
  • lavan

    Who wants the jets arena map back?

    Posted by lavan June 13, 2022 - 48 votes - 166 views
    Who wants the jets arena map back?
  • Cenz

    Only Sniper 2020

    Posted by Cenz June 12, 2022 - 16 votes - 191 views
    I think this map has a major problem ..cus it has no protection against rpg or grenades. You can kill yourself and be changing rpg for another weapon over and over again nonstop (everybody knows thats f-ing glitch). There is no place to take cover from the explosions since it is very small and there is not enough back space. So what's the problem/solution?
  • NichBuster

    who would like to give me 5k

    Posted by NichBuster June 11, 2022 - 16 votes - 174 views
    Who would give me 5k i rlly need it put ur name of who would give it to me in the comments
  • xKamiii

    Zafar ban or unban?

    Posted by xKamiii June 11, 2022 - 17 votes - 75 views
  • anagio

    Guys Pls help me i need carbine!

    Posted by anagio June 11, 2022 - 16 votes - 254 views
    i need 8k more ****, pls! i just have been to busy for this game, i need only 8000 ****
  • Ghost23456789


    Posted by Ghost23456789 June 10, 2022 - 9 votes - 164 views
    I need to get to 5k, I thought I would turn to you all for help.
  • corosin34


    Posted by corosin34 June 10, 2022 - 6 votes - 171 views
    soy nuevo, pero todavía estoy moliendo para G36, así que pensé en pedirles a ustedes que me donaran un poco para que sea más fácil para mí obtenerlo. la cantidad de **** que necesito es de 22k para comprarlo, si no quieres donarme solo ignora esto si quieres donarme pero no la cantidad completa de ****, puedes darme cuánto quieres como 5 a 10k
  • xKamiii

    Zafar got banned its happy?

    Posted by xKamiii June 10, 2022 - 31 votes - 179 views
  • foxland2022

    who Knows everyone has a bad and good side

    Posted by foxland2022 June 9, 2022 - 5 votes - 48 views
    1st ,usually everyone have a darkside, it means he have a toxic side and he/she never want to do somethin its like a good people usually do bad things but he/she never told the people wats hes/shes true side 2nd, bad people or toxic people always do bad things but he/she usually do good things and people always take a revenge on him/her and people dose not care about wat actually the true side
  • FilipKingMVP

    Help me buy Vector X

    Posted by FilipKingMVP June 9, 2022 - 8 votes - 140 views
    i have way too many exams but still i am grinding for Vector X so i though about asking you guys to donate me a bit so it is easier for me to get it. the amount of **** i need is 22k to buy it, if you dont wanna donate me just ignore this if you want to donate me but not full amount of ****, you can give me how much you want like 5 to 10k