Hello and goodbye all, hope you have a pleasant day.
I decided that after a couple of years staying around I need to get out of here. I'm personally having a hard time of letting go because I'm becoming addicted easily, to anything honestly. But now I need this, I have a choice and I'm not letting myself go blind after this dumb game and toxic community.
I will not put any special thanks for anyone in particular, but I do believe that anyone who was somewhat close to me deserves one. I had good times, and even developed editing skills both in 2D and 3D, which I am thankful for (though I feel they were performed for the wrong purposes). I might even use that in the future.
I also put here a link with all skins I have ever made, including the .obj files & .xcf files (can be opened with GIMP), but most skins are not updated for the new or future addmission guidelines, so they might need a few pixels added. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13_jVrK75B6MLKfl-VT7F0FdazrMUEPcW?usp=sharing
I want you all as well to reconsider you being on this site. It depends what kind of person you are, but I think being stuck here is a result of having a difficulty in your personal life, which I personally had most of my time here. Consider making yourself a better person in reality, and not try build your fake self or virtual self on this game, or any other one.
I hope either this community will become fine for everyone and will lack toxication, or either FarzBlack will take over and destroy everything with an army of 15-23 yo idiots with no life.
Will hopefully not see you around, goodbye!