garcia16's Polls

9th Poll

How much **** have you guys gotten at ur birthday party, or celebration?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  21 votes  |  386 views
  • BMO and KaDoosh27 like this
  • agent743
    agent743 also xurgery som ppl dont live in USA including me,i do not live in USA so ye that is all what i live at
    June 22, 2021
  • agent743
    agent743 i live at UK btw
    June 22, 2021
    XURGERY Google dudes!Dont just blame or just skip this poll if u dont wanna do anything and asking for others currency!I also in China use Yuan why I know the transfer?Google dudes!
    June 22, 2021
  • agent743
    agent743 i aint blamin i tell him to add it next time,ok
    June 22, 2021