
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 266 members led by Jin
    | Welcome To Arctic Falcon Team |

    | The Most Inflated Egos are often the Most Fragile. |...  more
  • 18 members led by kuruvila
    =I*BtF*~180*I= is a pro auto clan only for people with talent in auto you will first 1v1 then officers have a vote if we should accept you. BtF stands for born to fight.

    ...  more
  • 2 members led by killingdaddy
    Only Pros are alloowed. Anyone who makes less than 10k a week will be kicked out.
  • 21 members led by Player441
  • 6 members led by KYZO
    Only those who are ranked in the Top 100 can join, otherwise the request will be rejected.
  • 9 members led by souii
  • 12 members led by Fukka
  • 49 members led by Perro999
    Competir sempre,lutar com lealdade, ganhar é um resultado, importante mesmo é a diversão,mas sempre preservando e respeitando os amigos. ( PIKA , Prof Dr, Vingadores ) clãs irmãos!!!
  • 27 members led by AnaKing
    Este clan es basado solo en experiencias de juego, no importa el ranquin, antes de poder acceder a este clan, tendrán que pasar una pueba contra uno de los integrantes. No admitiré insultos, ni malos tratos. Suerte
  • 29 members led by Lokonazo1