We were playing together with shroomi, and we noticed that the De.monio player was using some kind of lag, as his ping was normal 90-110, but he seemed to be teleporting. That's abuse, it would be good if you could check the video I sent you. Thank you.
Dem doesn't use lag he's from Colombia and he was playing on a USA East server what do you expect for him to have 40 ping ? And also the new update max released caused for some players to start lagging same with me I get ping spikes when my net is good, you obviously don't know how lag works and he's not abusing it he knows nothing on how to abuse
Well even still, that counts as lag abuse. I mean theres not mutch you can do about it really, and it use to be WAY worce back in the day (400.500,700,800 ping guys in pre nerf jets + snipers/stronger guns) thats why max set the ping limit to 300 before auto kick. but even still being a lag ****** is a D move. But that wont stop people from joining servers baced on pop vs closeness to location of server. also as veronz said, ping has also been a bit unstable lately.