
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 11 members led by Inverny
    Next Generation
  • 20 members led by Axiira
    Be good and you will join. Be kind to others and you will join.
  • 10 members led by TheKing1543
    must have 1000+ trap mine kills
  • 147 members led by XURGERY
    The only one that still left.Mr.Reaper will be resurrection.And join back the war!Open for everyone's and hope you all understand my purpose!
    *This clan wasnt created for pretend to be real or jealous,just for missed those day that I have been once.That I...  more
  • 123 members led by Jin
    | Greetings To Team NyX |

    | Be Fearless & Powerful. Forces will come to your Aid. |...  more
  • 41 members led by GRILLO
    X...  more
  • 24 members led by XURGERY
    DarknessCompany [DC]clan created since 2014 in call of mini infinity(triniti interactive limited company)by God[My old name]
    This clan have some recruiting members rule
    -No toxic
    -Kdr0.80+(No exception cuz I plan to go with 1.00+)...  more
  • 1 member led by Xeavi
    the rules are simply not toxic no playing against each other with clan members and then use clantag and have fun who thinks he would be good can make a 1v1 or send me a message

  • 4 members led by risKVISKI
    What If?
  • 8 members led by Nanaa
    Hi everyone...
    KDR: +1.8
    Rank: +500
    HK: +50