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Nerf M67?

    • 285 posts
    September 28, 2020 1:34 PM PDT

    I asked people to give their opinion on M67, because I personally beleived it required a nerf, or M67 spam needed to be taken care of. A lot of people commented and summarized and added my personal opinion in a video, which is below: 


    I'm creating this topic so that it can be discussed further. So if you have anything to say, here's your place. 

    • 176 posts
    September 28, 2020 2:04 PM PDT
    I Guees they should increase the m67 price and lower damage .
    • 539 posts
    September 28, 2020 5:57 PM PDT

    I've said it elsewhere, but I'll put it on the forums for posterity:

    You aren't going to fix this weapon by nerfing the sh*t out of the only fun utility item. We need more creative ideas than that, ones that make the other utility items actually worth using. When theres a better alternative to the M67, people will start to use that more. Instead of nerfing M67 damage (or increasing the price which is REALLY not going to work because people already own the item), buff the Trapmine. Buff the PlasmaGrenade. Don't touch the Tomahawk though, it's finally good.


    Here's some ideas to get you thinking:

    The plasma grenade is free, so it needs to be weaker than premium weapons, right?


    The UMP and L115A3 are both free, and they're VERY competitive (The L115A3 is still the best sniper rifle in the entire game), so the plasma grenades should be more interesting to use at the very least. I have a couple ideas for this one:

    1. Grenades teleport to your crosshair when you press V, then do the normal countdown
    2. Grenades are thrown as normal, but do not have a timer for explosion until they touch something (they still stick to players)
    3. (controversial) If a grenade passes VERY close to a player, but doesn't contact them directly, the grenade will magnetically snap to that player and start the countdown timer as normal.

    Now for Trapmines; these are defensive items at their core. You use them to secure a small opening/doorway, and when one goes off, you know that a player is nearby to that mine. Lets take that idea one step farther:

    Mines would now reveal a player nametag to the entire enemy team for 10 seconds if they take damage from a mine. This makes avoiding or disarming mines even more valuable, and makes placing good mines critical for defensive strats on elimination modes.



    Hopefully I have convinced you that there are other options besides nerfing the M67s to make the game more enjoyable to play.

    • 226 posts
    September 28, 2020 7:18 PM PDT

    This is probably a stupid idea. But Might as well throw it out there. If instead of nerfing or buffing the lethal additional weapons, there was also "tactical" additional items, whereas disarming, disabling, or blinding enemies. Similar to Sterben's EMP idea. What about something like a Flashbang or smoke grenade to blind and dissorient the enemy instead of damaging?

    • 539 posts
    September 28, 2020 7:26 PM PDT

    Bessolov said:

    This is probably a stupid idea. But Might as well throw it out there. If instead of nerfing or buffing the lethal additional weapons, there was also "tactical" additional items, whereas disarming, disabling, or blinding enemies. Similar to Sterben's EMP idea. What about something like a Flashbang or smoke grenade to blind and dissorient the enemy instead of damaging?

    Thats fun, which is good. Assuming those items exist in the same utility slot that mines or grenades do, you have to choose between those fun items and the M67s. That will make fewer people use them, and reduce "M67 spam". It takes more work to do, but it does basically the same thing that my idea does, but with new items.

    • 226 posts
    September 29, 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Yeah, you made a good point up there. (I didn't quit realize that I was basically reiterating some of the things you said already). Most people overlook the idea of making the game more enjoyable overall, instead of focusing on certain buffs or nerfs to particular items. As with the Tomahawks being nerfed, I feel that it has a better outcome than its previous predecessor. As in that it doesn't feel too overpowered or too weakened, making it more fun to use.