
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 4 members led by ChrisA
    The Highest Council.
  • 3 members led by Xecutioner
  • 3 members led by japierdole
  • 4 members led by Reoe
  • 21 members led by Player173
  • 72 members led by Morpheus
    We are the [[Guardians]] if somone is being toxic on a server It is your duty to defend the person he is being toxic to . We never back down from a fight .

    inorder to get into this clan you must have a killstreak of 10 ,you must not be toxic. you will b...  more
  • 6 members led by Xotiic
    Pro clan kdr must me 1.0 or higher account must be over 3 months old and you can apply for officer(you will have to tryout for officer)
    DOA-Dead On Arrival.
  • 68 members led by Deleted Member
  • 96 members led by QULIYEV
    KDR 1.00
    Send me 5k and i make you officer.
  • 98 members led by signup1234