December 15, 2022 8:22 AM PST
LambentLight said:
I'm still in school but thank god not counted as a "kid who has no skill", I found this game when I was simply surfing the internet. My first match was on "SpaceX" and after that, I kinda hated the game. But at the time I had lost my mouse, but when I found it, I came back to the game and made an account. I came back because the websites I normally used go blocked by our psycho-tech monitor has some serious issues with games. So I made an account and eventually got into the game because there was nothing better to do. And here I am, after about 1 month into the game, I place 600 in the leaderboard and have lots of connections to other players.
Thank you guys for this community (specifically some of you, like adhd and Jerry6Us), and please, try to change, other players we don't like,
Merry Christmas to all, and hasta la vista-
Thank you so much Lambentlight! I was recommended to this game in 2019 but stopped playing until 2022 when I remembered to play and have fun bc I am still technically a kid and I need to live life to its fullest. (16 yrs old)
If today was your last day- Nickelback