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should de damage b lowered on carbine to make it more fare?

    • 192 posts
    May 8, 2021 1:37 PM PDT

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.





    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 8, 2021 1:39 PM PDT
    • 109 posts
    May 8, 2021 4:31 PM PDT

    I dont know about that man. I dont think the carbine is op, its lower on the list than the g36 and the g36 kinda sucks for me. Plus making it more expinsive wouldn't really fix the problem in the long term, also the ga3a still kind of needs a nother buff to make it a good gun.

    • 42 posts
    May 9, 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    No Need to make Lower then Nobody wants Nogun and buy cape and sky

    • 657 posts
    May 9, 2021 3:15 AM PDT

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.





    i agree with him it needs to be changed everytime i play some farmers are very strong and im bad killing carbine farmers,and they keep playing and i hate like for example BN (Blue Ninja) was using carbine and im very bad killing him,a12 is op but not average fire rate as carbine.Also the carbine fire rate is same as humvee turret but different damage and very OP HMG,it was very unfair for players to play with carbine farmers.comment what u think my suggestion was like

    • 49 posts
    May 9, 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    agent743 said:

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.





    i agree with him it needs to be changed everytime i play some farmers are very strong and im bad killing carbine farmers,and they keep playing and i hate like for example BN (Blue Ninja) was using carbine and im very bad killing him,a12 is op but not average fire rate as carbine.Also the carbine fire rate is same as humvee turret but different damage and very OP HMG,it was very unfair for players to play with carbine farmers.comment what u think my suggestion was like

    I simply can't understand your logic.

    So it's his fault that he's better than you, his fault that he's called a "farmer" and why the carbine must be nerfed? All because you can't outgun him in a gunfight? I guess anyone who's better than you is a "farmer" just because you lose to them?

    So if I outgun you with every single automatic weapon that exists in the game (UMP, Blastgun, VectorX, etc.) it only makes sense to nerf all of them hmmm.

    This post was edited by fshiteup at May 9, 2021 10:22 AM PDT
    • 657 posts
    May 9, 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    fshiteup said:

    agent743 said:

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.





    i agree with him it needs to be changed everytime i play some farmers are very strong and im bad killing carbine farmers,and they keep playing and i hate like for example BN (Blue Ninja) was using carbine and im very bad killing him,a12 is op but not average fire rate as carbine.Also the carbine fire rate is same as humvee turret but different damage and very OP HMG,it was very unfair for players to play with carbine farmers.comment what u think my suggestion was like

    I simply can't understand your l4gic.

    So it's his fault that he's better3 than you, his fault that he's called a "farmer" and why the carbine must be nerfed? All because you can't outgun him in a gunfight? I 234324234g2very single a234234324utomatic weapon th432423423t exists in the game (UMP, Blastgun, VectorX, etc.) it only makes sense to nerf all of them hmmm.324324324


    • 356 posts
    May 9, 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    agent743 said:

    fshiteup said:

    agent743 said:

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.





    i agree with him it needs to be changed everytime i play some farmers are very strong and im bad killing carbine farmers,and they keep playing and i hate like for example BN (Blue Ninja) was using carbine and im very bad killing him,a12 is op but not average fire rate as carbine.Also the carbine fire rate is same as humvee turret but different damage and very OP HMG,it was very unfair for players to play with carbine farmers.comment what u think my suggestion was like

    I simply can't understand your l4gic.

    So it's his fault that he's better3 than you, his fault that he's called a "farmer" and why the carbine must be nerfed? All because you can't outgun him in a gunfight? I 234324234g2very single a234234324utomatic weapon th432423423t exists in the game (UMP, Blastgun, VectorX, etc.) it only makes sense to nerf all of them hmmm.324324324


    chill lol

    • 1 posts
    May 9, 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Carbine is good but not OP

    I paid 25k I want something that is worth 25k

    @agent743 just get better man

    • 127 posts
    May 9, 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    You all react like children. first, there is no weapon stronger than others. It depends on skill. fshiteup is absolutely right. The carbine is very good at 25k and it helps new players. Otherwise why weapons as bad as the Railrifle do not cost 15k, the Flamethrower 9.5k or good weapons like the L115A3 at 55k?

    • 109 posts
    May 9, 2021 5:16 PM PDT

    Sybil said:

    You all react like children. first, there is no weapon stronger than others. It depends on skill. fshiteup is absolutely right. The carbine is very good at 25k and it helps new players. Otherwise why weapons as bad as the Railrifle do not cost 15k, the Flamethrower 9.5k or good weapons like the L115A3 at 55k?

    there are weapons stronger than others (the weapon stats DO MATTER) but I do get what your saying about skill. (pros sniping with autos is a thing after all)

    • 2129 posts
    May 9, 2021 5:52 PM PDT
    Sybil said:

    You all react like children. first, there is no weapon stronger than others. It depends on skill. fshiteup is absolutely right. The carbine is very good at 25k and it helps new players. Otherwise why weapons as bad as the Railrifle do not cost 15k, the Flamethrower 9.5k or good weapons like the L115A3 at 55k?

    What are you saying lol. you contradicted yourself. You first said that no weapons are better or worse than others, but then went on to explain that the weapons are good and bad because of the price.
    • 2129 posts
    May 9, 2021 5:54 PM PDT
    It’s statistic based as well as skill based.
    • 192 posts
    May 10, 2021 4:39 AM PDT

    fshiteup said:

    agent743 said:

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    The damage on carbine is WAY to high and it takes around 5 shots on the torso to kill them and that is COMPLETLY absurd. we need to make the carbine a bit less O.P so the game can be playable for the ones with less powerfull waepons. and if you guys want to keep the damage the same maybe make it more expinsive like 50k.

    and the mini gun laggy af pls change that to max make it less lag.







    i agree with him it needs to be changed everytime i play some farmers are very strong and im bad killing carbine farmers,and they keep playing and i hate like for example BN (Blue Ninja) was using carbine and im very bad killing him,a12 is op but not average fire rate as carbine.Also the carbine fire rate is same as humvee turret but different damage and very OP HMG,it was very unfair for players to play with carbine farmers.comment what u think my suggestion was like

    I simply can't understand your logic.

    So it's his fault that he's better than you, his fault that he's called a "farmer" and why the carbine must be nerfed? All because you can't outgun him in a gunfight? I guess anyone who's better than you is a "farmer" just because you lose to them?

    So if I outgun you with every single automatic weapon that exists in the game (UMP, Blastgun, VectorX, etc.) it only makes sense to nerf all of them hmmm.



    Bruh..... you cant understand his logic becuse ur a toxic selfish f*ck face Nike farmer bruh

     and stfu this forum makes alot sense carbine is way to OP if skilled player like BN knows how to use it and he out guns everybody if ur to r*tarded to understand that. and if you realized already EVERYONE WITH NO PURCHASED WEAPON HATES CARBINE ur so d*mb and if you speak like dat to agent agian ur in big trouble. we are trying to lower the damage SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A KDR. jesus. and the game will acttually be fun to.

    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 10, 2021 4:52 AM PDT
    • 192 posts
    May 10, 2021 4:57 AM PDT

    Sybil said:

    You all react like children. first, there is no weapon stronger than others. It depends on skill. fshiteup is absolutely right. The carbine is very good at 25k and it helps new players. Otherwise why weapons as bad as the Railrifle do not cost 15k, the Flamethrower 9.5k or good weapons like the L115A3 at 55k?


    And what the frick are you saying why would L115A3 cost 55k are you dum?! so you want us to only have a shotgun and a ump? why do you guys want to make this game so unfair not everybody gets to spend m0ney on this game jesus 

    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 10, 2021 5:04 AM PDT
    • 49 posts
    May 10, 2021 5:34 AM PDT

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    Bruh..... you cant understand his logic becuse ur a toxic selfish f*ck face Nike farmer bruh

     and stfu this forum makes alot sense carbine is way to OP if skilled player like BN knows how to use it and he out guns everybody if ur to r*tarded to understand that. and if you realized already EVERYONE WITH NO PURCHASED WEAPON HATES CARBINE ur so d*mb and if you speak like dat to agent agian ur in big trouble. we are trying to lower the damage SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A KDR. jesus. and the game will acttually be fun to.

    So you both admit that BlueNinja is skilled. That's it, case closed. He can outgun you with any automatic basically.

    Let's see you use a Carbine and do any better than an average player. A quick look at your profile is already giving away the inevitable outcome lol.
    And in what way would you say I was talking to agent743? Did I insult him? What are you, his adopted anti-bully brother around here? What would you do to me, hm?

    This post was edited by fshiteup at May 10, 2021 5:36 AM PDT
    • 192 posts
    May 10, 2021 6:17 AM PDT


    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 10, 2021 9:52 AM PDT
    • 657 posts
    May 10, 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    fshiteup said:

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    Bruh..... you cant understand his logic becuse ur a toxic selfish f*ck face Nike farmer bruh

     and stfu this forum makes alot sense carbine is way to OP if skilled player like BN knows how to use it and he out guns everybody if ur to r*tarded to understand that. and if you realized already EVERYONE WITH NO PURCHASED WEAPON HATES CARBINE ur so d*mb and if you speak like dat to agent agian ur in big trouble. we are trying to lower the damage SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE A KDR. jesus. and the game will acttually be fun to.

    So you both admit that BlueNinja is skilled. That's it, case closed. He can outgun you with any automatic basically.

    Let's see you use a Carbine and do any better than an average player. A quick look at your profile is already giving away the inevitable outcome lol.
    And in what way would you say I was talking to agent743? Did I insult him? What are you, his adopted anti-bully brother around here? What would you do to me, hm?

    "his adopted anti-bully brother around here" XD

    • 192 posts
    May 10, 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    puturnamehere said:

    @PlasmaStrikerZ why do you post forum threads like this when you can't accept others' opinions?


    i can but people dont have to be a Toxic and passive agresive

    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 10, 2021 11:07 AM PDT
    • 242 posts
    May 10, 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Oh boy would you look at that, a forum thread on fire isn't it.

    This post was edited by poisondkindia1 at May 10, 2021 11:36 AM PDT
    • 192 posts
    May 13, 2021 6:53 PM PDT

    poisondkindia1 said:

    Oh boy would you look at that, a forum thread on fire isn't it.

    who asked -___-

    • 14 posts
    May 22, 2021 8:24 AM PDT

    please lower damage to just being a plasma upgrade, theres a reason car turrets are mounted and thats because they are op. you dont need a mobile one

    and before you yell at me "ur nub lelz cant take the 'skill' ", look at my profile. carbine is bad


    This post was edited by kitkatpatywhack at May 22, 2021 8:26 AM PDT
    • 109 posts
    May 26, 2021 3:34 PM PDT

    carbine is good, and way less OP compartively to the more high tear guns. you really need to just get your hands on one and dont refund it. the g36 is almost worce than it, guns after that not so mutch.

    • 2129 posts
    May 26, 2021 3:52 PM PDT
    I actually think that most of the weapons should be buffed.
    • 242 posts
    June 2, 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    for the love of god i dont want update nitifications from this forum

    • 109 posts
    June 9, 2021 7:32 AM PDT

    xSofia said:

    piece of trazh E01Zonder 

    Your still not slick, xSofia(Aira) you fool. And your still a Toxic