turn any weapon into a death weapon. If you do not agree, 1v1 me. You will see."

    " Idk what your problem with these guns are it may because you are dumb or you aim is shet. :DDDD"

    "All the guns that you said need fixing, don't need to be fixed. It is just a matter of skill."

    "It depends alot on how you handle the gun."

    "Still, it depends on how you handle the weapon."


    For my post:

    How many bullets does that carry with the current mag included? compare that with Rail?

    I need to know how many bullets each gun has and your experience with them. :D

    Your responses..

    "LSMG3 is the best."

    "LSMG3 is better than rail."

    "Yeah plasma is op"



    I get that you want that post counter to go up.. please..

    Why would you post about LSMG3 when you never owned one or don't even know how many bullets it has?!

    Stop being a bloat to the community.


    xHysteria said:

    plus I was using sniper.

    xHysteria said:

    Dude, I am saying what the truth is, no matter what gun you have, and you have skill, you will able to turn any weapon into a death weapon. If you do not agree, 1v1 me. You will see.


    I have wasted enough time on you already. Please change. for the sake of everyone.

    • 60 posts
    September 30, 2019 3:11 PM PDT

    I'd really be interested in knowing what I have "escalated".

    I am honestly curious.

  • September 30, 2019 4:14 PM PDT

    All I have said was, if you know how to use any weapon correctly, it can be a deadly weapon, I said any of the guns are good if you have skill. Nothing more nothing less. Then you decided to turn this into a flamewar for no reason.

    • 123 posts
    October 1, 2019 9:10 AM PDT

    xHysteria Must stop following around forums Randomly 

  • October 1, 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    I am not.

    • 1 posts
    October 6, 2019 5:17 PM PDT

    xHysteria said:

    Dude, I am saying what the truth is, no matter what gun you have, and you have skill, you will able to turn any weapon into a death weapon. If you do not agree, 1v1 me. You will see.


    Just wanted to comment on what a dumb argument that is. 


    • 539 posts
    October 7, 2019 4:28 AM PDT
    It's not that dumb. Some weapons like the flamethrower can't compete with any weapon in the game, but others that this post alleges are underpowered (like the blastgun) can be used just as well as other weapons if the player is skilled enough.

    xHysteria is basically trying to remove the assumption that these weapons would be compared in a controlled environment with no other variables. You can judge for yourself whether or not that is helpful to the discussion, but it's not an invalid point.
  • October 7, 2019 5:47 AM PDT

    Like Chrono said, My main point was it is based on how you control the weapon.