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Weapon Damages & Some Mechanics

    • 121 posts
    October 11, 2022 3:16 PM PDT


    1) LSMG can do burst fire but it will has low weapon clip. 

    2) Mini-g should deal more damage both players and vehicles. Recoil for mini-g also needs to be increased. 

    3) RPG must has 1 rocket, player needs to stand still and aim then fire rocket. RPG must do instant kill if clear shot done. 

    4) Increase recoil for G36 & Carbine.

    5) High recoil for shotguns. When fired at close range it can do instant kill. 

    6) Increase recoil when player opens fire while charging

    7) Decrease damage when player opens fire far too long distance 

    8) Knives should not do instant kill unless we getting stabbed from head

    9) EMP grenade can deactive mines, player shield and can make player radar unusable for certain time.

    10) HummerTurret should has bullet limit. 

    11) Increase damage for each weapon.

  • Yoh
    • 45 posts
    October 11, 2022 5:46 PM PDT
    Max can u still add ammo to the gravity gun instead of stamina ? xD
    Also if u can add the cape motion back it would be cool to use capes ..
    This post was edited by Yoh at October 11, 2022 5:48 PM PDT
    • 41 posts
    October 13, 2022 7:59 AM PDT

    Kalamar said:


    1) LSMG can do burst fire but it will has low weapon clip. 

    2) Mini-g should deal more damage both players and vehicles. Recoil for mini-g also needs to be increased. 

    3) RPG must has 1 rocket, player needs to stand still and aim then fire rocket. RPG must do instant kill if clear shot done. 

    4) Increase recoil for G36 & Carbine.

    5) High recoil for shotguns. When fired at close range it can do instant kill. 

    6) Increase recoil when player opens fire while charging

    7) Decrease damage when player opens fire far too long distance 

    8) Knives should not do instant kill unless we getting stabbed from head

    9) EMP grenade can deactive mines, player shield and can make player radar unusable for certain time.

    10) HummerTurret should has bullet limit. 

    11) Increase damage for each weapon.

    Counter for some of these:

    4. Carbine needs a small damage or fire rate nerf. Recoil barely has any effect in this game. 

    8. Knives being able to instant kill is fine in my opinion, as you have to be up close to the player and you lose the reletive saftey of shooting from a distance. 

    3. RPG having the three rockets it has now is fine, though it should do more damage to vehicles and players. 

    5. Shotguns have enough agaist them as it is. They're meant to be used for extreme close quarters combat and being able to instant kill with them at that range is completly acceptable given the way the shotgun fires and the slow fire rate of both the STG-12 and Blast shotgun. 

    7. While damage fall off is a nice mechanic in most games, Warmerise barely has any maps other than custom ones that justify having this mechanic. Plus, even on this custom maps that have massive distances, having damage fall off would be harmful to players if they hit their shots.